The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on March 3, 2008 By CharlesCS In Blogging
My only real problem is that I always have 2 sign in on the main page with IE and Firefox and then I have to sign in again when I click on the forums link or if I head to the forums directly. Every once in a while when I click an article I have to sign in to be able to post. I guess for some reason I just can't stay logged on the new site half the time. Could it be me or is it JU? I have tried cleaning out cookies, temp internet files and even reinstalling Firefox, nothing works. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
on Mar 03, 2008

Sorry I can't help Charles other than to say that this doesn't happen to me at all.  So maybe it has to do with Firefox and IE competing? 


on Mar 03, 2008

I have to sign into the forums as well as the regular JU.  I think it has to do with cookies and how they are being read.  Just another thing on Zoomba's todo list.

on Mar 04, 2008
Just another thing on Zoomba's todo list.

Sorry Zoomba for making your day.

I'm sure it's something stupid simple, just can't figure it out. I would say it has to do with my job and all its blocks, but it happens at home as well.