PCWorld.com has an article Browser Showdown where they compare how the new IE8 matches up to FireFox 3 in speed opening up some of the most common websites such as amazon.com, myspace.com and yahoo.com.
It seems that in most cases IE8 beats the current FireFox but the difference is only by a second in most cases which unless you are some kind of paranoid time keeper, you probably wouldn't even notice it at all. But, as much as I wanna believe any website is unbias in their experiments or test, I would like the opportunity to try this out myself. Some who wrote comments mentioned they would have liked to see other browsers tested as well such as Opera, Chrome and Safari.
I would love the opportunity to run my own test as close as possible to their paramiters but I don't have a decent enough extra computer lying around that I can reload Windows multiple times trying to rule out any issues that could throw off the entire test making it invalid.
Maybe someone here can do a Joeuser.com Browser Showdown for us except this time we include several browsers to give everyone more details options as to what browser they would like to try, continue to use or change all together. Here is a list of browsers I think should be included in this test if anyone would volunteer to carry it out here (I'm thinking that IslandDog may have the guts to do it):
Internet Explorer 8
Internet Explorer 7 (latest version)
Firefox 3 (latest version)
FireFox 3.1 (beta version or non-beta if out by the time the test is done)
Google's Chrome (which I have read will be in beta for ever)
Opera (latest version and/or maybe a beta thats out there)
Safari (latest version) Is there a PC version of Safari? Never bothered to check this. Shame on me.
Also, while not very popular, maybe we can add these to the test, just for curiosity sake:
Avant (latest version)
AOL Explorer (latest version)
So, does anyone have a really good spare PC lying around that they are willing to do this test? Anyone up for the challenge? Sounds like fun, maybe time consuming, but fun. Wish I could do it.
Keep in mind the article from PCWorld.com does not compare these browsers other features such as security or tabs so I don't think it's necessary to compare these as well but its up to he/she who does the test to do so.