The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Amazing, it took former President Bill Clinton to do what President Obama could not, being the all mighty saviour of the US and all. Clinton was able to get the release of 2 American journalist who had been sentenced to many years of hard labor in a North Korea camp. Personally, I am happy to see these girls back in the US, I would never want anyone (regardless how stupid this act was) to be locked up in North Korean hands. And what did it take to get them back? A hand shake, an apology (more I'm sorry's from the US) and a photo-op with a man who has threatened to us nukes on the US. Talk about kissing your enemies ass.


So, how far are you willing to go to save American lives? To keep them from being punished under another countries laws because they were dumb enough to break them? This is one of those situations were part of the end results were good, but the action taken to achieve it and the other part of the end results are very questionable.

Way to go Slick Willy, you're a Real American Hero. G.I. Joe, eat your heart out. Obama, you got served.



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Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 06, 2009


Care to expand on that?

on Aug 06, 2009




on Aug 06, 2009

Care to expand on that?

 No, I do not.

on Aug 06, 2009

No, I do not.


All right. *shrugs*

on Aug 06, 2009

My reason, other than and secondary to curiousity, is because I always thought you were the law abiding kind of guy; meaning you believed in if you broke the law, then you do the time. Or does that only count in the US? I just am concerned because, while I do admit his systems is extremely fucked up, if we (nation/people/etc.) just shrug off their law could create the precedent that we don't have to follow their - or any - laws. Granted, there's a difference between us following Kim Jong Il's laws (With punishments like death for singing, or whatever) and say that of England or France, due to the...more humane foundation witht he latter, but, to me at least, it still sets a precedent that just doesn't sit right. Are we to set ourselves up with special rights and priviliges? Just a thought.

AJ, you may want to read the second post on this article. I am all for people being punished for being dumb enough to break any law from any country, but considering all they did was cross the boader and we over here don't seem to thing illegal immigrants are criminals and we actually feed, clothe, educate, provide medical care and forgive them, I have to wonder why do Americans have to be treated like we were the monsters of the world? I don't know where you get the notion we want special treatment for being Americans although we already get special treatment. terrorist already kill us just for fun, cut our heads off, kill us with bombs strapped to their chest or EDI's. I don't get you, I could swear you actually look to disagree with me all the time.



on Aug 06, 2009

What, exactly, was your point with this?

Come on AJ, stop with the silly questions. If you find even that response to hard to understand maybe you are hanging out on the wrong website.

Apology for what, exactly? Maybe just that the women crossed the border accidentaly?

Yea, because everytime an American breaks a law anywhere around the world we go to the gpv't to apologize, just like they do when ever a foreign person breaks the laws here right? KJI defied our country with missile test and nuclear test and we go to say I'm sorry because 2 Anmerican journalist were too stupid for their own good. WTG USA.

Oh my God, you mean we actually apologize for shit we do wrong? Now that's just scary; Gawd forbid it happens again, we're perfect.

We? What do you mean by we? Since when is the US responsible for the action of Americans outside the US boarders? You have got to be kidding me, now we have to reign in every misbehaving American so as to avoid offending other countries. I can see why we are turning into a nanny state, people in this country are definitely children who need big brother and big daddy to take care of them cause they too stupid to take care of themselves.

on Aug 06, 2009

I guess it doesn't matter that it seems -at least from what I've read - like the journalists entered the country without a visa (i.e. illegally). That isn't to say I feel they should be killed for such things, but...they broke a law. What do we do again, with those who enter our country illegally? Oh right.

We let them stay and give them benifits.

on Aug 06, 2009

We? What do you mean by we? Since when is the US responsible for the action of Americans outside the US boarders? You have got to be kidding me, now we have to reign in every misbehaving American so as to avoid offending other countries. I can see why we are turning into a nanny state, people in this country are definitely children who need big brother and big daddy to take care of them cause they too stupid to take care of themselves.

All right, so we don't apologize. Guess what, they're probably gonna still there, and they're still gonna face the punishments of 12 years hard labor. Then what? You said it yourself, you don't agree with the the punishments. You even said you wouldn't want to anyone to have to deal with NK punishments, yet we shouldn't get them out and/or apologize for this sort of thing even if it means we can get them out? Just doesn't make sense. Either you say that they get what they get for their stupidity, or you do not get them out. You can't have it both ways, at least that's what I was raised to believe.

