The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
This title is not meant to insult or offend, simply a question, please read whole article.
Published on June 28, 2007 By CharlesCS In Politics
Stupid - slow of mind, given to unintelligent decisions or acts, acting in an unintelligent or careless manner, lacking intelligence or reason

(Just in case someone had any doubts as to what does stupid mean)

Let’s face it folks, we all know that every time we say the words “illegal immigrants” or illegal aliens” we’re really talking about Mexicans. While it’s obvious that these terms mean anyone not citizen of any particular nation that they are residing in, last I saw in one of the recent protest done by illegal immigrants and legal immigrants the Mexican flag waved and waved and waved but funny that I did not see any Chinese flags, Brazilian flags, Australian flags, etc. Sure, chances are there might have been one here or there but that’s my point, I did not see them, probably due to the overwhelming amount of Mexican flags carried. Not to mention that this protest happen on US soil and not a single American flag was used in the protest.

Anyways, here’s the real point of my article. Are Mexicans stupid people? Why would I ask such a thing? Simple. I’ve been following somewhat the illegal immigration issue (or problem) that has this country up in arms and about to burst a blood vessel. There are so many excuses made to excuse the reason why there are currently 12 million plus illegals in this country, and thousands more crossing every day. My favorite one, however, is the one where it is said that illegal aliens, mostly Mexicans, are taking jobs that Americans refuse or chose not to do. Why, I ask. Why do they not want to do these jobs? I heard an answer to this question on TV, because Americans are reaching much higher levels of education and are seeking less menial jobs.

Menial - appropriate to a servant, lacking interest or dignity.

Menial jobs, jobs that would put you in a servant like class, jobs that rich people look down at, jobs that can be productive and decent but are considered as something slave related. Only people with very little education or some really bad, bad luck would be the ones doing these jobs, basically because they usually do not require any school education to accomplish the job. In other words you could be stupid and probably still qualify to get a one of these menial jobs.

This is where I start to wonder, so if these jobs are for people with very little or no education and the Average American does not want to do them because they refuse to be known as of lower class, uneducated, a servant or some kind of slave (we all know slavery is illegal in this country but I hope you get my point), are we trying to say that illegal immigrants such as Mexicans that it is claimed are the ones taking these jobs of lower class, uneducated, servants and possible even slaves? In other words, since they don’t seem to see it, are they stupid? If I were Mexican I would probably be very offended by now. To be seen as someone stupid, only good enough to do menial jobs, the only ones who are willing to site under a blazing sun pasting burning tar onto a roof, all while not having any kind of insurance in case of injury or sickness that can derive from these kinds of jobs (Disclaimer - it is known that not all illegal immigrants work only menial jobs, that much higher positions have been known to be occupied by some illegal immigrants so please stop the crying here). Would I not try to show that we are more than just a bunch of freeloaders, lazy, menial job working criminals? Would I not try to become more than what I am? Would I not try to show that I did not intend to do anyone harm? That’s what I would do, but then I would have tried my best to avoid becoming a criminal from day one by crossing the border illegally. This is not Iraq or Afghanistan where people are fleeing to neighboring countries to avoid losing their lives in these wars, to survive cause it seems to be the only choice they have. And chances are if and when the wars are over and it is safe to return they will all most likely return because that is where home is and they are willing to rebuild and make a new, better life for themselves, not run away, abandon and betray their own country and people just because it’s a little easier over here.

I am sorry to say that these are not the kind of people I want adding to our culture. We, as Americans, are not perfect in any way, we have our own share of stupid people, criminals and money hungry politicians. That does not mean we should just let people in simply because they need money but are unwilling to fight to better their own country. That is just my opinion.

