The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
At least not according to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Published on June 12, 2007 By CharlesCS In Democrat
Well, this is the first time I have seen where there was a bill in the Gov’t that did not pass yet the end result was somehow still achieved. Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, made a comment on the news where he called the illegal immigrants “undocumented Americans”. Wow, now they are Americans? Undocumented? How does that work? How can you be a citizen (cause being called an American on American soil means you are a citizen right?) of the US, within the US borders and be undocumented? Is that like losing your license, birth certificate and social security card all at the same time? Oh, so many questions and not enough answers. Someone please explain to me how is this possible. Cause I am just at a lost.
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on Jun 12, 2007
why didn't you comment on that when bush said it in 2000? too busy trashing al gore to notice?

Jun 26, 2000.... Immigration is not a problem to be solved, it is the sign of a successful nation. New Americans are to be welcomed as neighbors and not to be feared as strangers.
on Jun 12, 2007
Jim Reed, Senate Majority Leader...

It's Harry Reid (D-Nevada).

...made a comment on the news where he called the illegal immigrants “undocumented Americans”.

That is rich. Best beware, before we all become "undocumented Canadians" who just haven't snuck across the border yet.

This is pandering to the highest degree. They want so desperately to make these illegal immigrants into good registered Democrats that they will use any and all wordplay to justify their position.
on Jun 12, 2007
This is pandering to the highest degree. They want so desperately to make these illegal immigrants into good registered Democrats that they will use any and all wordplay to justify their position.

ya'll didn't mind when it was george pandering for them...


George Bush--all three generations of him--wants to woo Hispanic voters. Scarcely a week goes by when the Texas Governor--George W.--isn't hola-ing and comos estas-ing his way through a Hispanic community center or a classroom filled with Hispanic children. And late last week in New York City, his campaign released its first television ads of the general election--ads starring GEORGE P. BUSH, the candidate's charismatic 23-year-old Mexican-American nephew, in a direct pitch to New York's Puerto Rican voting bloc. The star turn will not be his last. "You're going to be seeing a lot more of him," beams a campaign adviser.

Even George H.W. Bush--the patriarch of the namesakes--is getting into the swing of things. Sources tell TIME that the former President, who once famously referred to his Mexican-American grandchildren, including George P., as "the little brown ones," recently urged his son's campaign to hold a national Hispanic event aimed at luring Hispanics away from the Democrats.
on Jun 12, 2007
why didn't you comment on that when bush said it in 2000?

I can't speak for Charles, but for myself: I voted for McCain in 2000. And I wasn't blogging yet.

Immigration is not the problem here. ILLEGAL immigration is the problem we are facing. I embrace "New Americans" and indeed welcome them as neighbors... as long as they went through the immigration process. It's the highest compliment that we have so many who want to be Americans. However, if they are criminals who snuck into my country then they are to be feared as strangers because I do not want criminals around me or my family.

This is ridiculous -- one side is trying so hard to vilify the other that it's impossible to have a conversation.
on Jun 12, 2007
It's Harry Reid (D-Nevada).

Sorry, I just happen to have a co-worker called Jim reed and I got confused. LOL.
on Jun 12, 2007
why didn't you comment on that when bush said it in 2000? too busy trashing al gore to notice?

Jun 26, 2000.... Immigration is not a problem to be solved, it is the sign of a successful nation. New Americans are to be welcomed as neighbors and not to be feared as strangers.

First off I didn't know he said that. Second I say the same to him as well. They are not Americans, I am. I was born here, I work here, I pay taxes here. Stop trying to justify your crying by pointing at other people doing the same as if I would allow anyone to do it. They are not Americans, they are illegals. I don't care who says otherwise. Happy?
on Jun 12, 2007
I can't speak for Charles, but for myself: I voted for McCain in 2000.

mccain...who's for the immigration bill as well?

And on dec 9th of 1999, the candidate (bush) said this...

I believe it is far more compassionate to turn away people at the border than to attempt to find and arrest them once they are living in our country illegally.

And before the people re-elected him again in 2004, his stance had not changed...from january 2004...

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush will outline an immigration reform proposal Wednesday that would allow workers in the United States illegally to join a new temporary worker program and not lose their jobs, administration officials said.

This is ridiculous -- one side is trying so hard to vilify the other that it's impossible to have a conversation

what is ridiculous is this all of a sudden "outcry" after the political environment and seats of power changed. and even more ridiculous is the feeble defense of the very policies your guy was pushing in both of his election campaign. you either liked or stood silent on the "pandering" when it was bush pandering for hispanic votes, but now it's a high crime that needs to be villified.

and what is more ridiculous is that we don't have the spine to enforce the 86 laws, which go after the employers. instead we are encouraging our reps to sign either the proposed legislation or another "hard line" legislation plan...both of which have the same result...the employers who have committed the FELONIES will be given total amnesty for 21 years of blatant crime. and the poor MISDEMEANOR committing impovershed minorities will be punished for trying to feed their family. one plan offers a reward if that punishment is accepted and adhered to, the other does not. that's the only difference.

either way, the only amnesty being given is to the employers who finance re-election campaigns.

maybe you missed my article on the subject SD, it was on the front page of JU. you can read it here...

