The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

OK, so we've all been debating over the new Arizona Immigration Law that was recently signed by the Arizona Governor on whether we like it or not. A recent poll by Rasmussen shows that the Governors support when up 64% after the bill was signed giving her a higher % who are in favor with the bill.

But ever since the bill was in the works many who were against this bill have been throwing every idea they could come up with to convince people that this bill was bad, unconstitutional, racist, unfair and even discriminatory. Now, I can expect such complaints from the Media, from those who blog and even from some politicians. But of all people, I would have expected the President of the US to try to find a solution to this issue by working with the Arizona Governor to show he wants a solution to this issue and to show bipartisanship as well.

Instead President Obama has taken it upon himself to not only ignore the problem since this is the reason the bill was passed, but also to basically insult the Arizona Governor by putting out "hypothetical" situations where a "Legal" resident might end up arrested and possibly deported for not having the proper documents at the moment an Arizona Police Officer decided to "ask for their papers" without any "reasonable suspicion" which the law specifically shows that is not what it was intended for. Obama's comments and examples basically suggest the Arizona Governor was very ignorant when signing this law, that she was not caring for those who "might" get hurt in the process, that she doesn't seem to care about the "innocent" who may get caught is this discriminatory and racist bill.

I don't know about you, but I though President Obama would have better served his agenda by meeting with the Arizona Governor and finding a way to enforce the laws that already exist so that this new law could be repealed to avoid "possible" abuses. This kind of action could have made President Obama seem to care enough about the problem and the "innocent" people who might get caught in the middle of the enforment of the law by doing what he had promised to do before which was work on a Federal solution to the border problem. A show of bipartisanship between the President and the Arizona Governor could have made this issue less of an issue. Instead President Obama has chosen to attack the Arizona Governor in a political fashion which I think does not actually help to resolve the problem. Some believe this may be due to this bill being seen as an action being taken by the State due to the Federal Gov't's (Obama's Administration) lack of action to help resolve this illegal immigrant issue in Arizona. Because this basically made the current Administration look bad by not being capable of finding a solution, so now it seems it's their turn to lash back at the Arizona local Gov't.

So, give us your opinion in the poll below and write a comment if you wish:


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Comments (Page 2)
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on May 01, 2010


Why don't we kick out all of the Italians because of the Mafia?

You are snarky!

Ok, Italians go home!

on May 02, 2010

Ok, Italians go home!

Especially if they are swimming into the US illegally.

on May 03, 2010

Especially if they are swimming into the US illegally.

Heck no!  If they swam from Italy to the US, sign them up for the Olympics because that would be some serious endurance skills!

on May 03, 2010

Heck no! If they swam from Italy to the US, sign them up for the Olympics because that would be some serious endurance skills!

LOL not sure if marathon swimming is an event in the Olympics.

Obama's unwise comment sort of goes back to his earlier "racial" involvement with the Cambridge, Massachusetts police. His actions make him appear to be a president for some of the people instead of all of the people. He should withhold comment until folks, smarter than him (and their are plenty) and qualified to make a statement, give their opinion. They only time this guy wants equality for citizens is when it's time to vote. It's quite a turn off. He feels he needs to comment on everything, and that just isn't the case. I'm not bothered if he doesn't like whitey when race is an issue, but he doesn't need to advertise it.

on May 03, 2010

Obama's unwise comment sort of goes back to his earlier "racial" involvement with the Cambridge, Massachusetts police. His actions make him appear to be a president for some of the people instead of all of the people.

Bingo!  But his problem is that he is just not smart enough to know the smart course - withhold comments.

Call him rain Man if you want, but Obama is not the smartest president ever.  He is not even the smartest one of this century.

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