None the less I am curious to know what you guys and gals think. Are we really calling illegal immigrants stupid people? Is this not just another form of slavery except this time instead of forcing them it is necessity that is forcing them and we are taking advantage of it. Besides if this bill does pass and we due make all these illegal immigrants legal, who’s to say they will not take advantage of this countries education and eventually become just like those Americans who today refuse to do the menial jobs they are currently doing? How do we know if their children will do the menial jobs as well? And if this generation of menial workers eventually reaches old age and start dying out how do we replace them in the future? Do we let more illegals in and then make them legal’s in 24 hours and start the whole process all over again? When will this vicious cycle ever end? So many questions, not enough answers. What do you think?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 28, 2007

I gotta agree with amy and rose the title is very very offensive, but none the less the article is well written and a good read with many good points.

COME ON NOW AMY, you are saying all immigrants are hard working people, bullshit! how about all the criminals, 1/3 of the prisoners in California are illegal aliens, are they hard workers too? PUL EASEEEEEE!!!!

on Jun 28, 2007
1/3 of the prisoners in California are illegal aliens, are they hard workers too? PUL EASEEEEEE!!!!

Okay, all Mexicans are lazy is that anymore truthful than all Mexicans are hard workers? Besides I think those Mexican criminals work really hard at breaking the law. - lol. Honestly, the Mexicans I know are hard workers. They are not lazy by any stretch of the imagination. And where did the 1/3 statistic come from?
on Jun 28, 2007

Reply By: InBloomPosted: Thursday, June 28, 2007
First off, I Despise your title.

Thank you Rose.  As my wife and in-laws are 2nd gen, I dont like the title either.  But i defered to his content, which I did address.  I have already spent many an electron beating this dead horse.

The Big But: After reading the article (I was going to flame him on the title when I saw it), I saw that it was not the "stupid Mexicans" that he was talking about, but the "Stupid Americans" that think they know squat about their ancestors land.

And not even all of those.  Just the spoiled brats that dont have to struggle for a decent living, instead, feeding off the stuggles of their parents.

Paris Hiltons if you like.

on Jun 29, 2007
we all know that every time we say the words “illegal immigrants” or illegal aliens” we’re really talking about Mexicans

we=those to whom they all look alike as well as those for whom anything between our southern border and argentina is mexico.

there's an older guy who works nights at gas station two blocks from me. two years ago i noticed him consulting a text book when he wasn't dealing with customers so i asked what he was studying. at that time it was trig. this year it's calculus.

unlike you, he doesn't have a computer on which to play during work hours--which is prolly a good thing. i'd be surprised if he hadn't long ago suffered way more than his share of tardthink.
on Jun 29, 2007
Think of how you would feel if we titled an article "Are Puerto Ricans stupid people?",

smart enough, i guess, to acquire us citizenship by virtue of not being capable of defending their own country.
on Jun 29, 2007
Wow, very interesting replies.

InBloom, Loca, MM

I understand your dislike towards the title. In a way it was what I wanted, I wanted the article to be noticed almost instantly. I was kinda surprised to see it featured. I was hoping that once people read the body of the article they would realize that I was simply trying to point out why is it that we are looking at these illegal aliens as stupid, ignorant, slave-like people? I don't like that, I think everyone can be smart if given the chance as Loca and InBloom put it.

And not too take anything away from your accomplishment, but it ticked me off to see this in big, bold font on the homepage. It is so general. My grandfather was born in ancestors were Mexican. I know some pretty intelligent Mexican people. It's only normal for me to get offended. Anyway...had to get that off my chest, if you don't mind.

I never really said they were stupid. I asked that question because I find it horrible that we, the educated Americans as some politicians have claimed us to be, seem to be too smart now to work these menial jobs so know we need stupid or uneducated people to do it for us, that where Mexicans come in? We are openly telling the entire Mexican race that they are stupid and no one says anything about it. Who are we to claim such a thing in a country where education sucks?

And I agree with the rest of your post.

It is really sad, too, because I see the capabilities some of these young people have. Some of the most respectful and appreciative students I have come across have been Mexican. If they would just have the opportunities to do so, they could make something out of themselves in their country.

