The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on October 14, 2009 By CharlesCS In Current Events

(Edited and updated article, please see below)


You know, I'm not big on this whole Universal Healthcare deal (or universal everything). It's not that I am against providing healthcare for all my fellow countrymen, it's the way it's being presented and they way they want to administrate it that I have problems with. The same goes for any concept that would have the Gov't be the one in control of it and use tax payers money to give free services away.

But I guess it would depend on what services we are talking about. Right now geeks all across the world could be envying Finland's population as now Broadband is now as much of a right as freedom is. Yes, according to this article Finland now has a policy that will provide it's citizens with free broadband and not just any broadband. Starting at 1 Mbps in 2010, by 2015 all Finland citizens (regardless of location) will have access to up to 100 Mbps broadband. Now that is pretty cool. I pay $55 a month and barely get 6 Mbps. Of course as someone on the article pointed out that it's easy to provide everything to your citizens when the populations is only around 5.3 million compared to the estimated 300 million population in the US.

Makes it almost tempting to wanna move to Finland. Almost. Congrats Finland for such a great gift to your people. BTW, I'm one of those Geeks envying you.

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This article has a booboo in it, please go to this correct article for the update. Thank you.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 16, 2009

Big countries, large populations, non-clustered populations, not so cheap to implement IMO.

I would be willing to pay for my internet, I just wish it was not so expensive for such slow speed compared to what other countries get as the standard.


on Oct 16, 2009

I would be willing to pay for my internet, I just wish it was not so expensive for such slow speed compared to what other countries get as the standard.

I can't say I don't know of anyone that  wouldn't want to pay less for it, that's for sure, myself included. If I paid as high a percentage of taxes as the folks in Finland do, I would want something to show for it as well, and that is as good as any. I prefer that people choose the services they want to pay for, instead of the government deciding for them (and charging for it too). Less government please. They always think they can spend my money better than I can.

Also, even though most of Finland's population is toward the south in larger population areas, I'll bet there will be someone that is too difficult to reach in order to get wired up, especially if there is little infrastructure to begin with. While possible, it would seem cost prohibitive to run 100's of miles of cable for a handful of remote households. Satellite is a possibility, but again expensive and I'm unsure if Finland currently has that space technology in place (I'm sure it might "share" telecoms with other countries). BTW Laplanders are nomadic, are they excluded?  

on Oct 16, 2009

Less government please. They always think they can spend my money better than I can.

It's ironic that anyone (Liberals) would think the Gov't could spend it better when the Gov't is composed of people just like the ones who (apparently) can't seem to do it right themselves. It's call human nature, bocming a politician does not change your nature. Politicians make just as many (if not more) mistakes as any normal citizen and are just as stupid at spending money unwisely as the average citizen is. They just happen to have a bigger budget that most and less fear since it's not necessarily their money.

BTW Laplanders are nomadic, are they excluded?

WiFi's perhaps? Place strategic antenas that transmit WiFi signals that allow those too far for cables to get WiFi (maybe not as good as cables but something) or even these Laplanders can benefit from it. Solar powered antenas that can transmit or extend the WiFi signals.

on Oct 16, 2009

Not sure what exactly you are asking about but my first paragraph was about the US (which I believe is obvious) then I spoke about Finland. I don't, however, believe I spoke of Finland's taxes, Nitro did.

Just was checking because I wasn't sure if when we were talking about taxes (whether certain people pay/do not pay), you were talking about Finland or the US.

Anyways, I stand by what I said, nothing is free, and everyone has to pay taxes.


on Oct 16, 2009

Tired of what?


Tired in general, I've been fairly busy lately with classes, tests/hw, and non school things.

on Oct 16, 2009

Anyways, I stand by what I said, nothing is free, and everyone has to pay taxes.

Well, i wouldn't say everyone, i would say someone. I have an aunt that has been living off the system for as far  back as I can remember. As for her paying, she probably never really paid any taxes her entire life and if she did (besides sales taxes) she probably got 10 more back so I wouldn't count that as paying since she got what she paid plus any ineterst it may have made while the Gov't had it.

on Oct 16, 2009

Tired in general, I've been fairly busy lately with classes, tests/hw, and non school things.

Well kepp it up, we need to raise the education level of this nation. just make sure to get some rest every once in a while.

on Oct 16, 2009

Well, i wouldn't say everyone, i would say someone. I have an aunt that has been living off the system for as far back as I can remember. As for her paying, she probably never really paid any taxes her entire life and if she did (besides sales taxes) she probably got 10 more back so I wouldn't count that as paying since she got what she paid plus any ineterst it may have made while the Gov't had it.


She still pays into it though, no matter what she may get back. So, in the end it still isn't free. Well, okay, the homeless don't have to pay taxes.


Well kepp it up, we need to raise the education level of this nation. just make sure to get some rest every once in a while.


Yeah, I don't know. I've been sort of debating about changing one of my majors and minors (Journalism/Cultural Anthropology; Theatre arts/political science, respectively). I love Cultural Anthropology and Political Science, but I don't think they'll be much help since I plan on (ideally) primarily working in the film industry. That and I'm a bit cynical regarding the PoliSci. Mmm, the uni did just send out an email about a new Cinema Studies major starting winter term; I might look into it. Anyways, I'm veering off topic. Thanks for the kudos, btw.




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