The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

It seems that what many believed Google would eventually do is now set to be available before the end of the year. To follow in Google's attempt to offer a new way to browse the Internet, Google Chrome, Google is now ready to make available Google Chrome OS, an operating system meant to be simple, lightweight, fast and to better with web applications.

Personally I look forward to checking out this new OS. I'm curious to see just how plain, simple and clean it is. And of course, like Linux, Google claims it will make it as virus and spyware free as possible but us smart people know that even Apple and Linux are not immune to viruses or spyware and that all it takes is for a hacker to be interested enough, smart enough and dedicated enough to create them.

As the PC World article put it, not only has Google given MS something to keep an eye on when they took over online searching with, invaded Internet browsing with Google Chrome, taken a bit out of web apps with Google Maps, Google Calendar and others and make itself mobile with Google Android cell phone apps, now Google takes another shot at MS with Google Chrome OS. Now all we need is a Google based touch screen MP3 player (Google Pod?) and even Apple will start to watch Google more often.

PC World

Life Hacker

Comments (Page 14)
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on Aug 16, 2009

No, I disagree! That may be the way it is, but once you compromise in one area of morality/scruples/ethics, then you lower the standard in all areas. It effectively loewers our standards... and on the internet, that's when kiddie porn, terrorist and other criminal/anti-social sites can propogate/thrive with near immunity. Given rising crime rates world-wide, muderers, rapists and child molesters being released from prison after grossly inadequate sentences, NO! Our standards need lifting, not lowering.


No one is forcing you or anyone else to look at such sites, the problem with sex offenders, terrorists, anti-social(?) people needs to be taken care of in real life and is probably a product of the morals/ethics close to them and the problems in that society, prison sentences dont have anything to do with the internet.

Would you want to have someone screening your phone and say "hey you cant say that!"??
Is it your wish to be living in a global BigBrother house..? and if it is thats very disconcerting. We are allready monitored most of our day as it is.

on Aug 16, 2009

Whatever man. Go live in your make believe world. I'm done trying to reason with you.

on Aug 16, 2009

No one is forcing you or anyone else to look at such sites, the problem with sex offenders, terrorists, anti-social(?) people needs to be taken care of in real life and is probably a product of the morals/ethics close to them and the problems in that society, prison sentences dont have anything to do with the internet.

The point isn't what I do or do not want to look at, rather what IS there because moral standards have fallen across the board, giving rise to increased anti-social behaviour across the board.  When the standards of a society fall, so do the standards of the anti-social types.  Crime becomes more frequent, more depraved... and it is encouraged by statements like "keep it open to bad or good".  When societies become so lax/complacent, sufficient deterrents are absent and anti-social behaviour continues unabated because punishments no longer fit the crime.

Anti-social behaviour is thriving now more than ever because the boundaries have been blurred, the rules have become blurred and the consequenses undefined through governments caving in to 'convict-prisoner rights' do-gooders.  Like you said, problem/anti-social people are the products of the morals/ethics close to them... in other words, the societies in which they live. If a society accepts/turns a blind eye to bad, then fails to provide adequate consequences/punishments, then that society is going to suffer a high/unabating crime rate.... and one of those societies IS the internet.

Whatever man. Go live in your make believe world. I'm done trying to reason with you.

That'd be right, I just get going and you call it quits, retreat in to your own make believe world.

Nah, that's orright, mate.   Each it his own, right!  Yeah, it's true that I dislike Google, though probably not that much. but when you came in with support for Google I just couldn't resist a spar so I could exercise some unemployed grey matter.




on Aug 16, 2009

I think your perception of it is backwards... its real life that influence the "internet" not the other way around.

Nah, that's orright, mate. Each it his own, right! Yeah, it's true that I dislike Google, though probably not that much. but when you came in with support for Google I just couldn't resist a spar so I could exercise some unemployed grey matter.

Why dont you exercise this line of thought about all other things thats on the internet? is kona0197 so special that you dont want to force your morals/ethics onto him/her?



on Aug 16, 2009


I said I was done but I guess I have more to say.

Your logic is flawed. You dislike Google becuse of something that didn't even happen to you. Not logical.

Yet day after day I and many of us here continue to use Google because it is hands down the best search engine. The reason Yahoo couldn't pull up that info on you ex brother in law is not because Yahoo wasn't willing to play dirty it was because Yahoo isn't as good as Google.

And please don't give me this crap about Google selling me out. MS would do that before Google does.

Disliking something based on an issue that happened to someone else is a bit strange. It didn't happen to you.

So I will continue to live in the real world while you construct walls to keep out Google who you think is evil. I already told you once that MS is just as evil yet I don't see you ditching Windows.

on Aug 16, 2009

Your logic is flawed. You dislike Google becuse of something that didn't even happen to you. Not logical.

So does that mean I can't dislike Bernie Madoff because he didn't steal any of my money?  It is perfectly logical to dislike someone or something because of an occurance that didn't happen to you personally.  First hand experience is not necessary to form a valid opinion.

on Aug 16, 2009

First hand experience is not necessary to form a valid opinion.

So for an example I can say a Ford Tarus sucks when I haven't driven one or ridden in one?

First hand experience is necessary.

I'm just trying to point out that Google isn't as bad as Starkers says it is. What happened to his brother in law wasn't an everyday thing.

Getting him to admit Google isn't as bad as he thinks it is is the trick.

on Aug 16, 2009

So for an example I can say a Ford Tarus sucks when I haven't driven one or ridden in one?

First hand experience is necessary.

Actually, no.

First hand experience is only necessary in forming a personal opinion.  Whether or not a 'Ford Tarus' [sic] sucks is a matter of fact, and/or general opinion from/by others.

If Clarkson said 'a Ford Tarus' sucks then I'd likely agree, as he's driven more vehicles than I could poke a stick at.

No need to drive it myself at all....

on Aug 16, 2009

Well then in my opinion Google is not as evil as Starkers says it is.

Thanks Jafo.

on Aug 17, 2009

I think your perception of it is backwards... its real life that influence the "internet" not the other way around.

Actually, it's a bit of both!  Obviously real life influences the internet... otherwise it wouldn't be there. but the internet also affects real life... like idiots searching how to make bombs to cause destruction and mayhem  In other words, it's interactive and one can have profound effects on the other.

Why dont you exercise this line of thought about all other things thats on the internet? is kona0197 so special that you dont want to force your morals/ethics onto him/her?

Yeah, kona is special, but I also enjoy sparring with him from time to time, which is why I was debating Google's morals/scruples with him... you know, stating an opinion while having a bit of fun.

BTW: what you quoted was said mostly with tongue-in-cheek to lighten things up some.

Your logic is flawed. You dislike Google becuse of something that didn't even happen to you. Not logical.

With respect to this, kona, I'm just going to say this and leave it at that: I was a witness to what happened... and I do have experiences of my own to formulate an opinion on Google. 

Now while it is true that I do not like Google, I do enjoy a good spar/debate, and thus, over-emphasised my thoughts at times to keep the ball rolling, so to speak.  However, it's time to move on when it's no longer fun and things start getting serious... and I detect it has gotten to that for you, so let's agree to disagree with regards to Google, orright.


on Aug 17, 2009

Let my know when you quit living in your make believe world.

on Aug 17, 2009

Let my know when you quit living in your make believe world.

What! You mean to say I  might have to come out?? 

Perish the thought... my padded cell and strait jacket have been my safe havens.

on Aug 17, 2009

on Aug 17, 2009

That'd be right... the mortician hasn't even finished and you're putting on a headstone already.

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