The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

No, I am not gonna give details here of myself that may prone a stalker to find me and maybe even try to kill me. But considering most here know very little about me, I would like to talk about myself a bit here.

I was born and raised in New Jersey and am of Puerto Rican background. I have always considered myself an American first, Puerto Rican second. I love my country and have always been proud to be American (even though being Puerto Rican would have still made me an American). I was lucky enough to learn both English and Spanish at the same time without the accent some acquire while learning a second language later on.

I’m a fun loving father, of 2 great boys, who enjoys good company but does not like drinking alcohol as part of the gathering except maybe for an important celebration such as New Years Day or maybe reaching a goal, yet I have limits. I never married the mother of my children, the reasons are many, but we have accepted out status and are happy with it. My parents never married either, I wonder if it runs in the family (maybe I’ll elaborate some more in the comments. As some may already know, I am also a chatterbox. I admit it’s hard for me to be quiet and I tend to overtake conversations. Sometimes a conversation between me and others becomes a unilateral talk of me saying everything and the others either listening or looking for a way to escape without being rude (LOL). One of my main topics to talk to people is technology; while I don’t post much on JU about technology (that will change though), I enjoy talking to people about the latest in this and that. I read a lot about the newest in computer technology, problems with existing technology and how to do something new that the gadget or hardware was not really meant for. I do, however, have a problem finding people who to talk to about this kind of stuff. Not a lot of techies in my family and I don’t exactly have a lot of friends either. Sad but true, I always figured my stay-at-home mentality combined with my lack of taste for alcohol, my non-stop talking problem and my personality play a big part in my list of friends being very short.

My favorite car is the 69’ Chevy Camaro Convertible. Oh how I dream of owning one someday. Maybe even do the rebuilding myself, though I am not much of a mechanic for a guy. And now my dream has been surpassed by not only having my favorite car brought back to life but also given a more modern look which I love. The new 2009 Chevy Camaro (as seen on the Transformers movie, sported by BumbleBee) is everything I love in a 69 Camaro with all the latest in today’s technology. I believe I will reach my dream someday, it’s one of my many goals in life.

Some here already know, I am a big fan on the 80’s. Everything from the music (Huey Lewis and the News, Madonna, Bad English), to the movies (Back to the Future Trilogy, Footloose, Howard the Duck) to the fashions. I loved how women looked in the 80’s (well most anyways). Ever had a crush on an 80’s movie star? I had it bad for Winona Rider. I thought she was hot. I eventually turned my focus on a Rachael Leigh Cook and Christina Ricci. God, these women are so beautiful. J Oddly enough I never saw these women till the 90’s but I’m not picky. J The 80’s were a great time for me. A time to be young and free of problems, a time when technology began to make big strides, sad to say I never really got to enjoy most of it because we moved to Puerto Rico in the 80’s and technology was not something common in my small little town. But they were still great years.

Today I still enjoy the 80’s. My music collection is everything I can dream of. Movies are at my finger tips with Blockbuster online and Netflix. And rumor has it the 80’s are coming back. Who knows? I would love to see women dress like that again. Back then they left a little bit more to the imagination.

Well, there’s a lot more about me but I don’t want to bore you any more than I already have.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 13, 2008

Hey, what about flock of seagulls and depeche mode??!?! Just kidding. I wouldn't mind having a delorian to drive around in though. Here's a question- if you could go back in time to the 80's, would you, and what would you do???

In regards to the promise of new technology that's a very fickle topic. Back in the 50's we believed that by now we would have colonies on mars and big vacations would be on rocket ships to other planets.... but one thing we definitely didn't foresee were things like the internet or nanotech (that's another one that still has yet to be fully realized but could change everything)

on May 13, 2008
Flock of Seagulls is great but Dead Or Alive is better. The DeLorean is nice, but I would rather have KIT if given the choice. 80's TV shows ruled. To this day you can't find shows that can beat Knight Rider, the A-Team and the Dukes Of Hazard.

What would I do? Hmmm, I would definitely be less shy around girls and date as much as I can. Now if we talking about crazy stuff, I dont think I would have done anything different. I liked the person I was, even if I didn't get it back then.
on May 13, 2008
80s? Eh, other than most of my children being born then, it is not something I remember findly. Thankfully, my youngest son (a product of the 90s) hates 80s music as well. He says they stopped making good music in the mid 70s. He is my son!
on May 13, 2008
Tell the truth, Charles. Your partner is little more than a baby-mamma whom you will not marry because to do so would cause her to lose her welfare benefits. Just one more household the taxpayers are supporting while dad brings home a paycheck while mom pretends he's absent so she can live on the dole.

