The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on January 5, 2009 By CharlesCS In Internet
Sorry if I missed any articles on this but am I the only one who can only see only some of the categories in the forums? I cant find the blogging, religion or even personal relationships (and several others). They are not even in order as they were before on the side bar. I have tried cleaning the cache, refreshing and to no avail. I can't always access some articles from the main page and can not find them when looking for them in the forums since I cant find the categories.

Thank you.

on Jan 05, 2009

Charles, are you posting on JU or this a "cross over" thread?

on Jan 05, 2009

JU as far as I  know

on Jan 05, 2009

If you posted to them, try "My replies".  I think they are AWOL.

on Jan 05, 2009

It's just you, Charles. You are missing alot.

on Jan 05, 2009

obviously charles your blog has had some categories stolen, report this to the FCC>

on Jan 05, 2009

It's a Communist plot....



Most things are.....

on Jan 05, 2009

I know a few months ago there was some shuffling around of categories in the forums. 



on Jan 05, 2009

HG_Eliminator holds them for ransom till Pizza has been dropped off in the Specified area..



on Jan 05, 2009

Crikey!, we had religion & personal relationships

on Jan 05, 2009


on Jan 06, 2009

LOL, so all I have to do is drop a pizza at the designated area and I can get my categories back? What kind of pizza and wheres the drop zone?

Crikey!, we had religion & personal relationships

Religion? Yea. Personal relationships? Well, once posted here, I don't think it was personal anymore.

on Jan 08, 2009

It's a Communist plot....

It's so pleasing to know I'm not the only one with conspiracy theories going on in my....


Or was this just another Stardock conspiracy to wheedle out the conspiracy theorists who

are able to publicly reveal Stardocks covert operat... er, conspiracies.