So the big issue on everyone’s mind is gas prices. Like the odometer in a car, gas prices go up and up and up as if it were made of helium and don’t seem to be coming down any time soon. Because of this, as many on this site have blogged about on many great articles, people find themselves mostly cutting back on any kind of unnecessary travel time. Anything from public transportation to bike riding to carpooling is becoming popular and more common. Sales of gas economical cars are rising and trade-ins of SUVs as well though stories of dealers offering much less for an SUV than its worth due to the difficulty to resell the vehicles are becoming more and more common.
Well, this morning on my way to work I was listening to the local morning news and the hosts of the show spoke about how some people are beginning to complain to their companies how it’s become very costly for them to go to work due to the gas prices and some companies are considering ideas to help their employees cope with the high gas prices but changing the way the employees do their work. So here is what I want to ask you great readers about what you think about some solutions some companies are taking. It will be a 2 part question looking for responses from 2 different points of views or perspectives.
OK, here we go. Looking at it from an employer’s point of view or perspective, according to the story, would you be willing or able to:
A) arrange work schedules so that employees could work 4 days/10 hour shifts? Obviously the arrangement would allow to always have a certain amount of employees everyday 5 or 7 days a week, depending on you business workdays and the necessary people to run the business while still working only 4 days a week.
allow employees to work from home 1 day a week if the work could be done remotely.
Now, looking at it from an employee’s point of view or perspective, would you be willing or able to:
A) work 4 day/10 hour shifts? This would depend on employees who have children is after school activities that close before the 10 hour shift. Arrangements would need to be made to be able to work this out.
work from home 1 day a week if your job could be done remotely? Of course the employee would need to make sure to produce enough work to justify staying home considering not having someone supervising them at every second.
So what do you fellow readers think? As an employer and an employee, let me know if you think this is a good way to save a few bucks on gas for you or your employees while still keeping the business going. Could this truly be cost effective? Would this be worth the time and changes for the company? Or the employee’s after work schedule? What say you?