The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

In the spirit of giving our President "a chance", this article (and possible others that follow) will be written to tell the news and not to attack the newly elected President. I however reserve the right to post my opinions in the comment section.

According to a article (Obama Sets 2010 Timetable for Iraq Withdrawal), President Obama decided that all combat operations in Iraq will end on August 31 2010. However he also plans on leaving between 35 and 50 thousand troops in Iraq after that date. His decision reflects a change in his opinions that the surge did not work. Seeing as casualties and battles are down, the Obama Administration feels it's time to start drawing down troops and many believe that this action will not cause Iraq to lose the security gained thanks to the surge by the Bush Administration.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 27, 2009

Did you also hear that he set aside money (I think it was $190 billion a year) through 2019, so he can claim this as money saved in the future? Slight of hand at it's best.

Wonder how popular he'll be with the left when the body count starts rising in Afghanistan? Or maybe they will just ignore it since it's not Bush.

on Feb 27, 2009

Oh, almost forgot, in the spirit of your articles non Obama bashing approach.

Thank you Mr. President for delivering us from this terrible war in Iraq (even if it was won before you entered office), your wisdom and leadership on this matter has not gone unnoticed.


on Feb 27, 2009

It is interesting that the defintion of "Combat troops/operations" has changed.

I would think that one of the missions of those 30-50k troops still being left in county to "work on counterterrrism" would be cosidered Combat operations.

What is the meaning of the word "Is" now days. 

Much like his latest deficit reduction plan, the meaning or words are now changing to fit a new vocabulary. 

Will this mean I will need to buy a new Dictionary this year?  I guess so.  Well I guess this is a way to stimulate the Dictionary printing part of our economy.

on Feb 27, 2009

I hear ya Lee, the irony is even if words were not changed in some way, anything said by our current President is seen as almost miraculous. The war ends and Obama will get all the glory for the victory. If the economy goes to hell, Bush will get the blame for "starting" the chain reaction but Obama will be forgiven for not being able to stop it.

on Feb 27, 2009

You know, I get really annoyed at the fact that almost no one on this board even thinks about giving the guy a chance. Nitro, what would it take for you to give the guy a little credit? I mean he has ammended his Iraq timeline after talking to the generals...doesn't that seem smart? He is going after the Taliban in Afghanistan....isn't that a good idea? He tried to work with congressional conservatives on the stimulus plan before the idiot Dem. congresspeople got in the way. He has most of the Republicans behind him on this Iraq plan. Please...give the guy a chance. Jeez. Seems to me that you are just pissed for being pissed. When did he claim credit for "winning" the war as you claim, I have never heard such a thing. What would make you happy, if we annoucnced that we were staying there at 150,000 tropps for the next ten years, would you be on here singing his praises...probably not, you would be ripping him a new one for not listening to the guys on the ground, exactly what he just did. You cannot condemn the man for ANYTHING he does, let me hear your rationilization?

on Feb 27, 2009

You cannot condemn the man for ANYTHING he does, let me hear your rationilization?

That's kinda hypocritical (which was my what I wanted some people to do) considering Bush was criticized and scorned for everything he did, even when the results were positive, such as the surge.

on Feb 27, 2009

That's kinda hypocritical (which was my what I wanted some people to do) considering Bush was criticized and scorned for everything he did, even when the results were positive, such as the surge.

To be fair some of the criticism of Bush over the surge was that we should have sent more troops over for the initial invasion and occupation as more than a few generals and officials had recommended, all of which were quickly put out to pasture.  That kind of criticism of Bush is warranted, the other stuff from people who just didn't want to war in general to work (ie most Democratic officials) was useless after the war had started.

on Feb 27, 2009

I get really annoyed at the fact that almost no one on this board even thinks about giving the guy a chance.

Can you explain to me what do you mean by giving Obama a chance? When was the last time you did something out of chance? Would you by a product from a brand name you believe is of bad quality? Would you give a murderer, who claims to be reformed, a chance to do work that would put your family in his/her hands? Did Obama give the surge a chance before he said it would fail or refused to believe it worked? Did Obama give soldiers a chance when he called them killers and thieves? It's interesting how people get upset over something they themselves did.

We mocked, insulted, ridiculed and trashed our own President. We made cartoons our of him, movies making fun of him, sold calendars with his Bushism and even have a man who immitates him. This is the leader of our Nation, the man who represents us around the world and we basically told the world how have a clown for a President. And we wonder why the rest of the world looks fdown on us.

on Feb 27, 2009

Look, I cannot speak for others regarding treatment of President Bush, but I always repected the guy, if not agreeing with his policies. Using the lowest common denomanator argument just sucks, it makes all of youguys look like you are whinning. Tell me WHY you do not like his withdrawl plan...what is wrong with it? Don't just complain that he is Deomocrat, and you were rooting for the other guy. Don't just bitch about perceptions and the media, and all that crap, give me something of substance as an argument....please. Again, what is wrong with his withdrawl plan?

on Feb 27, 2009

Nitro, what would it take for you to give the guy a little credit? I mean he has ammended his Iraq timeline after talking to the generals...doesn't that seem smart?

jdkeepsmiling, it's really simple, forget the fact that I am a veteran (Iraq and much earlier). The president is politicizing the war in Iraq (if you can still call it that) by allocating money, yours and mine, to the tune of $190 billion a year until 2019. Of course he has no plan of spending that. It's over. But he is going to turn around, probably near election time, and tell the American people how he saved the taxpayers billions by withdrawing from Iraq when they were due to leave anyway. That my friend is dishonest and he deserves no credit for it.