Hehe, not sure what you are talking about though I know what you're getting at here. MY children's mother actually works. We both bring home the bacon and we both share in the bills, the up bringing of our children and the chores around the house. Though before she did less chores than I did but sometimes things turn out that way.

Come on LW. You can do better.
on May 13, 2008
So that's what you look like. You had nice hair. I can see why you did not want to cut it. I'm actually a sucker for readheads. (go ahead, use what I just said)
on May 13, 2008
80s? Eh, other than most of my children being born then, it is not something I remember findly. Thankfully, my youngest son (a product of the 90s) hates 80s music as well. He says they stopped making good music in the mid 70s. He is my son!

I was a teen in the 80's so I grew up on the TV shows, movies and music. I will have to agree with your son, the 70's had great music as well. It was the 90's when I began to lose the taste for what was the latest greatest on the radio. If you look at my music collection both English and Spanish, at least 75% of it is from the 80's or before.
on May 13, 2008
I grew up in the 80s. 80s was a fun time in terms of entertainment. There were action movies that were all about action and which didn't care if they made sense. Rambo can take an army. Chuck Norris can kick a man through the wall. And you didn't need to understand all that CSI science for a good detective show. There were love songs that was just about love and not about making statements. Those were the days.
on May 13, 2008
Good for her, then, but I'm willing to bet that your household also recieves some form of government aid that the household would not qualify for if your own income was included.

If tax returns qualify then yes. Otherwise I can only think of 1 thing we benefit from the Gov't. We save $100 a month out of what would have been s$00 a month on Child Daycare services. But that will be over this year when my youngest son goes to Kinder. This was the Daycares idea. Who doesn't like to save a few bucks, right? BTW, both of our incomes are always included in everything. Just because we are not legally married does not mean we treat everything as if we are single. As far as everyone is concerned we are married. The only places I admit to being single is on my drivers license and on my taxes.

Care to try again?

on May 13, 2008
Thank you. And as far as 'using what you just said' A compliment is a compliment, and accepting them graciously is a skill many people never learn.

You have to forgive me LW but when a person says something nice but still gets a kick in the chin, you can't really expect them to not expect another kick in the chin after saying something nice again.

You're all going to have to wait a week or more for the photos, though. We took a roll and a half during the process, and will take the rest this weekend, then have 'em developed on disk so I can post a slide-show. I might write more about the experience later today, (after my pain meds kick in) because I want to express myself while those feelings are fresh in my mind, but in a way I think I should save all that for when I can actually post the pics of my new look.

I look forward to them and your comments as usual.

If nothing else, Charles, I hope the av I have up now shows you I ain't all that scary after all, just a middle aged housewife with a sharp tongue and a low tolerance for foolishness.

I have said it before and say it again. I believe you are a nice person in a way. It just baffles me why you have such strong dislike for me. I can remember almost every encounter we have had in the past and I just can not recall anything I could have said or done to deserve such a treatment from you. I know you have a sharp tong (hehe) but with me it's been very personal even when you guys say not to take it personal.

I'll be honest with you. While I would not normally care, I find it very disturbing. I know I can be annoying at times and would deserve such treatment when I do. But your attitude came out of the blue and has had me confused ever since. And since I could not get an understanding of the problem, I decided to just follow along in the game.
on May 13, 2008
BOO! btw, it's 'redhead', although I *do* read a lot, so I suppose readhead is accurate as well.

That's what I get for typing too fast. But maybe you are right about the reading part. You really do read a lot. I find it hard to understand why I don't like reading books yet I can read so much on this site alone.
on May 13, 2008
I was a teen in the 80's so I grew up on the TV shows, movies and music. I will have to agree with your son, the 70's had great music as well.

I can understand that. I grew up with Gilligan's Island, and they dont seem to make them like that any more.

When you think about it, I was riding on the initial surge of TV. It really got its start in the 50s, but got gowing fast and heavy in the 60s. My mother did not know TV until she was almost an adult, so there are not really any "old" series for me, just old movies. And then I have been around to see most of them when they were made verus on the "Classic" channel.
on May 13, 2008

Yeah Charles, glad to see ya moving on!

Hey, I knew all this stuff about you already except the camaro and the 80's part, though I think I knew and forget the latter.

