The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

It would seem that in an attempt to shut out Fox News from using more ammo against them, the Obama Administration tried to keep Fox News from participating in an interview with " pay zcar" Kenneth Feinberg while allowing every other News network access but these networks are not stupid. They chose not to participate in the interviews so long as Fox News was not allowed.

Is this reaction some kind of reporter loyalty? Birds of a feather flock together? Honor among thieves (not calling the network thieves, just using the saying)? While I praise these networks for not allowing the Obama Administration to dictate the rules on who gets to tell the story their way and who doesn't, I can't help but wonder why these networks, who have never had issues taking shots at Fox News and anything Conservative/Republican related before, would all of a sudden stand by Fox News side on a situation that could have actually been good for them?

My opinion? They are not that stupid. This is not about loyalty or honor. This is about knowing that Fox News already dominates the ratings, this is about people liking the underdogs, this is about the networks knowing that people will want to know what is it about Fox News that this Administration does not like and in order to know this they will flock to the Fox News networks and watch and listen. Fox News rating will soar as people listen to what Fox news has to say and this could get people to wonder, question, research and learn something new. The chance of people changing their minds, be it by lies or truth, is a scary concept for these networks and for the Obama Administration.

This whole concept is about fear, fear that the people may either learn the truth about what's going on in our country or fall for the lies that Fox News may be spreading. Either way this is bad for both the networks and this Administration. As I said, they are not stupid, at least not the networks. The Obama Administration took a big chance with this and it blew up in their faces. Fox News won this round without throwing a single punch.

I hope you all learned something from this. The Obama Administration attempted to use a power they do not have, they pretty much went against the Constitution by trying to take away the freedom of press, they tried to control that which they have no power over. The only times I, personally, have seen this happen is in countries like Venezuela, Cuba and China. First Fox News, their next target will be your freedom of speech and this has already been going on since day 1 of this Administration. Learn your lesson, open your eyes; these networks just made a serious point. Wake up people, this is only the beginning and it will get worse. But don't take my word for it, just follow the news.


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Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 23, 2009

You are right... being news people, if you can even call the state run media that anymore, they must have quickly realized that the pay czar story would have been totally shelved for the bigger story of Fox being banned from a pool of reporters. And they couldnt have ignored it either like Van Jones and Acorn cause they were right smack dab in the middle of it.

on Oct 23, 2009

The Obama Administration has caused more chaos, craziness and defiance in 10 months than Bush did in 8 years. Bush may have had an arrogant attitude, but at least he was honest most of the time and when he said he would do something, he did it. He did not have to lie his way to what he wanted. He just did it and took the crap later. That may not be the best method but at least he didn't bullshit his way thru people and he did not insult the people in the process. It's my belief that Bush did what he set out to do, even if many disagreed with him, but he just did it. This Administration lies to people, makes them think they are going left and then all of a sudden turn right. If Obama was honest about his beliefs he would just do it, istead he lies and tricks everyone with fancy words, slick phrases and 100 word comments with little if any meaning.

on Oct 23, 2009

I'd like to see what the "what could be worse than Bush" crowd have to say about their vote now. I can hear the crickets chirping.  Even the final dark days of the Bush administration complete with with tarp, bailouts, and doomcrying Sec. Paulson, werent nearly as bad as the pile we've stepped in now. Obama was moaning about having to clean up Bush's mess... he says we all need to "pick up mops" to help clean it up, only while cleaning up Bush's mess we would all need to pick up 4 more mops to clean up Obama's mess cause he quadrupled the amount of spillage.

on Oct 24, 2009

And actually, it's not terribly fair for anyone to blame Bush for much of anything, because he was cleaning up the mess left from Clinton's presidency.  According to my economics textbook it takes roughly 8 years for the full effect of a policy change to be seen.

So, some poor sucker, most likely a Republican, will be in office when Obama's proverbial crapshoot hits the fan.

on Oct 24, 2009

So, some poor sucker, most likely a Republican, will be in office when Obama's proverbial crapshoot hits the fan.

Bush made mistakes, no denying that. Obama is pretty smart, especially with this health care nightmare. If he and his Congress's plan goes through, they pocket the cash now and 3-4 years later when the plan takes effect, the flaws will only then become evident to most. I'm sure Obama hopes to be safely in his second term as a lame duck president by then.

on Oct 24, 2009

your singleminded determination to slam obama has caused you to completely overlook or ignore the most remarkable--and newsworthy--aspect of this specific issue.

when did rupert murdoch's network draw attention to the shill "correspondents" given access to bush whitehouse press conferences?  when did fox refuse to air events from which other news media were excluded or broadcast bush's "town hall" meetings with groups consisting solely of loyal partisans?

for that matter, i don't recall you goin all indignant about such violations of freedom of the press or i woulda happily tried then to help you resolve your obvious confusion as to what does and doesn't violate the constitutional prohibtion against abridging freedom or speech or free speech.

on Oct 25, 2009

your singleminded determination to slam obama has caused you to completely overlook or ignore the most remarkable--and newsworthy--aspect of this specific issue.

