The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Image Hosted by Democratic Underground, a website that, according to that image to the left, was created specifically to undermine the Bush Administration. Can you imagine? A website where every nutjob Democrat can feel right at home? Got to give it to the founders of for exercising their First Amendment rights to freely speak about the (back then) current President of the US. For 8 years the founders and it’s members spent their time attacking, nit picking, smearing, insulting, bashing and downright crapping all over George W. Bush and his, as they liked to call them, cronies. Hell, even Fox News found itself as a constant target of this sad excuse for a Democrat playground of a site. Yup, they sure exercised their freedom to make themselves heard, but don’t fool yourself into thinking freely gives these same rights to those who joined their website. Oh no, no.

You see, this site is, like many other Liberal and/or Democrats out there, a site that only believes in freedoms so long as they follow their idea of, in this case, free speech. About 10 years ago I got into the whole blogging and forum thing. I found it interesting to be able to express my opinions to the world and to debate other peoples opinions. This was an excellent way to see what other people thought about anything, technology, science, politics and even personal stuff like family issues, relationships and finances. I eventually found my way to sites like, a great place for blogging. Later I learned about WordPress, Blogger and others. As I spent more time blogging I found I had a strong interest in politics; after all, politics are about as important as brushing my teeth and taking showers every day. About as important as spending quality time with my family and friends. Why? Because the choices we all make when election time roles around can and will have great impacts in not just my life and that of my family but also in every American household in the country and even other countries around the world. Well, this politic interest brought me face to face with the horror that is political debates. The passion that some people can have over their beliefs can sometimes seem stronger than love for family and friends or even eating. Eventually I read comments about a site called, a site dedicated to “the loons of the left” as many called it. I was intrigued. I checked out the site and found it somewhat interesting and thought I would be even more interesting to join it. And that’s when I came across this:


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Right there in the middle “We ban conservative disruptors who are opposed to the broad goals of this website. If you think overall that George W. Bush is doing a swell job, or if you wish to see Republicans win, or if you are generally supportive of conservative ideals, please do not register to post, as you will likely be banned”. It seems freedom of speech only applies to Liberal and/or Democratic opinions. OK, I get that this site is meant for Democrats, the name kinda gives that away, but to actually ban people just for being anything other than Liberal or Democrat? I find it shameful those who joined seemed to have no problem agreeing to these rules. But it seems now their own rules are now biting them all in the ass.

Once Obama won the 2008 elections and was inaugurated on Jan 20th 2009, the Democrats no longer had their punching bag-in-chief in office anymore. basically had no real reason to exist anymore as the purpose for their creation in the first place had already served his 2 terms and either way could run again. At this point and every other Democrat out there were now running on fumes, fumes that came from the infamous “I inherited Bush’s deficit” cow train Obama and the Democrats have been riding since he took office. But, like any cow out there, you can only milk it for so long before your own people start thinking that cow is empty already. And here is where find itself, pulling on the cows udder and getting nothing but air. But you don’t have to take my word for it, just see for yourself how desperate Administration is getting right here Democratic Underground is changing. It's time to change the way we run it.

The DU Administrators have long been frustrated with the persistent undercurrent of negativity and conflict here, which has been exacerbated by the lack of a common villain in the form of George W. Bush. But we have been reluctant to make changes to the way we run the site out of fear that we might do more harm than good. The problems we face are extraordinarily complicated, and despite (or perhaps because of) nearly a decade of administering this site we tend to be fairly skeptical of our own ability to effect broad-based changes that will improve DU for the majority of our members.

Basically now that the hand that fed them (George W. Bush) is no longer serving meals, their members probably thought having a Democrat President (Barack H. Obama) would simply make them happy and would flourish even more. Ah, but fate is not without it’s ironies for, as I said above and the top image describes, George W. Bush was the driving force that not only help create but also made it important enough to be referenced all over the Media and possibly even be partially responsible for the Democrats taking over both the Houses in 2006. Without Bush, is now running on fumes and their “I inherited Bush’s deficit” is no longer valid as any issue this nation is facing today is all Obama’s responsibility. After all, the guys been President for a year and a half now.

But you may be asking yourself why is having problems, problems that are forcing the Administrators to review current rules and possibly revise, remove or add new ones? Well, if they no longer have a Republican in the White House to accuse and abuse, if they no longer have Republicans in control of both houses to blame for any stupid bill passed or something, who do they have now to blame for anything that goes wrong? Well Democrats of course. But, then that would go against the rules of the site as stated in the first line of the image above and here:

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You simply need to read the comments on the link above to see how the site members have been dividing themselves little by little, just like we see out here in the polls, as they start to realize that Obama, Pelosi, Reed and the rest of the Democrats are not what they wanted as leaders of this nation. But, is personally making a big effort to keep members from criticizing Democrats (unless it’s “constructive criticism”, LOL) regardless if they are disappointed with their work, efforts and policies.

So there you have it folks., just another site that takes away the freedoms of even those who supposedly go there looking for like-minded opinions and comments. And this is just a site controlled by simply citizens, imagine what someone like President Obama can do? Then again, there is no need to imagine when a healthcare bill is passed that forces people to purchase something or be punished, when a bill like the fairness doctrine is a possibility, when the concept of controlling the Internet and it’s content is even considered, when the Constitution of the United States is ignored and attempts to circumvent it are made, when pure, unadulterated Socialism is the goal of any Administration, when helping the less fortunate means taking from one person forcefully and giving it to the other as a reward as oppose to educating them so they can earn their own.

President Obama made many promises during his campaign for President of the United States. He ran a campaign against a man that could no longer run for President (George W. Bush). He ran under the idea that people hated Bush so much they had no choice but to vote for him. He ran under the lies of “hope and change”, “transparency” and “not business as usual”. If you want proof Obama and the Democrats have been failures, you need only to look at the link above one more time to see that they are even responsible for the problems in They say you get what you paid for, looks like this Administration was leased because we will all be paying for this one for years to come. is on life support, November 2010 may be a heart attack for the site. We shall see and inform.

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on Jun 23, 2010

DU has always been a parody that was real.  But what really got me was their mindless hate filled comments about Tony Snow's cancer and their rejoicing when he died.  So magnanimous of them.  And one of their chief bell ringers?  Elizabeth Edwards!  Who was urging them on to bigger and better acts of depravity with each post she made.

And like you said, how the tide has turned.  Now, she has cancer, but I cant find the site where people are jumping up and down and celebrating her misfortune.  Nor can I find where they are laughing at her for the Hunter affair. Or taking pleasure in her constant misfortune (when you marry a democrat, what do you expect?).

It would seem that DU bans those with compassion since it has none itself and revels in misfortune since that is all its members seem to have.  They are examples of the worst parts of human nature.

on Jun 23, 2010

That they are, I am actually quite puzzled at the idea that Democrats would subscribe to such terrible mentalities such as those that run this site. But whats really funny is how the member are now feeling the pain of their own actions as DU is forced to enforce the rules on the actual Democrat members because they are now criticizing Democrats because there are no Republicans to blame in an Administration controlled by Democrats. And they are annoyed by this. Talk about having a taste of your own medicine, how does lack of freedom of speech taste now to them?

on Jun 23, 2010

how does lack of freedom of speech taste now to them?

You have to have a brain to figure that one out, and so far they have demonstrated no one there does.

on Jun 24, 2010

Imagine that! A hate site that doesn't want its motives questioned.

on Jun 24, 2010

Imagine that! A hate site that doesn't want its motives questioned.