I just recently purchased a Nintendo Wii for my kids and they are loving it. I can't deny I like it too, look forward to getting myself Rockband for Wii for Xmas. While I was able to get 2 games plus a game that came with the second controller and the one on the Wii, I am sure the kids will eventually crave for new games. rather than spending $40 on new games and having to watch the kids like hawks to make sure they don't mess them up, I was thinking renting games might come in handy. Blockbuster and Netflix were great movie rental ideas, but was forced to eliminate them when things got a bit bad, apart from their prices going up.
Now I find myself wondering what to use as a source for game rentals. I would like to avoid the local Blockbuster due to their rental prices are way too expensive apart from wanting a deposit as well. That is why I ask about Gamefly.com. Was wondering if anyone here on JU could give me some details as to their experiences with this gamie rental site. Is it worth it? What do you think is the best deal? Are they fast at getting you games? How often do you have problems with them? Anything you can share would be appeciated. I may not be using the service anytime soon, but will consider it in a few months. Thank you in advance.