That aside, my point was that our nation needs to be willing to apologize when we are wrong, our people are wrong, etc. Because, you know we are sometimes. We need to just deal with it. We're not perfect; we're not invincible; we're not

AJ, you may want to read the second post on this article. I am all for people being punished for being dumb enough to break any law from any country, but considering all they did was cross the boader and we over here don't seem to thing illegal immigrants are criminals and we actually feed, clothe, educate, provide medical care and forgive them, I have to wonder why do Americans have to be treated like we were the monsters of the world? I don't know where you get the notion we want special treatment for being Americans although we already get special treatment. terrorist already kill us just for fun, cut our heads off, kill us with bombs strapped to their chest or EDI's. I don't get you, I could swear you actually look to disagree with me all the time.


Consistancy, Charles.

Are you for or against illegal immigration/illegal border entry? You've always come across as one that is in favor of sending them back if they came in illegally. So, either you are for that in general, or it's a double standard  and you don't seem to want to apply to ourselves when our own people cross into other countries illegally. That's where I'm going with this.

"All they did," may have been simply crossing borders/into illegally, but you know....all some immigrants do with our country is cross borders. Yet we villify them and ship them back, or do something about it, or punish them. So, why should we not hold ourselves accountible when we do it? Where's the justice or respect for laws there?

>>But illegal immigrants do it here and we...<<<

 Charles, that's a total cop out; it's an excuse.

I don't get you, I could swear you actually look to disagree with me all the time

Oh sure, it's my favorite thing to do.




on Aug 06, 2009

All right, so we don't apologize. Guess what, they're probably gonna still there, and they're still gonna face the punishments of 12 years hard labor. Then what? You said it yourself, you don't agree with the the punishments. You even said you wouldn't want to anyone to have to deal with NK punishments, yet we shouldn't get them out and/or apologize for this sort of thing even if it means we can get them out? Just doesn't make sense. Either you say that they get what they get for their stupidity, or you do not get them out. You can't have it both ways, at least that's what I was raised to believe.

OK, let me say it one more time to see if you get it this time. If you are dumb enough to break the law and get caught you should be punished. Plain and simple. But keep in mind we are not talking about the US, England, Australia or Canada. We're talking about a country who will punish you with 12 years of hard labor for "crossing the boarder illegally" although i would bet my life all this was done just because they were Americans. This was not justice or fair, this was done on purpose, an excuse to poke at the US for bitching about nuclear and missile test That is why I would never want anyone to be punished by a country like this because humane is not exactly part of their vocabulary when you are seen, not as a rgular criminal, but as an enemy of the state. Is this clear enough now AJ? I believe in punishment in a fair justice system, and don't BS me with any "how do you know it was not fair?" questions.

Consistancy, Charles. Are you for or against illegal immigration/illegal border entry? You've always come across as one that is in favor of sending them back if they came in illegally. So, either you are for that in general, or it's a double standard and you don't seem to want to apply to ourselves when our own people cross into other countries illegally. That's where I'm going with this. "All they did," may have been simply crossing borders/into illegally, but you know....all some immigrants do with our country is cross borders. Yet we villify them and ship them back, or do something about it, or punish them. So, why should we not hold ourselves accountible when we do it? Where's the justice or respect for laws there?

In English one more time. Break the law, be punished, but crossing the border does not equate to 12 years of hard labor. We send people back, we barely send them to jail, hell, we want to make them citizens after they are here most of the time.Where are the Cuban, Mexican, Dominican, Hatian, Jamaican, Chinese representatives seeking to have their people be sent back because we are locking them up and punishing them with inhumane punishments?

"Oh, but they sent them back" is what you are probably thinking about saying. But no, we asked for them, we probably made some kind of a deal with them and then they asked for Clinton to come and get them. How come we are not getting the Americans arrested in Iran? How come the Gov't is not tryng to get every American arrested outside the US out and back to the US? Come on AJ, stop BSing me here. You are smart enough to get what I am saying and you double reading games won't work with me. I know what I said, I was very clear, it's all posted on this article. I'm glad they are home because I am not a cruel person, after all they are still Americans and obviously I will be partial to them because of that. But to go around saving every American just because they are Americans is ridiculous, because people should be responsible for their own actions, unless the country punishing them is taking advantage of the situation to strike at the US and punish someone severely for a minor infraction, such as crossing a border illegally.

>>But illegal immigrants do it here and we...<<< Charles, that's a total cop out; it's an excuse.

Uh, AJ, where did I say that. I can't find it anywhere.

Oh sure, it's my favorite thing to do

That much i am sure.

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