The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

I think portable apps are the best thing ever created, especially for a person like me. Due to restrictions and company policies, I am not allowed to install any kind of software onto my work PC. Hell, I can’t even update the dam thing. Luckily I got myself a Sandisk 4GB Cruzer Micro with U3 software. This baby allows for software to be installed directly inside the memory stick without the need for it to be installed directly onto any PC. This is great such as if you need a word processing program but the PC you are using only have WordPad, you can install the portable version of OpenOffice. A nice problem that allows you to edit Microsoft Word and Excel files. There’s also my case where, at work, I’m have no choice but to use the old IE6 when Internet browsing. I’m a big fan of FireFox and all of its features plus the add-ons but can’t install it on my work PC. Luckily there is a portable version of it that works just as good as its stationary brother. Now I get to use most of my fav features such as tabbed windows, spellcheck, weather monitor, skinning the browser and also the security that comes with FireFox. The only downside is that programs, such as messenger programs, that need Internet access or Internet browsers can still be restricted if the company network has them restricted, no big deal though.

Like Web apps, portable apps are becoming a necessity in my lifestyle and I’m sure for many others. Now my question to you is this:

What software would you like to see as a Portable Apps? Here are some programs I would like to see as Portable Apps simply because I like using the stationary version of it and would be great to have it everywhere I go.

Microsoft LiveWriter – It would be nice to be able to post an article you just decided to write of a sudden inspiration without having to wait to get home or finding a wireless signal on your laptop.

Nero – Some PC’s that have CD drives capable of burning don’t usually have decent software installed in them. While not the best, Nero is a pretty good program and would be even better if it could be portable.

AVG – Imagine having your fav Anti-virus program with you everywhere you go? Always feeling secure you are protected regardless what PC you are currently using.

CCleaner – It would be nice to be able to clean up someone’s computer on the fly if you’re not able to download and install a program such as CCleaner.

Spybot Search & Destroy – Another program, like CCleaner, that would be nice to have portable to use on the fly.

I’m sure there are more programs but can’t think of them at the moment. Will probably add them to the comments as I remember. Keep in mind though that I am not a software developer and I know very little about software so I am not sure if any of these programs can be made portable due to the possible necessity of having to be installed into the core of the OS in order to function properly and that using them on different PC would require a constant change of settings or files to be able to use them in a portable fashion. But one can hope it’s possible. LiveWriter would be my main choice at this moment. It’s my choice for posting my articles to JU.

on May 19, 2008

You are using the Portable Apps suite, right?  So it may not come with AVG, but it has ClamShell which does a pretty great job.

I don't use my USB Portable Apps very often, because I'm always using my own computer, but it sure is a great idea, and I always have it ready if I need it.

on May 19, 2008
I've used 1-2-3 Spyware free(from U3 site), seems pretty decent and weatherbug,also my Cruzer came with a McAfee trial and skype. I've suggested MyColors but don't know if it's possible. I'd love to send a"packaged" theme to my mother someday. She's not real big on installing anything so a usb adaptation would be ideal.
on May 19, 2008
You are using the Portable Apps suite, right?

Not sure exactly what you are talking about but sound familiar. So I guess not. I will look into clamshell though. I have not looked around much for portable apps so don't really know whats out there but would like to see AVG as one though. I like it.

I use mine at work and that's about it. Other than maybe using it on someone else's PC.

I've used 1-2-3 Spyware free(from U3 site), seems pretty decent and weatherbug,also my Cruzer came with a McAfee trial and skype. I've suggested MyColors but don't know if it's possible. I'd love to send a"packaged" theme to my mother someday. She's not real big on installing anything so a usb adaptation would be ideal.

I think I tried it once and took it off to clean up my stick but never put it back on. Strange. I thought about StarDock apps as well but not sure if that would work considering OS versions and the need to embed itself into the system itself in order to change the skins. But I'm no StarDock expert so they may be able to. Who knows.
on May 19, 2008
Not sure exactly what you are talking about but sound familiar. So I guess not. I will look into clamshell though.

Check it out.

Essentially it can turn any USB dongle into a fancy-pantsy cruzer style one, and comes with a slew of installed applications, from OpenOffice to Firefox to ClamWin to a universal IM client (Miranda) and all sorts of other stuff. And that's just in the main suite. You can go to town with other programs that people have ported to the PortableApps system. It's pretty much awesome.
on May 19, 2008
Don't forget that you can install other programs like 7-Zip (to compress files and save space on your USB drive), Mozilla Thunderbird and Sunbird, GIMP (for editing images), games of all types, or VLC player (your all-in-one file playing funstuff).

I really like PortableApps. It's really handy when I'm using multiple computers.
on May 19, 2008
Another good site - The Portable Freeware some older stuff and some may only work in XP.
on May 19, 2008
I believe winamp also makes a U3 version, that requires a 'parent' install of winamp to work. I couldn't find much detail on the winamp site,and don't use winamp anymore.
on May 20, 2008
Thanks for the link SanChonino. I had seen these bfore but never tried them cause my cruzer has the U3 software. But it works great on my Western Digital Passport. I may actually consider replacing the cruzer and only using it when I dont wanna carry the passport.
on May 20, 2008
Charles - I use both PortableApps and U3 on my 4GB Ativa U3 drive. With PortableApps, you can add any additional app you want if there is a "portable" version, even if there is no specific installer - simply by creating a folder underneath the PortableApps folder on your device, and copying the required files there. CCleaner, Defraggler, and Recuva all work fine that way. Also, the burner utility I use, UltraISO, works fine as a portable app the same way.
on May 20, 2008

Nice, will look into those programs. You can even put shotcuts on the Portableapps pop up screen?

on May 21, 2008
how about some of stardock's standalone apps
I think the usb drives are the best thing to come along in a long time. I use 2 of them, a 2gb drive and a 4gb drive...I understand that sometime this year a 32gb usb drive will be out...
on May 21, 2008
32GB? Not bad. But, while not something I would hang around my neck, I like my 250 GB Western Digital Passport. Got my whole music collection, video game emulator collection and plenty of movies and still have plenty of space.

I did not think about StarDock stand alones. Will have to look into them.
on May 21, 2008
I've suggested MyColors but don't know if it's possible.