Apparently, that would be Bush.  Nothing if not consistent.

when did rupert murdoch's network draw attention to the shill "correspondents" given access to bush whitehouse press conferences? when did fox refuse to air events from which other news media were excluded or broadcast bush's "town hall" meetings with groups consisting solely of loyal partisans?

A few details would be nice.  But I refuse to accept the premise that what Obama's team is doing now is 'no different' than what Bush's team did. It is quite different, and attempts to excuse it by falsely equating it with Bush administration behavior is more of the same lazy dodge thrown out in response to nearly every criticism of Obama & his administration: Bush...  Bush...  Bush... Bush...  Bush...  Bush...  Bush...  Bush...  Bush...  Bush...  Bush...  Bush...  Bush...  Bush...  Bush...  Bush...  Bush...  Bush...


on Oct 25, 2009

your singleminded determination to slam obama has caused you to completely overlook or ignore the most remarkable--and newsworthy--aspect of this specific issue. when did rupert murdoch's network draw attention to the shill "correspondents" given access to bush whitehouse press conferences? when did fox refuse to air events from which other news media were excluded or broadcast bush's "town hall" meetings with groups consisting solely of loyal partisans?

At least I have a mind even if it's single. What you failed to notice is that regardless whether Fox went to interviews others were denied before or not does not matter, especially to these other networks since they came to Fox side. Your attempt to make fox news look evil failed because you would then have to wonder just how idiotic the other networks were for defending fox news. It would seem your lack of mentality failed to question the other networks mentality as well. They had a chance to deal a huge blow to fox news but were smart enough to know this kind of attack would have just made Fox bigger.

Obama on the other hand was dumb enough to try this and failed just as bad as every other idiotic plan of his so far. It would seem it hurts you to see your God stumbole with everybreathe he takes and every move he makes. Go back to your beehive queenie, keep making honey for the future, you gonna need it after Obama is done with us.

on Oct 25, 2009

Personally, I have never heard of an Administration blame the previous one so much. What is more embarassing is rather than admiting they couldn't fix the problem, they continue to blame the previous Administration for their failures. Obama ran a campaign promising to fix the problems we have today, on the one hand they claim not to have had enough time yet to fix anything while at the same time arguing its the previous adminstrations fault for being unable to fix anything. How exactly do you blame someone for something you have not had enough time to fix? Leave it to the average Americans to fall for these confusing excuses and vote for this man and then listen to the excuses they give for being unable to do anything so far.

if I could only blame previous employees for my problems it would be great, but I was hired to fix and improve upon previous work done. Do you think I can get away with blaming others for my work? Why should Obama then? Morons in this country and abroad don't know how to apply the rules equally. Considering fairness is a Democrat dream, they are lousy applying it to their own.

on Oct 25, 2009

For a president that prizes his personal image above all else, he had permanently put a blemish on his legacy. This will be part of his history forever. The president that attempted to silence opposition to his policies through the media. Even Nixon didn't pull this so quick in his first term. Since all the networks in the press pool participated in FOX's defense, it will make it just that much harder for deniers to pass it off as anything else than attempted targeting and restriction on a news outlet. How many more rookie mistakes will this administration make? Time will tell.

on Oct 26, 2009

Sounds like blacklisting by Democrats is not limited to JU. Obama tried to flex muscles he didn't have. LOL. Maybe he should create an account here where he can at least blacklist people here, maybe take some tips from the local Liberals and their defenders here on JU on how to blacklist just for disagreeing.

on Oct 26, 2009

Sounds like blacklisting by Democrats is not limited to JU.

Who blacklisted you Chuck and what article? Let everyone judge for themselves if it was fair or not. IMO there is hardly any reason for it, except spam. If the Blacklister thought it was appropriate, they shouldn't mind being called out if they feel they are justified. Just a suggestion, sometimes it's better to get it out in the open. I responded in-depth on your article on the subject. 

on Oct 26, 2009

Who blacklisted you Chuck and what article? Let everyone judge for themselves if it was fair or not.

Wasnt me but someone else who just disagreed and persisted in their disagreement and they got banned. I think you saw where already.


on Oct 27, 2009

has caused you to completely overlook or ignore the most remarkable--and newsworthy--aspect of this specific issue.

Apparently, that would be Bush. Nothing if not consistent.

i'm still not sure how you manage to connect--or reconcile--bush with my observation quoted above considering there's no real connection between him and the topic, much less the fact he's hardly remarkable or newsworthy at the moment.

(sorta reminds me of the two freudians who pass in a hallway; one says 'hi'...the other walks away wondering "what did he mean by that?")

what chuckychuck glossed over was irony of fox news benefiting from journalistic integrity and professionalism it rarely, demonstrates.  

A few details would be nice.

do da names jeff gannon/james guckert ( and dick cheney ring a bell?

on Oct 27, 2009

The Obama Administration attempted to use a power they do not have, they pretty much went against the Constitution by trying to take away the freedom of press,

i notice none of yall hadda problem with djchuck's ridiculous assertion quoted above.

At least I have a mind even if it's single.

if only i'd characterized it as "simpleminded" instead of "singleminded". 


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