Now how can anyone vote for a guy who won't even use his own middle name as part of his campaign to run for President of the US? Some people think others are making too much of this middle name thing, but I think it's important. Why are you ashamed of you middle name Barack? Is it because it's a Muslim name? Is it because you are running at a time when Americans and Muslins are not seeing eye to eye at the moment? is it because you think Islamic extremist around the world will use you as a weapon against the Western infidels? That could be it, isn't it?
According to an article on Barack is asking McCain to denounce comments made by Iowa Rep. Steve King, a McCain supporter. And what were his comments you might say?
"They'll be dancing in the streets because of his middle name, they'll be dancing in the streets because of who his father was."
It seems King believes that due to Obama's promise to leave Iraq, his Kenyan heritage and (of course) his middle name Hussein, that Obama will give Islamic extremist a victory over the US. Now while this may be wrong in any sense, it may actually be a possibility whether we may want to accept it or not. Had Obama had a direct connection to a country like Iraq, Iran or Saudi Arabia, he wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting this far.
As I said some here think there is no big deal about Obama's middle name. But I want you to tell me why does Obama believe it is? Why does he believe his middle name is offensive when his spokesman, Tommy Vietor said :
“These comments have no place in our politics, and we hope Senator McCain will repudiate them like he has previous offensive comments from his supporters,”
So saying his middle name is offensive? Shame on you Barack for believing the American people are not capable of looking past a middle name just because it happens to be the same as the name as a mad man like Saddam Hussein and a name widely used by Muslims who just happen to be at odds with us. Shame on you for being dishonest and hiding your middle name from the people who you are looking to entrust their lives on you.
Barack Hussein Obama, this ones for you: