The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on February 7, 2008 By CharlesCS In Personal Computing

I just bought a Linksys wireless router but no matter how I follow the instruction I can connect both wireless laptops but can get Internet on them Help please. Thanks in advance.

on Feb 07, 2008
Charles, I bought a new Linksys Wireless Router a few weeks ago and had similar problems. Have you tried installing the Linksys EasyLink Adviser which is either on the disc or their website. I tried this and it still did not help so I called their Tech Support on 800-326-7114 (toll free) and those guys were amazing. They took me through another way to do the installation set up and put several issues right on my connection and hardware. It took about an hour on the phone to get it right but they were so patient, courteous and knowledgeable. There was nothing wrong with the equipment I had bought, it was purely the settings on my computers and other issues which were 'up the creek'. Fantastic Customer Service from a company who, in me, have a lifetime customer who will buy more products from them and who will wholeheartedly recommend their hardware to all and sundry. Linksys, you guys are the biz.

Good Luck, Charles you are only one phone call away from getting it sorted   

on Feb 07, 2008
Thanks for the help but I figured out the problem.