I just got a taste last night of a Comedy Central TV show called Lil Bush. Let me tell you, I loved it. I thought it was hilarious and almost nailed every character. Lil Condi was adorable, Lil Cheney fumbled words more than Lil Bush did, Lil Rumey was more confused than ever. But the episode took the cake when they brought in Lil Tony Blair. Hah, his head was so funny looking it took a while to get use to it.
It’s amazing the freedom we have in this country to be able to create a cartoon of the President of the US and make a complete mockery of him and his entire administration. I’d like to see that happen in places like Venezuela, China, Cuba or any Middle Eastern country. I’ll be honest when I say that we should not be making fun of our own Gov’t, it kinda shows a lack of respect for the position. But in this case, I’m willing to make an exception considering that the President himself, George W. Bush, has done a fantastic job disrespecting not only the position of President of the US, but the people of this country as well.
Keep in mind my fellow readers (those who live in the US anyways) of these freedoms we have in this country. We should value what we have so that one day we do not find ourselves actually proving the old saying “don’t know what you have till it’s gone”.
Watch the show, you'll either love it or hate it.