You see, this is where I defer from most people. Why is it that one has to point out the few intelligent people from a particular race that we happen to know? How come is it that people coincidently happen to know smart people from a particular race? I know a lot of smart people, I attribute their intelligence by their hard work they did educating themselves, not because they came from a certain country. I don't round up an entire raced based on the few smart people I just happen to know from a particular race, if that were true then I would think black people were prone to crime due to the fact that I know too many who are. (disclaimer - I am not saying blacks are criminals, just using as example)

I am with Rose. Think of how you would feel if we titled an article "Are Puerto Ricans stupid people?", Charles. I don't think you would appreciate that. My dad was Mexican American (a citizen). I don't think Mexicans are stupid. I don't think they have the same educational opportunities in Mexico that we take for granted in the U.S. I think most illegal immigrants have a 8th or 9th grade education. It seems that their system is set up that only the more well off receive a higher education. This is something that they should try to improve, absolutely.

Perhaps you missed my replies where I was the first to say how stupid some Puerto Ricans are. To think that this little island has the best of both worlds, we get money from the US but we make our own laws, to a certain extent of course, and what do Puerto Ricans want? They want to make Puerto Rico an independent country, separate from the evil US who has given them so much and who is the only reason we are living better than most Latino countries. Bunch of ingrates if you ask me. Funny though, since I moved here to Miami over 10 years ago it has always been the joke that Puerto Ricans are the stupid of the Latino world. So in reality it does not bother me cause I consider myself very intelligent though I admit I am not a genius, I have done my fair share of stupid choices.

I don't think Mexicans are stupid either. I think that given the chance they could be just as smart as any other person in this country.

I gotta agree with amy and rose the title is very very offensive, but none the less the article is well written and a good read with many good points.

I'll admit the title was strong, it took me a while to accept it. I did want to call as much attention as possible. I think we, Americans , are ignoring this sad situation, claiming that we need people of less education to do these menial jobs because we are more educated now? Kinda funny considering we were debating not so long ago how this country was outsourcing so many jobs and Americans were being left without jobs yet here we are looking to bring people from the outside to fill jobs we don't want to do anymore? It seems that if we are send out of the country the good jobs while keeping the bad ones and bringing in people from the outside to do the bad jobs then if anything we are the stupid ones.

Oh and thanks for liking my article.

The Big But: After reading the article (I was going to flame him on the title when I saw it), I saw that it was not the "stupid Mexicans" that he was talking about, but the "Stupid Americans" that think they know squat about their ancestors land.

Thanks for understanding my point, it was my hope that it would be understood once the article was read. As far as I'm concerned "mission accomplished".

unlike you, he doesn't have a computer on which to play during work hours--which is prolly a good thing. i'd be surprised if he hadn't long ago suffered way more than his share of tardthink.

A, the self proclaimed king of... bees? Anyways, nice to see you around again, had not seen your name in a while. Nice to know my article woke you up from the dead and got you brain shooting senseless bickering before actually thinking, as usual. I guess I can consider myself a lucky person to be allowed to us my PC during working hours, from the mouth of my own bosses I might add. Let's see, due to the fact that my job depends on couriers delivering packages and since they do not have specific times to arrive I tend to find myself with a lot, and I mean a lot of what is called "down time". So what do I do during my down time? I can't live my station since I never know when a courier will show up and they start calling my name over the speaker system, which I hate when they do. So I decided to ask my bosses what can I do. Wanna know what they said? You probably won't believe me if I do but I will say it anyways. They told me I could do what I wanted during my down time, eat, nap, play video games, listen to music, watch video, browse the internet, hell I can even bring my own computer if I could. All this, so long as it does not affect my job performance. So long as I do not fail to do what I am suppose to do and you know what? My job gets done, every day, on time, with very few if any complaints. Very few cause there are always those who you just can't please no matter what. But I'll tell you something else, I would rather have a job that kept me busy 8 hours straight (with lunch of course) where I could truly show off my skills and actually make this business some money than to be down here alone most of the time, with too much time in my hands, with nothing better to do than sit in this chair most of the day, having people walk by me looking at me as if I was a lazy lucky SOB that gets paid to do nothing but they never actually see all the work I do. I would give up all this free paid time to do what I love doing best, working on computers, working in an office environment, working my way up the corporate ladder. But at the moment I can't cause I lack the diplomas needed to do any of that, for the moment, but that will change soon. So the next time you wanna point out how great a person like me has it, just keep in mind that the internet is almost as populated during 9 to 5 as it is during late night hours and unless most of the population of this country is jobless but happen to have PCs and internet, I seriously doubt that I am the only one here in JU on the internet at my job.

