The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
We got more guns than we can shoot? Or maybe not enough.
Published on September 4, 2007 By CharlesCS In Current Events
Inspired by ModerateMan’s article “NOW This one is guaranteed to blow your mind!”, I came across some interesting facts about Americans and guns while doing some research (I’m learning, aren’t I?). Did you know that the US is the most armed country with 90 guns for every 100 people? That’s about 270 million guns in the US at this moment. Wow, that’s a lot of guns; all thanks to the US Constitution and its Second Amendment.

India followed with 4 guns per every 100 people and China was third with 3 per every 100 people. Now, here’s an interesting question I came across on another website talking about this huge number of guns in the US. Is this something to be proud of? I don’t get it, why does it matter if we are proud of this accomplishment or not? Oh yea, did I mention this was a Democrat who asked this? Leave it to a Democrat to scream when they think Bush is taking away your rights and freedom, breaking Constitutional Laws and then turn around and complain about the Second Amendment.

So, why do you think we have so many guns compared to other nations? I think that’s simple, thanks to our Forefathers beliefs that every American should have the right to bare arms as the Second Amendment states; it gives the American people a check and balance power against the Gov’t. Something countries like China and India lack, after all you wouldn’t want to rule a country with an iron fist while allowing your citizens to bare arms to us against you? Add poverty rates to the equation and you get a lack of money and ability to arm yourself.

So, is being #1 Most Armed Country in the World such a bad thing? I think not, considering that it give the average American the edge against our Gov’t just in case they want to put themselves higher than they already think they are. I mean, after all, do we really wanna end up like China? Having even our Internet restricted just so we can not revolutionize against the Gov’t?

Funny, anyone ever notice how the Democrats want to keep you poor (because they are the ones who vote Democratic most of the time), dependent on the Gov’t and free of guns? Gotta wonder how one would fight back when you’re hungry, dependent of a system that can take it away anytime and unarmed?

So what do you all think about this?

Reuters: U.S. most armed country with 90 guns per 100 people

US Constitution Wiki

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 05, 2007
Featured? Nice.
on Sep 05, 2007
I didn't notice, I use the forums more often nowadays. But then I miss out on which ones are featured, and which ones aren't...

So congratulations!
on Sep 06, 2007
thanks to our Forefathers beliefs that every American should have the right to bare arms as the Second Amendment states; it gives the American people a check and balance power against the Gov’t.

So our Gov is functioning under the threat of the gun? Is that how it is supposed to be?

I thought it is a Gov. democratically elected OR ejected by the VOTES not a mafia syndicate installed OR deposed by the gun.

and the gun is now part of the checks and balances of the US Gov? not the Congress and the Judiciary?

Is that why the Forefathers put that Amend. there?

i think this is very strange and misguided understanding of the whole issue.

Do you realize that is how dictatorships are created? keep in mind that whoever lives by the sowrd ..... sooner or later will also die by the sowrd
on Sep 06, 2007
the US is the most armed country with 90 guns for every 100 people?

India followed with 4 guns per every 100 people and China was third with 3 per every 100 people.

So, why do you think we have so many guns compared to other nations? I think that’s simple, thanks to our Forefathers beliefs that every American should have the right to bare arms as the Second Amendment states; it gives the American people a check and balance power against the Gov’t. Something countries like China and India lack, after all you wouldn’t want to rule a country with an iron fist while allowing your citizens to bare arms to us against you?

there's a simple explanation, but it ain't the simplistic one you've suggested.

what that stat indicates is americans are more willing and able to afford guns than citizens of other countries.

focusing on the estimated number of guns located inside any individual country's borders seems seems to have distracted you from a more relevant ratio, namely estimated number of firearms per capita. on that basis, according to reuters:

Yemen had the second most heavily armed citizenry behind the United States, with 61 guns per 100 people, followed by Finland with 56, Switzerland with 46, Iraq with 39 and Serbia with 38.

you musta become very confused by this whole topic. apparently you've yet to realize this lil gem not only revealed your obvious ignorance of india but fatally undercut whatever argument you thought you were making here:

it gives the American people a check and balance power against the Gov’t. Something countries like China and India lack, after all you wouldn’t want to rule a country with an iron fist while allowing your citizens to bare arms to us against you?

on Sep 06, 2007
So our Gov is functioning under the threat of the gun? Is that how it is supposed to be?

Funny how you people always take things so literally. What it means (which I explained already) is that it allows the American Citizen a balance of power in case the Gov’t decided to turn into a dictatorship type of Gov’t. This is not something that can happen over night but as an example the Patriot Act takes away a few freedoms that many Americans don’t like but there it is, in the Patriot Act. And yes, it should be that way. As you can see currently the Gov’t is not necessarily following the will of the people and if it came down to brute force to change that who would you rather have holding the guns? Just ask a Cuban, he’ll tell you.

I thought it is a Gov. democratically elected OR ejected by the VOTES not a mafia syndicate installed OR deposed by the gun.

Mafia, now that’s funny. But then the Gov’t does what it wants and I see very few Americans doing something about it. Sure, we can vote them out, but imagine if somehow they passed a law supposedly giving them some kind of temporary power over everything and use terrorism and a large attack in the US as an excuse to take away our freedoms for our benefits. Kinda like the Patriot Act. This could happen if enough people vote for it and with enough fear tactics, it would seem possible. These are just possibilities dude, don’t get your panties in a knot.

and the gun is now part of the checks and balances of the US Gov? not the Congress and the Judiciary?

