The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on May 4, 2009 By CharlesCS In Blogging

No, this is not a "I'm gonna take a break from JU for a while " article. I am talking about taking a break from politics. A few years ago, when I was experimenting with downloading from torrents (I know, not the most proud thing I have done) and stuff I came across a torrent site with a very active forum. The idea of expressing my opinions and sharing with others intrigued me. I ended up spending more time on the site for posting reasons than searching for torrents. I soon learned what abusing admin power was when I had someone who kept messing with my post just because he didn't like my opinions. Ironically, thru the same torrents I was downloading I discovered from one of the Stardock products I got (yes, this is something I mentioned when I first came here and stopped using illegal copies of Stardock product after I came here, I know own a legit copy of OD Ultimate and ObjectDock Plus). Once in the JU forums I was hooked, the debates, arguments and fights on different topics from some well educated people and a few nuts was awesome and have been here for about 4 or 5 years since.

But with recent financial issues, I found myself depressed too often. Throw in not being too happy with our current administration and my frustrations made things worse. Recently I was faced with a situation where I had 2 choices, find the nearest tall building and jump off of it or stop being so negative and try to make more of an effort to make things more positive. Obviously since you are reading this you know what choice I made, and I am amazed at the difference of being positive. I can't say I went from near suicide to 100% sure of everything, but I do sleep better at night.

Now I have decided to take a break from politics. All this constant arguing about how good or bad Obama is for this country has me tired, bored and downright sick. I choose to see it this way, We stuck with the man for at least 4 years but 2 years from now we have a chance to bring him down a few notches. I say we just deal with him till then and just let him and his buddies in Congress and the Senate cut their ow noses off. In the mean time I am gonna live my life, enjoy the freedoms I still have and make the best of what we have today. Lets free ourselves of all this dislike, hatred, anger and fear. I'm not saying lets forget our problems, I'm just saying we can deal with them when we have to, in the mean time I am gonna enjoy life to the fullest, give ourselves a chance to unwind and allow our minds to think better and maybe we can all truly find a way to make things better.

Politicians are not going anywhere for now, let them screw themselves. We'll clean up in 2010 and 2012. It's time for a break.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 05, 2009

Even though you have provided proof, I still accept this as only theory (proof lies, you know), so now I will feel victimized by what I perceive as an infringement on my right to believe that buttery nipples only exist in sexual acts because you tried to offer proof that I asked for.

Mhmmm. Don't mind me while I; pervert.


(I'm just giving you a hard time, btw. And cracking myself up in the process.)



Oh I know, and what-the-hey, I'll dish it back.



on May 05, 2009

Mhmmm. Don't mind me while I; pervert.

You would run FROM a female pervert?  Wouldn't you be running TOO a female pervert?

(Assuming, of course, that females are your forte.)

on May 05, 2009

You would run FROM a female pervert? Wouldn't you be running TOO a female pervert?


Indeed, I'm not into perverts of any kind really.I guess that makes me atypical as compared to most men. Whoops, my bad - I never got the memo.


(Assuming, of course, that females are your forte.)

Depends, am I "good" with women? As in how is my batting average metaphorically speaking? Meh, I've whiffed my fair share of times. Now if you're asking whether or not I'm gay - no, I'm not gay.


on May 05, 2009

Meh, I've whiffed my fair share of times.



You just like giving me ammo...

on May 05, 2009

You just like giving me ammo...


*smacks himself in the forehead*


I'm just going to go find myself a corner and put the dunce cap on for a while; Oi vey...

on May 05, 2009

looks like you guys too me too literally.

on May 05, 2009

Drinks and sexual fetishes, interesting topics to combine. I feel a new article brewing.

on May 06, 2009

Drinks and sexual fetishes, interesting topics to combine. I feel a new article brewing.

Ooooh, looking forward to that one, hee hee.

on May 06, 2009

looks like you guys too me too literally.



Yeah....well, what can I say. I'm just that good, lol.


Btw, I want to apologize and make a correction. It dawned on me that when we (I believe it was with you) were debating China and such, I erroneously said "my SO," and so on - when I meant my ex-SO. I've been on the run and was totally not paying attention to what I was saying and apologize for the misunderstanding. I felt that I should say something as I'm going to be writing an article about a certain topic, and it could be construed as a lie; it wasn't - just a very long day, and a very, very unthinking me.

Mea culpa?



on May 06, 2009

Not sure, maybe it was me. Can't remember. Maybe when I have Chinese food this week I'll remember.

on May 06, 2009

Oooh, I love Chinese food, lol.

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