smart enough, i guess, to acquire us citizenship by virtue of not being capable of defending their own country.

I guess you were trying to insult me? Funny considering France had an army and even they don't know how to say thanks to the one country that gave them the chance to continue to call themselves French. Oh poor Puerto Ricans, an island full of native Indians who had no clue that people from other countries would come by the thousands with more powerful weapons and take their land. Wait, that almost sound like the same thing that happened to the American Indians. I guess they too "acquire us citizenship by virtue of not being capable of defending their own country".

Do yourself a favor queenbee, go back to that hole you decided to dig yourself out of, you'll be doing the American people a favor if you do, and while you're at it take Col gene and John Edwards with you to keep you comapny. As you can see I am not a cruel person, I care about you. .
on Jun 29, 2007
I think a lot of you have confused stupidity with lack of formal education.

I believe you are quite right about that, but because stupidity and lack of education have been accepted to be 1 in the same in this day in age, I figured I'd use the most common word to get peoples attention. After all there is that saying "ignorance can be cured by education, stupidity is forever". I think I said it right.
on Jun 29, 2007
stupidity and lack of education have been accepted to be 1 in the same in this day in age, I

I think a better equivalence is ignorance. As education can eliminate ignorance, but not stupidity. The actions of the people you describe herein are stupid.
on Jun 29, 2007
my point exactly, thank you.
on Jun 29, 2007
sorry i took the title to mean the opposite
on Jun 29, 2007
I would give up all this free paid time to do what I love doing best, working on computers, working in an office environment, working my way up the corporate ladder. But at the moment I can't cause I lack the diplomas needed to do any of that

due to the fact that my job depends on couriers delivering packages and since they do not have specific times to arrive I tend to find myself with a lot, and I mean a lot of what is called "down time".

So I decided to ask my bosses what can I do. Wanna know what they said? You probably won't believe me if I do but I will say it anyways. They told me I could do what I wanted during my down time, eat, nap, play video games, listen to music, watch video, browse the internet, hell I can even bring my own computer if I could.

But I'll tell you something else, I would rather have a job that kept me busy 8 hours straight (with lunch of course) where I could truly show off my skills and actually make this business some money than to be down here alone most of the time, with too much time in my hands, with nothing better to do than sit in this chair most of the day

jeez...sounds to me like you got one of these kinda jobs:

Menial jobs, jobs that would put you in a servant like class, jobs that rich people look down at, jobs that can be productive and decent but are considered as something slave related. Only people with very little education or some really bad, bad luck would be the ones doing these jobs, basically because they usually do not require any school education to accomplish the job. In other words you could be stupid and probably still qualify to get a one of these menial jobs

if you're working for a publicly owned concern and are being paid more than minimum wage to spend so many hours on the clock entertaining yourself, revealing the name of your employer would be a favor for those investors among us. clearly the place isn't being run very well.

btw i forgot to mention the guy learning trig & calculus? he's one of those stupid mexicans.
on Jun 29, 2007
Oh poor Puerto Ricans, an island full of native Indians who had no clue that people from other countries would come by the thousands with more powerful weapons and take their land

none of that explains why puerto rico alone of all the former spanish colonies of any size in the americas made so little effort to liberate itself. face it, the only reason you were spared having to rush the border is--unlike, say, haiti--when it was time for boricura to get down or go down, yall chose the latter.
on Jun 29, 2007
none of that explains why puerto rico alone of all the former spanish colonies of any size in the americas made so little effort to liberate itself.

