Well, there have been signs that there still is some racism in the US, obviously not as bad as it once was many decades ago. But one thing is for sure, there are people out there doing what they can to keep it alive.
The color black is usually referred to the absence of light, does not reflect or emit light. Black is usually connected to dark or darkness. Such as pitch black or the darkness of night. The fact that we created things such as light bulbs to light up darkness, it shows how the average person is not comfortable with the dark. The dark is also usually related to bad things, evil things. Criminals usually come out at night, commit crimes at night; basically live dark lifestyle. The devil lurks in the dark according to religious beliefs.
The color black, by it's very nature, is always related to things that are not usually good. Black holes which according to scientist are very dangerous. Black sheep of the family, meaning the different one in the family, usually a bad one. Sheep are normally white and when a black sheep is found amongst white ones, it's considered different. Pitch black, meaning very dark to the point of no visibility, that is scary to most people and dangerous as well. Hell, even when food gets burned it turns black.
Wiki BlackFrom the Wiki link above, the most commonly represents for the word black:
lack, evil, darkness, bad luck, crime, mystery, silence, concealment, elegance, execution, end, chaos, death, and secrecySo considering how the word black, relating to the color, has always been, by it's very nature, related to usually bad definitions, does that mean every time the word black is used to describe something bad it's a racist statement?
It would seem some politicians believe so. According to Foxnews.com,
Wiley Price, a Texas county official, was offended and asked for an apology when
Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield said "It sounds like Central Collections has become a black hole,". Apologize for what? For using a term that seemed suitable to describe a Gov't office? A term used by scientist all the time? A term that is a title of a Disney movie?
But this Texas county official did not stop there. He also claimed "angel food cake, devils food cake, and black sheep" were also racial terms. Are you serious? It would seem that the US has more than terrorist to worry about. Spending money on airport and seaport security, wiretapping and the war in Iraq seems more like a waste of time considering the biggest threat to this country already lives within it's borders. I am all for eliminating racism so that we can all consider ourselves Americans, equals and such. But I think some in the black community are taking this racism thing a bit too far.
Should women start getting married in black dresses so as to not insult the black community? Should the White House be renamed? Should we start printing black paper and writing with white ink? What about black pepper? Is it insulting that black pepper makes people sneeze? Are tires insulting? Maybe we should consider all those little pieces of black rubber under electronics and rubber soles to be an insult since they are always at the bottom and being stepped on. Maybe cows should start producing black milk since white milks supposely does a body good.
Seriously folk, I don't know about you but I think all those suggestions are ridiculous to be seen as racist simply because those things that are white happen to be usually good stuff while those that are black are usually bad. This is not about racism, it's about how the color blac happens to be dark and how white just happens to be light. For that matter you are calling God and/or nature racist.
I know believe that our current political correctness mentality is more of a danger to our society than any terrorist attack. Osama Bin Laden falls short of causing more harm to this nation than stupid ideas like this in my opinion.
I too wanna join the banwagon and claim Democrats to be racist for being so concerned about having the first Black President of the US. I am offended that Black people want Obama to win simply because he is also Black. In my opinion, it seems that some Black people are more racist than those they criticize for racism.
I say we eliminate the words Black and White as a way to name a race. I am offended that us Latinos do not have a color to call ourselves.
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