This title is not meant to insult or offend, simply a question, please read whole article.
Stupid - slow of mind, given to unintelligent decisions or acts, acting in an unintelligent or careless manner, lacking intelligence or reason
(Just in case someone had any doubts as to what does stupid mean)
Let’s face it folks, we all know that every time we say the words “illegal immigrants” or illegal aliens” we’re really talking about Mexicans. While it’s obvious that these terms mean anyone not citizen of any particular nation that they are residing in, last I saw in one of the recent protest done by illegal immigrants and legal immigrants the Mexican flag waved and waved and waved but funny that I did not see any Chinese flags, Brazilian flags, Australian flags, etc. Sure, chances are there might have been one here or there but that’s my point, I did not see them, probably due to the overwhelming amount of Mexican flags carried. Not to mention that this protest happen on US soil and not a single American flag was used in the protest.
Anyways, here’s the real point of my article. Are Mexicans stupid people? Why would I ask such a thing? Simple. I’ve been following somewhat the illegal immigration issue (or problem) that has this country up in arms and about to burst a blood vessel. There are so many excuses made to excuse the reason why there are currently 12 million plus illegals in this country, and thousands more crossing every day. My favorite one, however, is the one where it is said that illegal aliens, mostly Mexicans, are taking jobs that Americans refuse or chose not to do. Why, I ask. Why do they not want to do these jobs? I heard an answer to this question on TV, because Americans are reaching much higher levels of education and are seeking less menial jobs.
Menial - appropriate to a servant, lacking interest or dignity.
Menial jobs, jobs that would put you in a servant like class, jobs that rich people look down at, jobs that can be productive and decent but are considered as something slave related. Only people with very little education or some really bad, bad luck would be the ones doing these jobs, basically because they usually do not require any school education to accomplish the job. In other words you could be stupid and probably still qualify to get a one of these menial jobs.
This is where I start to wonder, so if these jobs are for people with very little or no education and the Average American does not want to do them because they refuse to be known as of lower class, uneducated, a servant or some kind of slave (we all know slavery is illegal in this country but I hope you get my point), are we trying to say that illegal immigrants such as Mexicans that it is claimed are the ones taking these jobs of lower class, uneducated, servants and possible even slaves? In other words, since they don’t seem to see it, are they stupid? If I were Mexican I would probably be very offended by now. To be seen as someone stupid, only good enough to do menial jobs, the only ones who are willing to site under a blazing sun pasting burning tar onto a roof, all while not having any kind of insurance in case of injury or sickness that can derive from these kinds of jobs (Disclaimer - it is known that not all illegal immigrants work only menial jobs, that much higher positions have been known to be occupied by some illegal immigrants so please stop the crying here). Would I not try to show that we are more than just a bunch of freeloaders, lazy, menial job working criminals? Would I not try to become more than what I am? Would I not try to show that I did not intend to do anyone harm? That’s what I would do, but then I would have tried my best to avoid becoming a criminal from day one by crossing the border illegally. This is not Iraq or Afghanistan where people are fleeing to neighboring countries to avoid losing their lives in these wars, to survive cause it seems to be the only choice they have. And chances are if and when the wars are over and it is safe to return they will all most likely return because that is where home is and they are willing to rebuild and make a new, better life for themselves, not run away, abandon and betray their own country and people just because it’s a little easier over here.
I am sorry to say that these are not the kind of people I want adding to our culture. We, as Americans, are not perfect in any way, we have our own share of stupid people, criminals and money hungry politicians. That does not mean we should just let people in simply because they need money but are unwilling to fight to better their own country. That is just my opinion.
None the less I am curious to know what you guys and gals think. Are we really calling illegal immigrants stupid people? Is this not just another form of slavery except this time instead of forcing them it is necessity that is forcing them and we are taking advantage of it. Besides if this bill does pass and we due make all these illegal immigrants legal, who’s to say they will not take advantage of this countries education and eventually become just like those Americans who today refuse to do the menial jobs they are currently doing? How do we know if their children will do the menial jobs as well? And if this generation of menial workers eventually reaches old age and start dying out how do we replace them in the future? Do we let more illegals in and then make them legal’s in 24 hours and start the whole process all over again? When will this vicious cycle ever end? So many questions, not enough answers. What do you think?