WWW Link

or a previous article...WWW Link
on Jun 12, 2007
Let's get one thing straight here Sean. I'm not here to defend the Republicans or the President everytime they do something stupid. I am a Centrist that leans more Republican, I want laws, rules, regulations and policies that will make this country a better place, that will allow Americans to better themselves without being dependent of the Gov't itself, that can help those who seem helpless to become part of this society and contribute to the bettering of this nation. I want our children to have a good education, to be able to go outside and have fun without having to fear child predators, drunk drivers, bullies, terrorist, gangs, etc. I will fight for the policies that I feel will give me what I want, what I think is best for this country, I don't care if the person who wrote the bill is Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, Man, Woman, Black, Mulsim or even born in another country.

We may all want to think that doing the right thing will bring us closer to a better living in this world and while it's all find and dandy and I like the concept; we all have to see the reality of this world for what it is. Not everyone wants a free world, not everyone believes simple people should have a say in the matters of their country, not everyone thinks that other religions besides theirs is acceptable, not everyone thinks everything can be solved by sitting down and talking. We must be able to deal with every single one of these situations in the best way we can but we will have to also except that the right way may not always be the best way or only way to reach our goal. Survival, cause in the end it's all about survival, and money but everyone knows that already, right?
on Jun 12, 2007
Dude, Sean... you need to take a break from the keyboard and get some fresh air. Zen, dude... breathe. Gotta take time for yourself and not get wrapped around the pole.

maybe you missed my article on the subject SD

I read your article, I replied to your article. I don't see why you're getting all bent outta shape over this. The immigration reform bill being pushed through the Senate is unpalatable as written. It creates so many problems within our country that we haven't even done all the research yet on its total impact. Politicians create bad legislation all the time. My biggest laugh was the bald-faced pandering that Reid was doing in regards to all those new Democrats he's having a wet dream for. Which was the point of Charles' article.

As for pandering, maybe politicians do it all the time. Both sides of the aisle.

As for 86 laws, I agree that they need to be enforced. Coming from Arizona, I saw illegal immigrants all the time, lived around them, etc. It's tough for them because they can't learn the language fast enough, can't get their basic needs met because they come to this country dirt-poor and destitute. I agree with Bush when he said it's more compassionate to keep them from coming than to boot them out after they're here.

But that wasn't the point of this article.
on Jun 12, 2007
I say we round em up and use em for target practice, dress em in Terrorist outfits put them in mock up middle eastern villages and have our recruits get real time training, killing them.. solves the immigration problem, trains our military. Damn I am a genius!!
on Jun 12, 2007
ya'll didn't mind when it was george pandering for them...

There you go again........

Not all Hispanics are mexican. Not all Mexicans are illegals. And not all illegals are Mexican or hispanic.

There are roughly 40 million AMERICAN hispanics in this country. Most were born here, and some have acquired citizenship. They are not part of the 12 million ILLEGAL aliens that are the focus (but many are trying to make them not the focus) of the current debate and legislation.
on Jun 12, 2007
Not all Hispanics are mexican. Not all Mexicans are illegals. And not all illegals are Mexican or hispanic.

i know that guy...but look anywhere this is being discussed. it is all about the "mexicans." some are at least courteous enough to use a more generic term like "latino."

and immigration was never a problem when it was europeans comin thru canada cause they couldn't get into ellis. in fact, reagan increased the number of irish immigrants we would accept when he was president so they wouldn't have to go thru canada.
on Jun 12, 2007
I say we round em up and use em for target practice, dress em in Terrorist outfits put them in mock up middle eastern villages and have our recruits get real time training, killing them.. solves the immigration problem, trains our military. Damn I am a genius!!

LOL, leave it to MM to come up with a swift and easy way to solve a problem that will serve more than one purpose.
on Jun 12, 2007
And on dec 9th of 1999, the candidate (bush) said this...

I believe it is far more compassionate to turn away people at the border than to attempt to find and arrest them once they are living in our country illegally.

And before the people re-elected him again in 2004, his stance had not changed...from january 2004...

OK, I think you are starting to nit-pick here now. I agree with Bush that it is easier to stop them from coming than it is to deport all 12 million plus back to where they came from, that doesn't mean make them legal immigrants in 1 day over all those legal immigrants who have waited for years, paid thousands of dollars, have needed countless legal papers and have been a great example of people worth making citizens, Emperor of Ice Cream is the best example of that. To do such a thing as this bill wanted would have been like me taking all of his money and then giving him the finger and that is not what this country should be about.

what is ridiculous is this all of a sudden "outcry" after the political environment and seats of power changed. and even more ridiculous is the feeble defense of the very policies your guy was pushing in both of his election campaign. you either liked or stood silent on the "pandering" when it was bush pandering for hispanic votes, but now it's a high crime that needs to be villified.

You really need to lay off the caffeine. You almost sound like you gonna burst a blood vessle or something. Stop acting as if these kinds of things don't happen on both sides of the field. No matter how many times it may have been mentioned nothing ever happend during his first 6 years about this idea of his. Now all of a sudden it seems as if it would really happen and people became loud enough to make sure it didn't. We didn't have to be that loud before. Keep in mind we don't always vote for someone because we agree with everything he/she says. Man get a grip for once.
on Jun 12, 2007
ps- I've commented about 40-50 times today, on at least a dozen different threads, but i'm certain this single remark aimed in your direction will quickly be labeled as 'obsession.' that's getting old, too.)

protest if you must...but the obsession is clear

At least Col Gene has the goddamned decency to confine this crap to his own blog, and doesn't wander around trolling for opposition

yes,,,you might learn from that.

Maybe they IGNORED your article on the subject, Sean

actually he commented on it before, and i forgot about that (and my apologies SD) ...oops. but regardless, you're wrong again ... and obviously just trying to spread more filth and lies   

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