The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

I have to say it would seem things on JU may pick up faster than I expected. Already I find myself on Brad's blacklist (hey Brad, it works perfectly) but that's cool. I'm not offended, it was expected. He is the owner after all and I was coming off a bit too strong on my opinions. But I do find it interesting that my road to his blacklist started with me posting an opinion about maybe looking elsewhere for some entertainment till JU got back on it's feet. Then I (and many others) was called pathetic and a whiner (which I won't deny I can be from time to time); I figured since it was an open article, a reply was expected, so I gave it. We went back and forth with what we thought was right and eventually I gave him what he wanted, details to what my problem was with the site. He was kind enough to respond after I had pointed out I had mentioned it before and never got a response and all I said was "was that too hard?". And that lead me to his blacklist.


So there you have it folks, I give them the info they claimed hardly anyone was giving them and what do I get for it? Blacklisted. Some might say I earned it, but it's OK. I'm sure Brad is simply giving me a slap in the wrist for being a tad bit too vocal with him. After all, he is the boss on the site. I kinda wonder what this article might get me.

on Mar 08, 2008
People get tired of hearing negative things. I think Brad just got tired of the whining. He does not want to hear it any longer. SO he BLed you, but did not "exile" you.

As he says, it is your blog, so keep carping on what you dont like. He just is not going to listen right now.
on Mar 08, 2008

It's this person to person (or personally directed) nonsense and bickering that is the number one issue with JU, in my humble opinion. It's that kind of nonsense that new users coming from services like Blogger, Wordpress, and LiveJournal see that drives them away. Afterall, who wants to participate on a site if everything you write is met with cynical, personal attacks? I know thats the reason I dont participate on Slashdot. If I werent the primary developer on JoeUser, I'd hardly visit. (And such was the case prior to the new development)

If we had more objective, more informitive and interesting articles being posted on user's blogs (rather than this he said, she said blather) then JU would excel and the quality of the site would increase exponentially. The tools we're adding to the site allow users to deal with problem people with a heavy hand, on your own blog anyhow.

(In a perfect world..) Interact with other users on a personal level if you must. But for pete's sake, leave the drama at the door.

on Mar 08, 2008

People get tired of hearing negative things. I think Brad just got tired of the whining. He does not want to hear it any longer. SO he BLed you, but did not "exile" you. As he says, it is your blog, so keep carping on what you dont like. He just is not going to listen right now.


That much I figured out already. But like I said, it's Ok with me. I simply responded back as I believe was expected. I wrote this so that I could start doing my part in poosting more often.




You are correct, but sometimes these kinds of articles lead to interesting arguments and fights that do call attention.


I am curious though why people care if someone writes dramatical articles? If you don't care, just ignore them and move on. We were given the ability to post what we chose (so long as it stayee within the rules of the site) on our own blogs on JU and I should not have to limit myself to what people think I should post. My blog, my articles and unless the Admins think I have broken any rules, Iw ill post what I like.

on Mar 08, 2008
I am curious though why people care if someone writes dramatical articles? If you don't care, just ignore them and move on. We were given the ability to post what we chose (so long as it stayee within the rules of the site) on our own blogs on JU and I should not have to limit myself to what people think I should post. My blog, my articles and unless the Admins think I have broken any rules, Iw ill post what I like.

Besides, people always talk about there not being enough 'interesting articles' but that seems to boil down to a difference in opinion.

Almost every day on this site you can find an absolute gem of writing from Roy Levosh, Maso, Buddah Moskowitz or zoo. But these things hardly get noticed, and never in a million years get featured. What gets featured? Tech news and politics, making those of us who really don't give a damn about either nonplussed by the front page.

Frankly, I don't even use the main blog site anymore. It in no way feels like MY blog anymore, just a place to add my article to a forum site.
on Mar 08, 2008

And Charles? You've already had MUCH to say on this matter with your repeated posts on Brad's various threads. You might see yourself as some sort of noble crusader for free speech at the moment, but what I see is a small boy repeatedly poking at a tiger with a stick. Don't cry foul when he finally bites back harder than you really want him to.


I see myself as fighting for what I believe is right. If others benefit from my fighting then good for them but I'm doing this for me more than anything. I am well aware of what I am getting into (I'm much smarter than you give me credit for) and if a small boy is what you see well I guess everyone has the right to see as far as their minds allow them. At least I am doing my part, why are you still here? I thought you were outta here?

As for the crying foul? I thought I was very clear:

I'm not offended, it was expected.

If I get bitten because I stuck my hand out, I only have myself to blame. But at least I'm aware of it.


on Mar 08, 2008

Besides, people always talk about there not being enough 'interesting articles' but that seems to boil down to a difference in opinion. Almost every day on this site you can find an absolute gem of writing from Roy Levosh, Maso, Buddah Moskowitz or zoo. But these things hardly get noticed, and never in a million years get featured. What gets featured? Tech news and politics, making those of us who really don't give a damn about either nonplussed by the front page. Frankly, I don't even use the main blog site anymore. It in no way feels like MY blog anymore, just a place to add my article to a forum site.


I agree a lot of good stuff get overlooked and ignored buy many. But I guess pointing this kind of stuff out is seen more like whining than constructive criticism. I guess things like "please" and "if it's OK with you" are the kind of feedback they want, something that points to a problem without making it seem like there's a problem on the site. Who knows.

on Mar 08, 2008

Doing your part? What role do you see yourself in here?

One I avoided for a while, a person who makes articles as oppose to just commenting on them.


As to why I'm still here, perhaps you should re-read what I posted. I said I wouldn't be posting any new articles for a while, and that I may take a break altogether. I never said I was leaving.

That's my point, you said you might be gone for a while, not permanently.

Play caped crusader all you like, Charles. It may or may not get you exiled. But some of us, myself included, know when to stfu...when to stop pushing a point that's been made repeatedly...when to stop poking the tiger.

Hehe, as usual you can't go without childish insults. But I have been around this site long enough to let your words slid off. BTW, the day you learn to stfu is the day I become the coolest guy on this site. You don't have whip in your name because you like banana splits topped with whip cream.

I have to believe Brad is smart enough to know when a person is being disrespectful and just a plain jerk or simply being strong opiniated. I pushed harder on his article and I expected a reaction from him and he came thru. I earned it. But that's as far as he went becuase that was a punishment suitable to the situation.

As I said before, I'm not here trying to bust Brads balls. I'm not here trying to insult him, disrespect him or make an enemy out of him. I am simply expressing my opinion and defending myself when being insulted.