I said it gives people a check and balance power, not that it was part of the US check and balance power. Jesus, do I have to explain detail by detail everything here? I thought you people were smarter than this.

Is that why the Forefathers put that Amend. there?

That’s not something I can say for sure since I wasn’t there to ask them and that is not what I said. This is merely an interpretation of it.

i think this is very strange and misguided understanding of the whole issue.

Hey, another right that you have to believe what you want. Doesn’t mean you are right, merely an opinion and I won’t take that from you. Feel free to create an article explaining your interpretation of it.

Do you realize that is how dictatorships are created? keep in mind that whoever lives by the sowrd ..... sooner or later will also die by the sowrd

LOL, dictators are not created by giving the people the power to fight back. How did you even come to that conclusion? Dictators are created by taking away the peoples abilities to fight back; this is how some forms of martial arts were created. People were disarmed so as to not be able to fight back against a well armed army and therefore forced to create a fighting style that would allow them to fight back with smaller weapons or without them. Like I said before, just ask a Cuban about there being weapons in the hands of regular Cubans other than illegal ones.
on Sep 06, 2007
what that stat indicates is americans are more willing and able to afford guns than citizens of other countries.

Isn't that what I said? Kinda?

Yemen had the second most heavily armed citizenry behind the United States, with 61 guns per 100 people, followed by Finland with 56, Switzerland with 46, Iraq with 39 and Serbia with 38.

Are the legally or illegally? because my point was having them legally as we do.

you musta become very confused by this whole topic. apparently you've yet to realize this lil gem not only revealed your obvious ignorance of india but fatally undercut whatever argument you thought you were making here:

it gives the American people a check and balance power against the Gov’t. Something countries like China and India lack, after all you wouldn’t want to rule a country with an iron fist while allowing your citizens to bare arms to us against you?

Hey, I'm going based on the article from Reuters. And this concept may not apply to every country. But thanks for pointing it out, you somewhat cured my ignorance. I never claimed to be a genius or a very well educated person. I go by what i read, research and understand. I post looking for other opinions and even errors in my views. So like I said before, thanks. Even though you were actually trying to insult me as oppose to correct me.
on Sep 06, 2007
and the gun is now part of the checks and balances of the US Gov? not the Congress and the Judiciary?

That is a riot. COngress and the Judiciary are PART of the government. Someone failed US Civics 101.
on Sep 06, 2007
I love the Constitution. I think most Americans like the Constitution. I don't think it's outdated, or a bad way to run a government. I think the government has just overstepped it's power, and that's why the government sucks. So we should all grab our guns, at least 9 of 10 of us, and go make them follow the Constitution again!
on Sep 07, 2007
Weapons keep the government from being any more invasive than they already are. As A paranoid JEW I keep weapons around just in case anyone decided it's time to round up some JEWS, NEVER AGAIN!!!!
on Sep 09, 2007
If the US was the target of a mass nuclear assault followed by a real land invasion would you want to be trying to protect your family with a hatchet or an assault rifle. The threat may not be eminant but it is still very real. If the governement decided a state of emergency due to something such as terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and the White House with ohhh lets say planes crashing into them. Would you want to trust your life and wellbeing to your neigbors? If a riot breaks out in your city and people are burning and looting your neighborhood do you want to be the one without a gun? I think our forefathers were very aware of how important and naturally innate the need to protect oneself is.
on Sep 09, 2007
If the US was the target of a mass nuclear assault followed by a real land invasion would you want to be trying to protect your family with a hatchet or an assault rifle.

imagine how different things woulda been had survivors of those bombs dropped over nagasaki and hiroshima only been better armed.

but i take your point.

ownership of 1 assualt weapon per family is permitted in that bastion of stability and security known as iraq--my choice for nra posternation six years running.
on Sep 09, 2007
Isn't that what I said? Kinda?

not in this article.

Are the legally or illegally? because my point was having them legally as we do

if you'd done any research (other than reading the reuters article) as you claimed here:

I came across some interesting facts about Americans and guns while doing some research

you'd know the answer.

Even though you were actually trying to insult me as oppose to correct me.

you take insult at correction and suggestions for improvement. why waste my time doing both?
on Sep 11, 2007
not in this article.

Funny, I could have sworn I wrote this on the article "Add poverty rates to the equation and you get a lack of money and ability to arm yourself". I guess you didn't get the point that Americans having a much better economy than most countries, we are able to afford weapons. Sorry if I didn't explain myself better, I know it pains you to have to lower yourself to my mentality.

if you'd done any research (other than reading the reuters article) as you claimed here:

Perhaps I was more correct about you trying to insult me than I thought. I said some, not a lot. And as you can see I posted more than 1 link. But hey, again, I don't expect you genius to understand my slow moving brain.

you take insult at correction and suggestions for improvement. why waste my time doing both?

Coming from you, it's an insult. You don't correct people, you try to put them down by trying to point out how stupid they sound as oppose to simply trying to point out their mistake. It use to bother me before, but I already notice that you are simply looking to make yourself feel better so you pick on people, like me, who are a bit below your caliber but avoid people like LW who will fry you like catfish. So point away King Almighty, just remember that your will will not be done.

You also like to return to articles just to see if that particular person responded back to you just so you can pick that reply apart as well. I personally don't care. You're replies only continue to prove my point, but that's OK. They say that there is always someone smarter than you, I figure you search for the less smarter ones so you can feed your ego. You know, the one that came up with the name of yours? Kingbee?
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