The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
First I have to say I thought it was a good debate. Both candidates gave their all and answered the questions in a very professional manner. This is my take of the candidates:

I saw in Biden a man who believes everything he said. He seemed honest and did his best to point out why Obama was the right choice. But I have to agree with Palin that Biden did go back to the past many times as oppose to simply pointing to what would be done by him and Obama. I also saw Biden pretty much use Democratic talking points and found it interesting how Obama chose a man who before he was the VP pick said would side with McCain and felt Obama was not ready to lead then after was chosen still thinks Obama made some poor choices such as his pick for VP. I am not too sure how anyone could believe they could get anything done when they seem to disagree a tad bit too much for my taste. I did also notice he almost repeated some of his comments that have made him look bad before.

I saw in Palin a woman who seemed very nervous at first but after a few questions all of a sudden became very confident and, to me, did not give those who were expecting her to screw up the satisfaction. She was very professional, very strong opinionated and did not miss a choice to throw back at Biden some of his own comments and mistakes. She did not seem to show much fear after a while. She did, however, go back to some subjects quite often which sorta killed her when it came to answering what the moderator had asked her and it cost her a comment that was cut off by the moderator. She did however do a great job and showing just how down to Earth she really is, how she is some much like the rest of us as oppose to being above us. She defended McCains with great answers and comebacks while Biden actually attacked Obama on a few occasions. I saw too much divide amongst the Democratic ticket in my opinion.

The moderator did a fine job questioning both candidates. The questions were fair, very good and professionally handled, except when she cute Palin off. Sure, it was her right as that is how these debates work, but I think she could have done it a bit more professionally; though Palin did earn it because she went back to previous questions just to make sure Biden's comments were corrected, which she did many times.

All in all I saw a great debate where Sarah Palin did not back down, did not foul up and did not crumble under the pressure like many believed she would. Personally, I think she gave Biden (and Obama) a run for their money. She showed them she may not be an expert on everything but she is no hack.

Sarah ruled this debate in my opinion. But that's just me. I won't deny my opinion is in part biased, but I gave Joe Biden the benefit of the doubt and he did not disappont me, but he did not convince me either.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 03, 2008

They should've put on hockey pads and boxing gloves and duked it out.

I'd have watched the hell outta that "debate".

That might have actually made me feel sorry for biden.

on Oct 03, 2008

Gotta love when "get through an hour and a half without freaking out" = "VICTORY!"

I called it a draw, if you recall.  A victory only in the relative sense, based on the pervasive media predictions that people would only be watching to catch the 'train wreck' live, that Joey would eat her lunch, yada yada.

on Oct 03, 2008

By the way, are the media still talking about any of Joe's or BO's 'stumbles' like they continue to talk about Palin's with Couric?  Please point me to any MSM material where BO is arrogantly denigrated as a lightweight for '57 states, going on 58' or Biden is called a Democratic version of Gerald Ford for 'FDR went on TV in 1929 to calm the nation.'  If it's happening, I really want to know, just like Matt Damon wants to know if Palin really believes dinosaurs walked on the earth 4000 years ago.  I mean, that's important, really.

on Oct 03, 2008

Thank you aldri7 (both replies).  That is the best analysis I have seen of the debate yet.  As you correcvtly point out, Dicks are apolitical, but eye candy is eye candy!  And at least a refreshing change to look at in Politics.

I like Palin a lot, but I find it hard to vote for the bottom of the ticket.  I know I will not vote for Obama because of Biden, (not actually a contradiction since I did not say I would not vote AGAINST the bottom of the ticket) but with all my infatuation about Palin, I am not sure I am going to vote for McCain simply because I dont see a dimes worth of difference between him and Obama. (yea, I know all the talking points - but the proof of leadership is what still gets me - they will govern the same).

I give your analysis a 9.  Presenting Bias up front and then analyzing the debate with the understanding of the bias.  If we only had a media that was that good.


thank YOU. aldri7



on Oct 03, 2008


By the way, are the media still talking about any of Joe's or BO's 'stumbles' like they continue to talk about Palin's with Couric?

If you find any, let me know.  Laughing at the incompetence of possible national leaders makes me stop sobbing in horror about what's going to happen to the country.

that Joey would eat her lunch,

Now THAT would be something to watch.


on Oct 03, 2008

If you find any, let me know.

You're kidding, right?  You seem like an intelligent enough person, but I could be wrong, I suppose.

on Oct 03, 2008

You're kidding, right? You seem like an intelligent enough person, but I could be wrong, I suppose.

Nah, I think they're perfect in every way.

They screw up too...although the media doesn't seem to keep whipping it out for very long.  Damn liberals!

So actually I was kind of serious...if you have any good videos of Dem fuck ups, link me.  They don't linger long enough for me to get a chance to check'em out.


on Oct 04, 2008

Here's one of my favs for starters:

And Biden really did say, "When the stock market crashed in 1929, FDR went on television to calm the nation."  I may have missed the exact quote by a word or two, but that's what he said.

And if you've missed the '57 states, going on 58' clip of Obama, you've just not been paying attention.

on Oct 04, 2008

"When the stock market crashed in 1929, FDR went on television to calm the nation."


And if you owned an experimental TV set in 1929, you would have seen him. And you would have said to yourself, "Who is that guy? What happened to President Hoover?"

on Oct 04, 2008

And Biden really did say, "When the stock market crashed in 1929, FDR went on television to calm the nation." I may have missed the exact quote by a word or two, but that's what he said.

And if you've missed the '57 states, going on 58' clip of Obama, you've just not been paying attention.

I've heard of both of these...I just never get around to seeing the actual clips. So much better to see it rather than just hear about it.


on Oct 04, 2008

It's very easy to search on YouTube for this stuff - it's a treasure trove if there ever was one.

on Oct 06, 2008

Then you must have enjoyed the "NATO in Lebanon, and that Hezbolla was kicked out" thing.

on Oct 06, 2008

I've heard of both of these...I just never get around to seeing the actual clips. So much better to see it rather than just hear about it.

What's wrong Zoo? Still stuck in 1929 with no TV (or PC)?

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