The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Fast food science?
Published on September 5, 2007 By CharlesCS In Blogging
I use to love working and eating at my uncles restaurant in Puerto Rico. Nothing like eating home made meals and snacks. Their sandwiches were the best in town and to be honest I have yet to find a place here in the US that can equal them. My mom was the cook, she is the best. Her cooking is not the kind where you have been eating it since you were born so it tastes good but terrible to others; trust me I have tried those before. Her cooking is that of everyone liking it. She’s got this magic touch when it comes to food. She makes everything from scratch like the “good old days”.

I was born in the US and though I love my mom’s Puerto Rican dishes I’m a sucker for pizza, hotdogs and burgers. KFC, McDonalds and PizzaHut are my second homes. But thru out the years things have changed quit a bit. It amazing to see who works for what company now a days. How many here can picture a scientist getting a job at McDonalds? Or Burger King, or KFC? What ever happened to the chefs that made the meals? What ever happened to home made cooking? We now depend on the scientific studies and testing of scientist to get a taste of the latest burger from McDonalds. Who would have thought a science major would yield a job at McDonalds? I seriously doubt students go to college with the intentions of finding a job at a fast food restaurant. But here they are, scientist/chef. It’s nice to know that I will always get that same 2 grams of salt and 1 gram of pepper on every burger. That to add more flavor would ruin the meal.

This kind of information can actually be a good thing. It makes me wanna think twice about eating in a place where every gram of salt, pepper and other seasonings is precisely measured, by a scientist and not a chef. I guess you get what you pay for. You want cheap, McDonalds will make sure not to waste a gram too much to save you money. Blah, the thought of my burger being created the same way my cleaning supplies are makes me wanna puke. May as well call the place Mcticus-Donalsticus.

on Sep 05, 2007
Anyone for a Bigimus Macticus? With a side of French fryitis? Better known as a #1?
on Sep 05, 2007
I prefer the quarter-pounder with cheese, with a partially-gelatinated non-dairy gum-based beverage.
on Sep 05, 2007
I prefer the quarter-pounder with cheese, with a partially-gelatinated non-dairy gum-based beverage.

If i remember correctly it's a quarter pounder before it's cooked. Isn't that shameful? As usual companies taking advantage of the average person ignorance when they think they are actually putting 1/4 pound of meat in their bodies. BTW, would that be regular or diet?
on Sep 05, 2007
Diet shakes? Why bother?

Heck, why bother with diet soda?

Or diet anything?

Or dieting?
on Sep 05, 2007
Better known as a #1?

When you know what a number 1 is at McDonald's that saying a lot!!

I prefer home cooked meals myself, but there are some really good places you can get a tasty meal from! McDonald's for me is only a last resort, only if I'm too tired to drag my kids elsewhere or they put up a fight because those toys always gets them!
on Sep 05, 2007
When you know what a number 1 is at McDonald's that saying a lot!

Well actually it's the only thing I eat at McDonald's, other than the nuggets on occasions. But you are not too far off.

I prefer home cooked meals myself, but there are some really good places you can get a tasty meal from! McDonald's for me is only a last resort, only if I'm too tired to drag my kids elsewhere or they put up a fight because those toys always gets them!

I prefer home cooked when its made by my mom. I can never get enough of her food. There are not a lot of good places around here, mostly Mexican and Cuban restaurants that don't appeal to me much. Good food usually cost a lot around here. I would rather cook myself most of the time. I even like my food better than my wifes.
on Sep 05, 2007

McDonald's for me is only a last resort,

After 4 kids, for me as well!  We love them as kids, and then are forced to eat them for every special outing with our kids, so that kills that desire.

on Sep 05, 2007
#1 and #2 at McDonalds are pretty much the same as #1 and #2 everywhere else.