The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Yes, it would seem the men and women of our US Postal Service in Florida will not have to worry about those extra letters they were gonna have to carry and deliver since the Democrats decided to abandon the idea of mail-in voting for Florida. For once they decided to listen to the people of Florida and realized they did not want to have to vote again.

Leave it to the Democrats to break their own rules and then try to find a way around them to make the Florida votes count. Sure, not long ago Hillary and Obama could care less about Florida because these votes would do nothing for them anyways. Makes you wonder why anyone went to vote at all. Now all of a sudden they are like “these votes should count, the people of Florida deserve to have their votes count”. So how come is it that now that they depend on these votes to get ahead in the race they care? Now all of a sudden Floridians are important to the Democrats. This is hypocritical if you ask me. Shame on the Dems, not for changing the date, but for not fighting to keep the original date and allow the Floridian vote to be counted (especially with all the “make your vote count” garbage you thru at people) instead of just giving in and accepting the 100% loss of the delegates, unlike the Republicans who only took 50% away.

These are the people you want to run the country? The ones who race and gender seem to be more important than ability? Who claim to care about your vote then break their own rules and ignore you? I guess as long as the free money, free healthcare, free everything comes a rolling, you’re willing to be ignored and abused. Pathetic.

on Mar 18, 2008
Hmm, why does my format come out wrong when posted but looks right when I try to edit it?
on Mar 18, 2008
Ok I fixed it but that was weird.