The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
So the day has come, Barack H. Obama is now President Obama. Let's be honest here and admit this was not the day many were looking forward to. Not because Obama is black, not because he has a Muslim father, not because he;s from Chicago. It's because he is a Democrat, the most Liberal Democrat to memore precise. But, Republicans have only themselves to blame for this.

Now that he is our President, the time has come to accept the peoples choice for it is part of our culture, our laws, our country, our beliefs. It is in our best interest that we respect and follow our new leader and give him a chance to do the best he can do for the people of this nation. We must allow him to do good before we congradulate him, we must allow him to do wrong before we condemn him, we must allow him to be before we can be. Regardless if you like him, voted for him, believe in him or not; he is our president, our Commander in Chief, the leader of the Free World, and as Americans, we must be proud to always be Americans for this inaguration is proof that our system works, that Democracy in the US is still strong and alive.

The time has come to put our diferences aside,and come together as Americans. Our nation is in great peril and while we may not always get what we want the days after we voted for the next leader of our nation, we still have an obligation to our nation and our people; whether it's thru agreeing or disagreeing with Presidents Obama's policies, we can never forget we are Americans regardless of color, religion, political affiliation, culture or even age or sex. Our goal is to make this nation strong again, lets hope President Obama can help accomplish this goal, for it is not only his responsibility to restore this nation to it's glory, it is the responsibility of every citizen of this nation.

Congradulations President Obama, may you lead with dignity, respect and always have the American peoples best interest in mind. I may not have voted for you but you have my respect and my support. God speed and good luck.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 22, 2009

this was not the day many were looking forward to.


turns out this statement is as outlandish as i initially believed.


in an article in today's la times (1/22/09) author barbaa derrick reported the people's republic of china state-run tv coverage of obama's inaugural address was interupted at two points, effectively and intentionally censoring at least two sentences.  those same sentences were also omitted from print transcripts published in chinese newspapers.

according to ms derrick:

"China's leadership has shown concern that the new president will be far tougher on trade and human rights issues than President Bush was.

The nervousness was reflected in an editorial Wednesday in the China Daily, which praised Bush's China policy and pondered what the future might hold.

"Given the popular American eagerness for a break from the Bush years, many wonder, or worry, to be precise, whether the new president would ignore the hard-earned progress in bilateral ties," the editorial says."

i didn't realize you were referring to the red chinese or that you and they are you say..sympatico?

on Jan 22, 2009

I was embarrassed to learn today that I am not as learned as I thought, or as my teachers thought all those years ago when I took for granted that I was being given the whole story in my history classes.

Veeeerrrry interesting piece by Walter Williams.

Check it out.  You may be as surprised as I was.

I'm ashamed to say I had never read the whole thing before, having simply accepted the (apparently Cliff Notes) version served up in school.  And I just re-watched the History Channel special on 'The Presidents' the other day without learning any of this... because it was omitted, whether conveniently or not I can't say.

on Jan 23, 2009

I was embarrassed to learn today that I am not as learned as I thought, or as my teachers thought all those years ago when I took for granted that I was being given the whole story in my history classes.

hehe.  I could have written that column. It was nothing new to me.  He did fail to mention that the slaves in the states not a part of rebelling states were also not freed until long after the war ended (States like Maryland).

But he is dead on when he says "to the victor goes the writing of history".  Or in this case the embellishment of it.

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