In a story that’s been going on for years now, a woman called Elvira Arellano, an illegal immigrant from Mexico made her way to the US many years ago like so many others. She was already deported once but managed to make her way back to the US; but this time she managed to get a job cleaning airplanes at the Chicago Airport with a fake Social Security number. At the same time Elvira gave birth to her son Saul here in the US making him an American citizen.
The FBI tried to take Elvira in for using fake documents but Elvira sought refuge in a church. She stayed there for a while but eventually took a trip to L.A. where she was picked up by ICE and deported back to Mexico. She left her son in the hands on the people of the church. Walter Colman, Pastor, Adalberto United Methodist church where Elvira was spoke to Hannity from FoxNews about them hiding a criminal. Coleman began by stating that Elvira was invited by American companies to come to the US to work for them but Hannity corrected him. Then when Hannity referred to Elvira as a criminal Coleman went off saying “that everybody in this country has broken that law”. Somehow in the eyes of a religious person 2 wrongs do make a right. It makes me wonder if we should allow people who “suffer” poverty “due to the US Gov’t” to steal and not arrest and prosecute them. I mean, after all, according to this Priest “everybody in this country has broken that law” and therefore they should not be punished for it.
The biggest problem with Elvira is not that she is an illegal immigrant; the real problem is that she managed to use fake identification to get a job at an airport working directly inside airplanes. This poses a major security risk, allowing illegal immigrants to work at airports under fake Social Security numbers would make it easy for terrorists to plant bombs on planes and cause chaos in the US once again and the reason the FBI was involved. Elvira, now In Tijuana Mexico, has now joined a Rights Group that defends illegal immigrants and had vowed to fight for her right to be in the US because her son is an American citizen.
To make things more interesting, now all of a sudden those who defend illegal immigrants such as Elvira are calling her the new Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks? A legal American citizen born and raise in the US, Rosa Parks fought for civil rights. She fought to get the rights that, as an American citizen, she deserved. Rosa Parks was not an illegal immigrant, did not break any laws. According to the ordinance n2. Section 10, Chapter 6, Code of the City of Montgomery,
Every person operating a bus line in the city shall provide equal but separate accommodations for white people and negroes on his buses, by requiring the employees in charge thereof to assign passengers seats on the vehicles under their charge in such manner as to separate the white people from the negroes, where there are both white and negroes on the same car;
Equal but separate, not more for whites than blacks. Further more Section 11, Chapter 6, Code of the City of Montgomery further states:
Any employee in charge of a bus operated in the city shall have the powers of a police officer of the city while in actual charge of any bus, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the preceding section, and it shall be unlawful for any passenger to refuse or fail to take a seat among those assigned to the race to which he belongs, at the request of any such employee in charge, if there is such a seat vacant.'
In other words she could not refuse if she was in the “white only” section while there was a vacant seat in the “negroes” section. The bus driver had moved the “whites only” section back to include Rosa Parks seat and there were no other seats left on the bus, according to the story. This is not a woman posing a security risk to the entire nation or taking advantage of a system illegally. This was a woman who fought for rights she felt she deserved since she, like everyone else, was an American citizen.
So how can Emma Lozano, executive director of Centro Sin Fronteras, which is an immigrant rights group (not illegal immigrants rights group, interesting how they chose to fight for criminals as oppose to those entering legally), claim “Elvira has a message. What would you do if they wanted you to leave your child behind? She can't do that. So she chose to stand up. Similarly what Rosa Parks did, from not getting up anymore to give her seat to someone. And she's saying this is wrong, fix it. And everybody's trying to fix it. So why deport her now?” as if Elvira and Rosa were on the same page, in the same league?
Rosa Parks was charged with a crime that she did not deserve and fought because she felt she deserved better treatment as a legal citizen. Elvira was deported for false SS documents and entering the US illegally and is fighting for rights she does not have since she is not a legal citizen of the US? I’m sorry, but Elvira is no Rosa Parks and I am sad to think Rosa’s name is being stained with the acts of a criminal who broke the law not once but twice not for her people but for selfish reasons.
I am even more ashamed that a Priest would ignore the crimes of a person and hide them from the Authorities. Who are they to decide whether a person should be prosecuted or not in a democratic country?
Links to my sources: