The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
At least not according to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Published on June 12, 2007 By CharlesCS In Democrat
Well, this is the first time I have seen where there was a bill in the Gov’t that did not pass yet the end result was somehow still achieved. Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, made a comment on the news where he called the illegal immigrants “undocumented Americans”. Wow, now they are Americans? Undocumented? How does that work? How can you be a citizen (cause being called an American on American soil means you are a citizen right?) of the US, within the US borders and be undocumented? Is that like losing your license, birth certificate and social security card all at the same time? Oh, so many questions and not enough answers. Someone please explain to me how is this possible. Cause I am just at a lost.
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on Jun 15, 2007
I'm not aware of the term "in(un)alienable rights" being in the constitution, Gid. As for the declaration, those rights include "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Feel free to set those down in some legally defined form for me. No doubt some people consider gay marriage to fit in there with "happiness", too, and yet you don't consider it a right.

"The truth is, there are some rights our founding fathers DID feel were inviolable and inalienable. This is why the Bill of Rights does not GRANT us rights, but rather limits the power of the government."

And those limits have been amended and re-amended. Feel free to point out the list of things we can't limit through an amendment to the constitution. You can settle this by just listing those things that are specifically ensured regardless of the will of the people.

I figure you'll point to the first couple of amendments, which isn't really valid, since we know we can repeal amendments, we've done it before. That's not saying we ever would, but you're saying we CAN'T, which is a very different thing. According to you, the courts can veto anything we want to pass, no matter how large the majority, so long as they consider it an unalienable right.

So basically, own the courts, rule the nation. The will of the people is secondary.

on Jun 15, 2007
Now you are just playing ignorant. We graduate kids from High School all the time that are functionally illiterate. We are constantly hearing how the NCLB thing isn't fair because we can't expect inner city kids, etc., to be able to meet those standards. There was something just the other day about how any testing at all under the age of 12 is supposedly unfair.

I see you chose to rather call me ignorant as oppose to answering my question. I asked specifically about those who can't not those who can but chose not to. This is the problem going on around here, your dodging questions by stating something that was not asked. Sorry to say this but that is something I would normally expect from Col.

? You guys are straining hard, lol. It would be perfectly resonable to allow those born here citizenship until they prove unworthy of the title American. You guys are dodging clumsily. The fact of the matter is we set what it takes to become an American, and then ignore the fact that a great many people here don't meet those expectations.

Not according to how you put it, as far as you say we are lucky to be Americans while at the same time we have to earn it. How can you be born an American and then have to earn it. I thought earning means getting something you did not have before. Being American is not like getting an A in school the first day of school and all you have to do is maintain it by working hard and learning.
on Jun 15, 2007
"I see you chose to rather call me ignorant as oppose to answering my question. I asked specifically about those who can't not those who can but chose not to."

I was responding to you saying: "The odds of someone being born and raised here no knowing the language would be a first for me." As for stripping the citizenship of retarded kids, I chose to overlook an idiotic question. If you'd take the time to read you'd realize I'm not promoting stripping anyone's citizenship. You and Sean are just so anxious to be pissed off that you can't see past your nose.

I'm asking why if these are the standards to be "American", why you allow people who aren't up to those standards to be "American". You guys just want to address this as if I am talking about sending people out on boats. I'm saying that if you turn that mirror toward the nation as a whole there's no reason why you shouldn't be setting people out on boats.

Not that any of that matters. Whatever makes you feel righteous and indignant. The whole point of this blog seems to be how awful it is to misuse the word "American". I'm wondering how you can water it down much more than it already is.
on Jun 15, 2007
Meh, pointless. To sum up for the last time, there is nothing but horror when someone refers to an illegal alien who has lived and worked here for years as an "American". Yet, you can see it right here, if you question taking that status away from, say, a child murderer, again, more indignation for being the "thought police".

In the end it is the WASP country club mentality, that god forbid we let the unwashed in to rub elbows with our members. Members who are often ignorant non-contributers, and who sometimes commit horrific crimes, but no matter how little they fit the entrance requirements should evidently never have their membership stripped from them. If that's a hypocrisy that you can support, fine, I can't.

Vent, misrepresent, etc., whatever you like. I'm done responding. If you guys can't read deeper than "HE WANTS TO DEPORT CHILDREN!!!" there's no point in talking to you at all.

on Jun 19, 2007
I know I come late to the party, but what the hell...

why didn't you comment on that when bush said it in 2000? too busy trashing al gore to notice?

Jun 26, 2000.... Immigration is not a problem to be solved, it is the sign of a successful nation. New Americans are to be welcomed as neighbors and not to be feared as strangers.

ya'll didn't mind when it was george pandering for them...

Only the Smug One would argue on the premise that legal immigration and illegal immigration are the same thing, using a quote that says absolutely the opposite of what he implies, there for all of us to read, apparently thinking no one would notice. He's becoming quite adept at the non-sequitur rejoinder. Same with the pandering jibe - pandering to legal citizens is in his mind the same as trying to legislatively create another huge, beholdin' voting bloc guaranteed to get you back in the majority (for at least awhile). It is a sign of the desperation and hollowness of the Democrat Party that they believe the only way they can return to power is by appealing to non-citizens, not the people they would be elected to serve, should they win. They've always been more subtle about illegal voting & ballot-stuffing - this is just out there in the wide open, a vote-grab of monumental proportions, about which they have no shame at all (not that George isn't pandering to that bloc now - he just wasn't in 2000).
on Jun 19, 2007
Wow, I'm impressed that I created an article that would get this many responses.
on Jun 19, 2007
Self-congratulation is a form of masturbation, you know.   
on Jun 19, 2007
Self-congratulation is a form of masturbation, you know.

"giving himself a hand?" so to speak...  
on Jun 20, 2007
Self-congratulation is a form of masturbation, you know.

Tell me something I don't know. LOL.

"giving himself a hand?" so to speak...

Hey, it beats no hands at all.   
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