The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Dear President Barack H. Obama:

On this your first day as President of the United States of America, I just wanted to say thank you for taking upon the task of leading this country. Like so many before you, achieving the position of the leader of the Free World is no easy task; handling the job will not be any easier. While I did not vote for you and do not agree with your policies, as a citizen of this country, I will accept you as my President and will give you the respect you deserve and the benefit of the doubt that you will have the peoples best interest in mind. This, however, does not mean you will be free from criticism. As an American citizen, it is my job to make sure I point out that which I think does not have the people’s best interest in mind (Bush was held by the same standards by everyone else) in the most biased way possible. As the sayings go:

“He who is free from sin cast the first stone”


“To err is human”

As the President of this country, you wouldn’t expect anything less from us. Many of your policies I do not agree with, but am willing give a try for I have to believe your intentions are good, though you know what they say about the road to hell. Still, I said I would give you the benefit of the doubt. The next 4 years will definitely be history in the making and I will hope for the best (and expect the worst).

May history show good things during your Administration for it’s in the best interest of me, my family and the people of this country and may your life as a President be decent, comfortable and safe.

Yours truly

A humble American citizen.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 20, 2009

Charles, I edited out some weird characters that were pasted into the HTML.  No content was changed. 

on Jan 20, 2009

Very nice.  I feel the same way.  I hope he really does turn things around.

on Jan 20, 2009

A good letter.  Unlike the opposition, who still think they lived in another country the past 8 years.  Yes he is my president.  But that does not mean he is free from error.

on Jan 20, 2009

Thanks ID. I wrote this on Word then pasted it to scribefire. Seems to have issues when doing that. Wont do it again

on Jan 20, 2009

He ain't the President, he flubbed the freakin' oath, for crying out loud.

I noticed that as well. Kinda funny how he basically proved to everyone he can't be without a teleprompter. Even when he "cough" wrote it himself.

on Jan 20, 2009

Very nice. I feel the same way

Thank you

on Jan 20, 2009

He ain't the President, he flubbed the freakin' oath, for crying out loud.

It wasn't flubbin.  The Chief Justice who swore him in, didn't use notes, or read from anything and changed the wording a bit, Obama, probably already knowing the content  of the words, said what it should be  then realised that the Chief Justice didn't say what he was repeating.  This was stated by Peter Jennings in his broadcast.  The wording is still correct, and he is still President. 

on Jan 20, 2009

I noticed that as well. Kinda funny how he basically proved to everyone he can't be without a teleprompter. Even when he "cough" wrote it himself.

 Seriously, get it right! 

on Jan 20, 2009

Seriously, get it right!

Dont get testy. I was talking about his speech, not when he was repeating the other guys words. I gues wI got confused here. Still, he did fumble a bit. After all, he is human. A human who needs a teleprompter. 

on Jan 21, 2009

Dont get testy

No, you don't get testy Charles, you seem to be trying to invoke the feeling of good will, but each time you stab a knife in each word you say.  You can't have it both ways so stop contradicting yourself!

on Jan 21, 2009

Still, he did fumble a bit

I don't believe I said he didn't fumble, of course he did because of the error made by Chief Justice Roberts, that's all I am saying. 

on Jan 21, 2009

I wish him well in his presidency.  I don't expect him to perform miracles, but I do hope things change for the better.

on Jan 21, 2009

No, you don't get testy Charles, you seem to be trying to invoke the feeling of good will, but each time you stab a knife in each word you say. You can't have it both ways so stop contradicting yourself!

Speaking of "what do you expect", you do know I am a Conservative right? You didn't expect me to bow down on my knees to Obama like you people have, right? He may be my President, be he sure is no Saint, no God, no be all, end all solution and nothing more special than any other President before him. He is just another politician, plain and simple.

on Jan 21, 2009

Charles, I edited out some weird characters that were pasted into the HTML. No content was changed.

If you're getting rid of weird characters JU is going to be empty.

on Jan 21, 2009

If you're getting rid of weird characters JU is going to be empty.

I'm still here so something must have gone wrong with his editing.

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