I was a teen in the 80's.  It was a fun.

Some things I know about you that didn't get posted recently bought a car, you went back to PR for some reason, hated it, then came back to the states.

You hate the welfare mentality of PR and think its ridiculous how much money they get from our gov.

Sometimes your girlfriend (sorry, can't call her your wife no matter what you all worked out) pisses you off.  Which may seem fairly common with everyone, except when you post about it here we usually give ya a hard time for not marrying her.

When I see you in my head, I see the early years of Tony Montana (Al Pacino-Scarface).  Not the actual physical attributes or the crime, but the blatant observations which are usually hysterical. 

That's all I got.

on May 13, 2008
Wow. I can only recall a few--like our disagreement about referring to soldiers as 'kids'--so maybe I've been meaner to you than I recall. Feel free to post some quotes to refresh my memory.

Actually the correct word was "boys". I said "our boys" and it actually offended, I believe, Texas Wahine because her husband is or was over there. A common word used by the average person not just towards soldiers but people in general. Never thought it would be insulting in any way and I still don't think it is. But I can't change my mind every time someone found something I say offensive just because they do, especially something thats very common and not exactly offensive.

I am not too good at searching for specific quotes from the articles since its been years since we've been going thru this but here is what I remember:

One of your first comments to me, in a rude manner, was when I was wondering about the site seeming a bit slow on the comments. I figured something was going on but was unaware of the updates the site was going thru since I was skipping the main page and going straight to the forums and missed the announcement article. You said to me in a very rude manner the reasons it was slow and kinda told me to read up next time. I tried to question why the hostility over a simply question and you began to point out how stupid I was for not reading the article that said the site would be down for many. That's pretty much what started this whole back and forth between us.

You're baffled, Charles, because you're dead wrong on that. I don't have a strong dislike for you, I often find you mildly annoying but that's about it. You've admitted that you get some sort of kick out of deliberately annoying me, but then wonder why you aren't my favorite blogger here?

Well, I said that out of frustration. I was bored, tired and just didn't care what I said. I don't like annoying people to make enemies. I like to annoying in a fun, happy manner to get some laughs. You know, harmless poking just to mess around and brighten things up a bit. I have always believed a bit of humor goes a long way, most of the time anyways.
on May 13, 2008
I can understand that. I grew up with Gilligan's Island, and they dont seem to make them like that any more.

Hah, great show, that and Fantasy Island. Hell I even watched The Love Boat. Those were the good old days.

When you think about it, I was riding on the initial surge of TV. It really got its start in the 50s, but got gowing fast and heavy in the 60s. My mother did not know TV until she was almost an adult, so there are not really any "old" series for me, just old movies. And then I have been around to see most of them when they were made verus on the "Classic" channel.

Believe it or not one of my fav TV shows was and still is The Honeymooners. Nothing funnier than watching Smokey (always in hot pursuit in Smokey and the Bandit, now you know why I use to call myself DJBandit) play Ralph, always wanting to send his wife to the moon, pow!, zoom. LOL.

on May 13, 2008
Yeah Charles, glad to see ya moving on!

Hey, I knew all this stuff about you already except the camaro and the 80's part, though I think I knew and forget the latter.

Hehe, happens to the best of us.

I was a teen in the 80's. It was a fun.

Some of the best memories in my life. Especially the girls I fell in love with. Mmmmm, they still look great today, some do anyways.

Some things I know about you that didn't get posted recently bought a car, you went back to PR for some reason, hated it, then came back to the states.

Yea, I was going thru a rough time and had just been fired by my own brother over an argument so I figured Puerto Rico might have given me a chance to start all over. It only made things worse so i came back and am doing much better now than I ever was before though I'm still struggling a bit. The new (well slightly used) car is proof of my improvements considering i got it with my own credit, as bad as it is.

You hate the welfare mentality of PR and think its ridiculous how much money they get from our gov.

Let's just say Puerto Rico is the perfect Democrat breeding ground. I still feel the same way, nothing but a bunch of ingrates who don't appreciate what they have. Not all of them of course, but the majority think this way.

Sometimes your girlfriend (sorry, can't call her your wife no matter what you all worked out) pisses you off. Which may seem fairly common with everyone, except when you post about it here we usually give ya a hard time for not marrying her

I understand perfectly. It's just the way things are. Hopefully we'll change that soon though. If anything for the kids. And so I am not anymore like my father than I already am.
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