Oh Lord, there are times I think the terrorist are correct in wanting to destroy our way of life. Some people in this country don't value the freedom we are given, they abuse it. This is the price some have to pay for privacy and ignorance. This is just one great example of how people can get away with something as horrifying as child sexual abuse for so long. Sure, they eventually get caught, but not before the damage is already done.
According to a Foxnews.com story, children as young as 5 years of age were given what they called "silly pills", powerful pain killers, to help them perform sexual acts in front of as many as 100 adults believed to be "swingers". My God, how can anyone due such a thing? How can anyone find pleasure and entertainment over this kind of child abuse? Have we, as a society, gone mad? Who is to blame for this kind of behavior? As much as I would like to blame the porn industry, I can't because they are simply a tool. As adults we are responsible for our own actions and so we are the ones to take the blame when we do such disgusting things.
I don't mean to condone the actions of terrorist with my first comment, but I can't help but thinking maybe we need a reality check and now a days people don't seem to react to anything less than 1000 deaths in one shot.
My heart goes out to those children. I can only hope their futures can still be decent. I have a 5 and 9 year old and would probably be in jail right now if this would have happened to them for I would have taken a page from The Punisher stories and taken every single one of those people who sat there and watched this display of child abuse and put a bullet in their heads. I am, however, glad those responsible for staging these acts are getting what they deserve and hope there are more to follow.
<a href="http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,370147,00.html">Link</a>