What might explain it, to one that wants to examine the history and not issue a universal condemnation of America - is that it alone among those "spanish" colonies was and is ruled by the US.

Unless you also want to include Florida in that group.
on Jun 29, 2007

jeez...sounds to me like you got one of these kinda jobs:

Guess what genius, you are right. The job I hold, mailroom clerk, is looked at as a menial job in most places. Have you seen the movie The Secret To My Success? You'll see what I mean. But in my case, my dept (the mailroom) actually belongs to the Accounting Dept, because of that I get a much higher level of respect. Not to mention that most people in this building, including the President which I have met and spoken to, do not see us as worthless employees. We are equals here, most of the people in this building depend on my work to get theirs done.

if you're working for a publicly owned concern and are being paid more than minimum wage to spend so many hours on the clock entertaining yourself, revealing the name of your employer would be a favor for those investors among us. clearly the place isn't being run very well.

Again you open your mouth with you foot in it and start talking as if you knew anything at all. For a place to not be run very well would mean that the company is not making money, that the employees are not giving 100%, that the business is a failure. This business is not a failure, as a matter of fact even though some parts of the economy, the business this company does, are not doing so well where this they still managed to make a large profit. I am actually impressed to see that even though the kind of business the company does is not doing to good they still managed to do good. My dept is run smoothly, on time, with very few errors if any at all, under some of the best management in the company. I get customer service scores all the time, I have improved the service and efficiency of this dept by 10 fold since I started. I did so good during my temp months that my bosses fought hard to get the people at the top floor to hire me during a time where there was a job freeze due to the economy and they eventually did, because the top floor also wanted me here.

Are you telling me that your job keeps you busy for 8 hours non-stop (except for lunch)? I have never had a job where I was busy every second I was being paid and I have had a lot of jobs. I learned the hard way that doing extra work that is not yours during the time you have nothing to do has 2 negatives to it.

1) You get in trouble for not being at your post.
2) They don't always see it as going the extra mile but as a sucker while someone else gets paid not to do that work they were suppose to do.

none of that explains why puerto rico alone of all the former spanish colonies of any size in the americas made so little effort to liberate itself. face it, the only reason you were spared having to rush the border is--unlike, say, haiti--when it was time for boricura to get down or go down, yall chose the latter.

You say that is if somehow I was there. I have never denied that Puerto Ricans are the luckiest sons of bitches on this planet. And in the end they are a bunch of ingrates. So I don't understand why you are trying to insult me when I agree with you. You are so stupid, and I mean stupid not ignorant, you can't even tell that your insult is more of an agreement.

I did not ask to be born Puerto Rican but I was, I was born in the US and as far as I'm concerned I am American first, Puerto Rican second. But let me tell you something, trying to point out that Puerto Ricans are lucky to be Americans because they are somehow cowards does not take away the fact that it was the best move they could have done and I bet you Cubans, Dominicans, Mexicans, Brazilians, Venezuelans, Salvadorians, etc. would do the same if it meant becoming Americans and having a chance to enjoy the best this country has to offer.

Keep in mind also that many, if not all immigrants that came to this country when America was first discovered, did not come here because they were brave people. They came because they were cowards, when push came to shove to defend their beliefs or go down, they chose the latter. They chose to find a place where they could have the freedom to believe as oppose to fight for what they believed in and fight for the land that they were born on. Instead they chose to leave it all behind. Funny, that sounds just like what the illegal immigrants are doing. Talk about hypocrisy don't you think?
on Sep 12, 2007
There are no Australian flags and Chinese flags as its physically harder for them to sneak in illegally. Mexicans can just drive though. Plus Australia is a great country-not a lot of ppl actually wanna leave.
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