The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on October 26, 2009 By CharlesCS In Blogging

The truth hurts, we all know that. But what do you do about it? Do you take it like a man (no insult to women intended) and accept you are either wrong or that someone just has a difference of opinion from you or do you deny their opinion and when they persist you simply shut them up and shut them out?

For the years I have been on JU, I have always felt that the Blacklisting feature on JU had a more specific purpose than just to blacklist people for not agreeing with you. If you spend enough time on blogs and forums you eventually come across some people who are just plain annoying, disrespectful and down right stupid. Some call these people trolls who basically provide nothing worth reading on any particular article or topic. While I normally ignore these people, I can understand why some here would block them, they just sometimes get really annoying and even spam the articles way too much and just make it harder to have a decent debate with anyone. Its my guess that this is one of the main reasons JU added this feature apart from also allowing people to ban spammers who like placing ads on ones blogs.

However we do have a select group of users here who need only a couple of disagreements on their articles and "click" you're blacklisted. Forget about insults, foul mouthing and lies. You need only to disagree with them and then persist on your disagreement and quickly will they flex their virtual muscles and give you the ultimatum "agree or be shut up". Time and again I have seen people blacklisted just because you disagree with them and you won't change your point of view. I, myself, have been blacklisted by some here because of this and to be honest am surprised others haven't done it yet considering how persistent and sometimes annoying I can be.

I had one person here who blacklisted me just because she could. I, of course, told this person how childish that action was but it was this person style and I eventually got use to it and didn't care much for this person action anymore. Even the site owner banned me once, but I was literally asking for it so he simply gave me what I wanted. Can't blame the guy for wanting to please me, it was actually fun though and he only had me banned for 1 day.

Personally, my opinion is blacklisting just because you don't like being disagreed with and because you can't get them to stop disagreeing with you is a coward's action. This current Administration tried to "blacklist" Fox News recently and got burned by those they thought would back them. Blacklisting just because you can shows how little you care about freedom of speech. If you gonna blacklist people do it for the right reasons, not just because.

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Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 27, 2009

If I see something on TV that I find offensive, I turn it off.  If a song comes on the radio I don't like, I change the station.  When I start a book that doesn't keep my interest or is full of crap, I quit reading it.  If someone comments on a thread and I find it trollish, I scroll down to the next box.  This is a talent I have acquired since coming to JU, I didn't have it when I got here.  I learned that arguing with some folks on line is like wrestling with a pig...everyone gets dirty but the pig LIKES it.  Does this offend you?  Don't read it.

on Oct 27, 2009

An annoying one.

My kind of talent. Just ask my co-workers.

What's blacklisting got to do with disposable adult sanitary garments?

Hmmm, good questions lets google it and find out.

on Oct 27, 2009

I learned that arguing with some folks on line is like wrestling with a pig...everyone gets dirty but the pig LIKES it.

I love it. That's a great line you got there.

on Oct 27, 2009

I wish I could claim it as a Stoney original but I heard it years ago from an Armor officer, his version was, "Arguing with an Infantry officer is like wrestling with a pig..."

on Oct 27, 2009

I only ever blacklisted one person... there are plenty that i consider insufferable fools beyond redemption, but only the most abusive and annoying get the boot.

on Oct 27, 2009

I respect someone's right to restrict access to their blog, for whatever reasons they might choose, but wouldn't do it myself.

on Oct 27, 2009

What's blacklisting got to do with disposable adult sanitary garments?


on Oct 27, 2009

I respect someone's right to restrict access to their blog, for whatever reasons they might choose, but wouldn't do it myself.

i refuse to blacklist or delete comments (something i find even more obnoxious).

on Oct 27, 2009

kb & I don't agree on a lot, but on this and a few other things, we're like THIS.

on Oct 27, 2009

We also agree that there's a place for disposable adult sanitary garments, ...depending.

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