Additionally, the president is fond of throwing around the phrase that he inherited the economic problem (despite the fact he was part of the problem, the Senate, the last four years). So when he refers to Iraq why doesn't he call it the victory he inherited? He was wrong about the surge and just can't bring himself to admit he was wrong (and he's been asked directly). When he and many of the other Democrats were threating to withhold funds for the troops in 2007 they lost my respect completely. Using your ON troops as a political tool during a war is despicable in my eyes, others see things differently. I never stated he claimed victory, he was part of the cut and run group, I call them defeatists. My post about his "delivering us" from Iraq was sarcasm.

He tried to work with congressional conservatives on the stimulus plan before the idiot Dem. congresspeople got in the way.

Passing a bill that nobody had time to read before being passed does not inspire confidence in the Democratic leadership IMO. Obama went to Williamsburg before his Democrat congress members and trashed the Republicans for wanting to look at the bill. He used what he refered to during the campaign as the "politics of fear" to scare folks into supporting the bill, sight unseen, without debate or input. Does that sound responsible to you? This bill needed to be passed so quickly, why? It didn't save my job, are you seeing a benefit? It was just to push an agenda through without questions, plain and simple.

What would make you happy, if we annoucnced that we were staying there at 150,000 tropps for the next ten years, would you be on here singing his praises...probably not, you would be ripping him a new one for not listening to the guys on the ground, exactly what he just did.

An agreement was in place with the Iraqis for a withdrawal by 12/31/2011 anyway. I'm not unhappy he's pulling troops out. What would give you the idea that I want troops to remain? What disappoints me is he didn't tell the troops what a victory they achieved (despite his party's efforts and because that would give credit to the previous administration). He and the Democratic Congress didn't get the failure there that they wanted in 2006, so they diminish what the troops did there by not acknowledging the accomplishments, which were liberating a nation and instituting the only Democratic Muslim nation in the middle-east. Sometime it is all in what is not said. Listen to his speech, it's weak.

As for Afghanistan, I wish him luck. It will definitely be a hard row to hoe, due to the fact that they (the Taliban) operate from a "friendly" country. I do want a victory there as well, that would make me happy, and it wouldn't bother me at all if this president pulled it off.

Don't worry I firmly believe the Republicans made some huge mistakes over the last few years. That doesn't mean I'll follow this guy blindly. You need to stop giving any politicians slack, they are doing things now that will affect your grandchildren. Hope this answers your questions.

on Feb 27, 2009

Look, I cannot speak for others regarding treatment of President Bush,

But you can talk about ours? That doesn't seem fair. We getyou stamp of disproval but others get a free pass? Equality seems to have a very unusual meaning for Democrats.

Using the lowest common denomanator argument just sucks, it makes all of youguys look like you are whinning.

So you arebasically saying taht Democrats whinned for 8 years?

Tell me WHY you do not like his withdrawl plan...what is wrong with it?

I don't need to say much, just read:

"When they talk about 50,000, that's a little higher number than I had anticipated," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said before a briefing at the White House on Thursday.


Other top Democrats who expressed concern about the troop levels were House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Charles Schumer, Sen. Patty Murray and Sen. Russell Feingold.

"The good news is that he has a plan and that obviously his election in no small measure was the result of the massive anti-war sentiment in the country and he understands that," said Leslie Cagan, co-founder and national coordinate of United for Justice and Peace. 

"The bad news from our perspective is it's going to take that long," she said. "We think the timeline could be a lot shorter. We're also troubled by the plan to leave literally tens of thousands of troops in Iraq."

Cagan said Obama should leave no troops in Iraq.


The Democrats themselves are bitching about the idea. Funny how you didn't notice that.

Don't just complain that he is Deomocrat, and you were rooting for the other guy.

Dude, it's very boring and insulting to have someone tell me not to do something theythemselves did for 8 years.


on Feb 27, 2009

You know, I get really annoyed at the fact that almost no one on this board even thinks about giving the guy a chance. Nitro, what would it take for you to give the guy a little credit?

Jd, I know others on this site may quickly dump on him every chance they get.  But for me I can not stand a person who says/promises one thing knowing full well what he is saying is complete BS. 

I called Bush out on his creative budget numbers and deficit cutting plan that took effect four years after his departure from office.  I called Clinton out on his definition of "Sexual Relations".

I am just sick of this circle talk.  But BO takes the cake.  Everything coming out of his mouth is double talk.  From not knowing anything about Rev. Wright's views until his resent speech on no earmarks in this omnibus bill.

If you really think he has any intention of ever balancing the budget, I have a piece of beautiful land in Florida to sell you.

If the next four years is anything like the last 35 days, this guy will not get any breaks from me.

PS: I have no problem with him removing troops at this time, but his saying all combat troops are being pulled out is just a straight out changing of definition.  I have spent over twenty years in the military to know the reality of what goes on in country.

on Feb 27, 2009

We have entered the new era of the Antonymical Presidency.  Just rename everything with its opposite meaning.  There's change you can believe in.

on Feb 27, 2009

We have entered the new era of the Antonymical Presidency. Just rename everything with its opposite meaning. There's change you can believe in.

Now thats change I can believe is true.

on Feb 28, 2009


gotta love words like that, but you shouldn't have defined it here because it deserves all of what little effort it may require from readers.

but since you did, might as well also provide examples:

a. "the patriot act"

b. "war on terror"

c. "no child left behind"

d. "department of homeland security"

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