The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

OK, so I know that people who are students can get copis of Windows at discounted prices. If they bought a copy and then, for what ever legit reason, decided not to use it. Could they give it or sell it to someone else, not necessarily a student?

I'm curious cause I have a freind who does not want his copy that he will be getting because he got himself a Mac as a birthday gift and decided he did not want to use Windows anymore. I told him about using Windows on his Mac with that virtual program but he did not want to hassle installing it. So I figured he could sell or give it to me. Would that be OK? I researched but could not get a straight answer online, always a lot of details but nothing that speaks clearly in a few easy word.

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Comments (Page 4)
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on Oct 18, 2009

At least they're nowhere near as bad as Adobe on international matters, even if they have work to do.  Hell, I still think their US prices are too high, anyway.

on Oct 18, 2009

I think that ALL their prices around the world ARE FAR TOO HIGH, ESPECIALLY in australia



on Oct 21, 2009

sorry to hear about you hdd death,

Yeah, regarding that!  The HDD wasn't the culprit after all.  I went in the shop today and my rig is running OK with the Seagate as the primary OS drive and all the same hardware it went in there with.  Like WTF??? Damned thing wouldn't post at all after a frozen boot and a forced shutdown, and now it starts up/shuts down without issue.

They ran some diagnostic tests on my HDD's, RAM, CPU and all came back fine, so yeah, there is/was some weird shit going on with my rig... like WTF changed from 'no go at all' to 'press the power button and hey presto, Windows boots up fine'?

Oh well, I should thank myself lucky.  It hasn't cost me a fortune and I can pick it up in the morning... a stress test hadn't completed and I didn't want to hang around another hour or so.

Yippeeeee.... tomorrow is Win 7 day

Gonna have fun installing and playing with that.

on Oct 21, 2009

Ehh, probably not.  Getting it set up with everything is always time.  Time well spent, mind you, but plenty of it anyway.

I lost my Dead Space save due to me being stupid.  Ironically, I have all my other saves.  *smacks self a few times for good measure*

It wasn't the only game I'm in the middle of, so no big loss, but meh.  Going through the first four chapters over again will be dull.

on Oct 21, 2009

Hmm.....I'm a student.....maybe I should go into business shelling out OS's at discount prices..... 


Oh wait, I don't really want to go to Jail.

on Oct 21, 2009


Has a Microsoft cop ever knocked on your door?? Pulled you over?? No

Has microsoft ever fixed or restored your computer?? No

If you have legit software and a legit key - use what ever version you like, student, Actionpack, OEM, Retail

The two main issues are selling it and business use

You may not be in full compliance with the term of service, but the software is fully functional and nobody will come a knocking,

at best you will receive a cease and decist letter from Microsoft

Actionpack all the way babie - evalueate for your own use..

Win7 ultimate key - one key can be good for 10 installs.. yeah man, ever computer in the place..

Keys sell for $25 on ebay and ask for a download link.. Win7 ultimate is a 2.6GB download in ISO format

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