The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on October 13, 2009 By CharlesCS In Internet

Leave it to me to be the geek of the family yet am always the last one to find out and use new tech, which by then is "old school". I recently started getting into listening to podcasting. It started when I got tired of listening to my music at work and movies (no, I did not watch movies at work I just listened to the audio. Think of it as an audio book but with less details). I needed something else to listen to so that I could concentrate on my work and not listen to the constant chatter going around in the office that can be so distracting.

Although I have an iPod and iTunes, I never really got into it till recently. I started looking for news podcast first but found very little since I was basically looking in all the wrong places. Now I listen to tech shows such as and Little by little I have found more stuff to listen to and now have my iTunes set to certain podcast to download everyday.

So, do you listen to podcast as oppose to radio or even TV shows? What do you listen to? Here's some podcast I listen to:

  • NPR
  • Tekzilla

I'm still looking for more interesting podcast so please share your podcast favorites. Any category will be fine. Or if you do podcast yourself, please share.

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on Oct 14, 2009

I have been a fan of Winsupersite, with Paul Thurott, and used to listen to his Windows Weekly podcast, but streamed from online. I recently bought a Zune HD, and have been downloading it through Zune software onto my Zune. I'm still trying to figure out the software, and the podcast subscription thing. But I really enjoy listening to it once a week. I see they ( have some others I might try.