The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on February 22, 2011 By CharlesCS In Blogging

If there is one thing I have learned in life is that I don’t have time to be angry. Anger brings about too much distraction, too many problems and takes the entertainment away from everything. As a realist I tend to accept that there are people out there who will try really hard to get you mad, be it as a joke, by having an insulting nature (people who get offended easily and are fast to throw verbal punches) or are looking for trouble. I like to smile at life as often as possible because in reality people who try to get you mad tend to get mad first when they realize that have no control over you.

Now, this is not to say I don’t get mad. I am very passionate about my beliefs (political, religious, personal, etc) and when a debate get heated I might lose a bit of control and end up mad. But that’s not always a bad thing as sometimes you just have to let out some steam to avoid a dangerous explosion of anger. Think of it as a release valve. I usually let my gaming be my release valve as I spend a couple of hours either gunning down other online players or building mass armies both ground and air and mount an assault on alien enemy bases (no I don’t have a need for destruction problem). I can be very relaxing sometimes.

But I have noticed how some people seem to be angry almost to the point of being violent. Not that anyone could be physically violent on a blog but reading the words and the constant use of bold words, underlining and CAPS are almost as telling as the thousand words of a picture. What’s even sadder is how this anger seems to be constant and with no end in site. makes me wonder what a person like this would be if they actually got mad. People like this are difficult to converse, debate or even talk to because everything comes out with anger and usually followed by foul language. Insults are usually their weapon of choice when they realize they are not in control of a conversation. Losing is not only not an option but an excuse to bring out their weapon of choice.

My question (as my title states) is, why are you so angry? Why so much animosity towards those who don’t agree with your point of view? Why are you so mad even before anyone reads you articles and comments on them? Anger is such a negative thing to hold on to so persistently. You need to learn to cool off and find ways to make your point without having to insult the entire world (exaggerated on purpose) in the process. Not worth spending so much time feeding it.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 01, 2011

I love righteous anger!  The few times when you know you are right and can unload on some clown who is trying to put you down - and they are wrong!

on Mar 01, 2011

I love righteous anger! The few times when you know you are right and can unload on some clown who is trying to put you down - and they are wrong!


Even when I know I'm right, I can't get righteous about it.  (Though it may seem like it to someone else)  I know the person I'm disagreeing with believes they are equally right.  And I might just happen to be wrong 

Something you might find interesting....

“Anger is a prominent feature of several personality disorders.  If you have a paranoid personality style, you view everyone as potentially threatening.  You are quick to take offense and to respond in kind.  In both paranoid and narcissistic personality disorders, you feel that you are superior to most people you know.”


on Mar 01, 2011

hmmmm sounds like you just described my mother T.   

on Mar 02, 2011

Even when I know I'm right, I can't get righteous about it. (Though it may seem like it to someone else) I know the person I'm disagreeing with believes they are equally right. And I might just happen to be wrong

Hmmmm.... Perhaps I need more clarification.  Say when a company says you have not paid a bill, and they are threatening you with legal action.  And you have a copy of the cancelled check.  That is righteous anger.  Yes, they think they are right, but you KNOW you are right.

on Mar 02, 2011

And you have a copy of the cancelled check. That is righteous anger. Yes, they think they are right, but you KNOW you are right.

I don't get mad over stuff like that usually...because I have proof...anger might enter the equation depending on how the conversation is handled though, but then its offended anger.

For me, righteous anger is hard to come by because I've trained myself to always try to see the situation from the other person's perspective, no matter how nutty it may seem   

on Mar 02, 2011

but then its offended anger.

I see now.  Just a difference in deffinitions!

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