The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on August 29, 2007 By CharlesCS In Politics
Being part of the lower or poor class, I know what it’s like to struggle paying bills and not being able to enjoy the many wants life has to offer. I have never denied the ignorance of my bad money management ways, but I at least too the first step in admitting it and am working on fixing it, thanks to a few great JU people with some great advice and websites.

Still, I come across people who I just have to question their choices when it comes to buying that which they can afford, in this case for a child. While searching for a new place to move, a friend pointed me to a classifieds website called Craigslist. It’s a pretty good site though it could use a better and easier format for finding stuff. Anyways, I browse around the many categories and found more than just apts and houses for sale and rent. Everything from electronics to furniture and just about anything anyone wants to sell even for $10. It’s like an enormous online garage sale. I even sold a USB wireless network card on there the other day. Not bad.

Well, I’ve been browsing looking at what people have to sell. I am considering getting furniture for the living room and brand new is not an option at the moment. I looked at the electronics section since I am a big electronics geek and came across this one published item that made me write this article. In it the person is asking anyone looking to sell an unwanted iPod to email them. The person claims to be in a tight financial situation and can not afford a new iPod that their 10 year old child asked for his birthday. This person is OK with a used one but is limited to just $60. This is where I begin to question those comments made by people like Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards who thinks we should be helping poor people. I mean, a brand new iPod Nano goes for about $150 and can hold enough music to keep anyone happy yet this person would rather get a $60 used one. But still Edwards want to give this person someone else’s money because she is “poor”.

So here we have on one side a person who wants to buy an unnecessary product they cannot afford and on the other side a politician who wants to give this person more money so they “can” afford this unnecessary product because he thinks they’re poor. Can anyone explain to me why anyone, who can’t afford it, would feel the need to buy an unnecessary product such as an iPod (used BTW) for a child when based on their request they should not be looking for that which they cannot afford in the first place and would seem to make the tight situation they are already in even tighter?

Poor people? Please, now a days poor is just like the words hot, bad and bitch (pardon my French) they have new meanings that differ or oppose the dictionary term.

Hey John, how much of our tax dollars you think we should give this person? Should taxes pay for a “New” iPod for this persons “10” year old son?

on Aug 29, 2007
Here's the link to the classified ad.

on Aug 29, 2007
I'll get back to you on this. Gotta go write a letter to John...there's this really slick Lambourghini I want....
on Aug 29, 2007
Darn the title. I fixed it but hasn't changed yet.

I'll get back to you on this. Gotta go write a letter to John...there's this really slick Lambourghini I want....

Considering I just bought a used iPod recently for about that price, I know what it's like to buy things when you shouldn't. In this case though, I could because I saved just for it and I have my bills up to date.

But I bet John would use such classifieds as a way to show how poor these people are that they are begging for expensive wants for cheap. Why not something they can actually afford and maybe even educational for the kid?
on Aug 29, 2007
Can anyone explain to me why anyone, who can’t afford it, would feel the need to buy an unnecessary product such as an iPod (used BTW) for a child when based on their request they should not be looking for that which they cannot afford in the first place and would seem to make the tight situation they are already in even tighter?

The mantra for the 21st Century: 0.40 acres and an iPod.
on Aug 29, 2007
Having an 8 year old and being around my sister and sister-in-laws kids, I have a prtty good idea of what can happen to this iPod in the hands of a 10 year old. While not always the case, he will break it, will lose it, will take it to school, will have it stolen, will lend it to friends who will break or lose it, will want something this expensive and new next time around; I can go on. Again, this is not all 10 year olds but please, he's a child with an expensive (but somewhat cheap) electronic device.
on Aug 29, 2007
The mantra for the 21st Century: 0.40 acres and an iPod.

LOL, so true.
on Aug 29, 2007
Considering I just bought a used iPod recently for about that price, I know what it's like to buy things when you shouldn't. In this case though, I could because I saved just for it and I have my bills up to date.

You managed your money, and saved for soemthing you wanted.  Nothing wrong with that at all. 

But there are people who people like Edwards and gene want to tell us are so bad off, but these are the people who have iPods, Computers, etc.  You ask the best question that none of them have ever answered.  Why should these people get any kind of governmetn assistance?

I have been poor, and it was entirely my own fault.  I had the mentality that the government "owed" me something (this is when I was a democrats, imagine that).  However, I decided I couldnt' take it anymore and got the ambition to make my life better.  Any person in American can do this. 

on Aug 29, 2007
Why should these people get any kind of governmetn assistance?

In other words, someone else's money. I think this should be echoed every time someone mentions Gov't assistance (or any other name related to this). We must remind people that this money is not printed for their benefit. It is taken from hard workers like me and given to them by idiots like John Edwards.

I have been poor, and it was entirely my own fault. I had the mentality that the government "owed" me something (this is when I was a democrats, imagine that). However, I decided I couldnt' take it anymore and got the ambition to make my life better. Any person in American can do this.

Ditto here o the poor part. But I never felt the Govt owned me anything. I always have and alway will blame myself for my own mistakes. I am also too stubborn to accept Gov't help to solve a problem I created and can fix myself.
on Aug 29, 2007
Oh John wont you buy me a Mercedes Benz.  My friends all drive porsches, I must make amends.......
on Aug 30, 2007
My Uncle used to run a small niche market Luxury furnishings business - high end sofa' s yaddie yadda - in todays money around $20,000 a throw for a sofa and three armchairs. As all owners do he ran the daily tightrope of Turnover V Margins V Pay V Costs.

During a particularly heavy wage negotiation round one year, the local Union rep went for him big time (in Public) about how disgraceful the wage levels were for the lower paid workers in the Company "How would you like to live on such a pitance dear filthy rich Managing Director" (etc etc).

This particular year my Uncle had enough of the usual Union rhetoric more aimed at securing their Union job at the next Union elections than anything else. Since the Unions had as usual gone down the road of Public slander, he issued a statement direct to the workforce.

"I fully support and agree the recent comments made concerning wage levels for the lower paid workers in the Company, and whilst some aspects are exagerated, I do agree with the basic proposition. Therefore, providing the remainder of the workforce do not immediately base a claim for similar amounts claiming maintenance of differentials in pay bands, I have today tabled a proposal to the Union representatives. The current offer of 5.8% across all pay bands is withdrawn and changed to 4.2%, this will enable the group of individuals on the lower grades to have an immediate increase of 21%. In this way I hope to alleviate the central issue put forward on your behalf by your representatives in the current pay round, and support the lower paid workers in the Company"

Surprise Surprise - the Union rep immediately shut up, not a bleat was heard from the workforce, and the 5.8% offer was accepted by the end of the week.

There are genuine poor in this world, thats for sure, but they are far outweighed by the morally poor - the latter will spin any story to get what they want, even using the poor themselves to justify their greed. Sadly I dont see that changing anytime soon.
on Aug 30, 2007
Ouch, nice to see people are not afraid to fight back by using their brains as oppose to just giving in for fear of political incorrectness and lawsuits.
on Aug 30, 2007
What? Lower my middle income wage in order to distribute to the poor? I meant you should increase everyone to 7%! Silly Union rep... where did you think money came from, trees? Only in the logging industry.