Have you suffered at the hands of the evil Global Warming or Climate Change phenomenon? Did you end up in the hospital due to a record breaking heat wave and maybe have lost your job or pay? Did the unusual winter storms damage any of your property or kept you from doing work that cost you customers and money?
Well worry no more. House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry A. Waxman, California Democrat, and Rep. Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts Democrat are here to help. They will make sure you get what you deserve from the Gov't for your loses because, after all, it's the Gov't fault that day you got sick was 1 or 2 degrees hotter than last year and you were not expecting that and that unusual strong winter storm came out of no where and it's not your fault you were not prepared.
The measure sets grounds for anyone "who has suffered, or reasonably expects to suffer, a harm attributable, in whole or in part," to government inaction to file a "citizen suit." The term "harm" is broadly defined as "any effect of air pollution (including climate change), currently occurring or at risk of occurring." Link
Basically, if you can prove it, you can sue the Gov't for harm done or harm that could be done (huh?) due to the Gov't not taking action to avoid a phenomenon possibly created by climate change. OK, so if a hurricane roles thru Florida just a few days before or after hurricane season (something that has happened before) and somehow climate change could be attributed to this "out of season" storm considering scientist can not prove or disprove the possibility that climate change is responsible for it and that man is responsible for the climate change and the storm causes major damage to several homes; people could place a lawsuit against the Gov't to pay for the demages because somehow the Gov't did not do enough to stop this hurricane from forming? Am I understanding this correctly?
Lord oh mighty, the lawsuits will have no end, frivilous lawsuits will be a dime a dozen and the odds of sorting them out from the legit (if they could really be legit) ones will be slim and cost more than the lawsuits themselves.
Are we not already spending to much money in the Govt and complaining about that someone would consider a bill that will simply put more money from tax payers in the hands of anyone who sues the Gov't and wins? Frivilous or not? You can't possibly believe this is an idea worth considering? If so, please give a real good reason why you would believe the Gov't to be responsible for any "harm" done to any person who suffered from a disaster that could or could not be related to Global Warming or Climate Change that the Gov't could not "possibly" have stopped or avoided from happening. Talk about another welfare program except in this one lawyers benefit as well.
How do they come up with this stuff?