The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

So, we all know that gas prices are hurting most Americans big time. From putting more than twice as much money on gas in you cars to paying more for food and other products at the store, the $4.00 average price or gas in the US is hurting both drivers and none drivers around the States. But have you ever considered how much this can also hurt children?

According to a story on Foxnews, the high gas price pains most Americans are feeling are starting to affect our children as parents find themselves redoing their budgets and having to cut back on some of the not-so-essentials things around the household. In this case, it was the cable TV that bit the dust at Sadie's and Pyper's home which took away their favorite cartoons. The 2 girls, ages 9 and 7, were so upset that mommy was forced to cancel their cable TV service due to high gas prices puting a crunch on their budget that these 2 gils took it upon themselves to let the Gov't and people all around know how mad they were about the high gas prices.

The girls marched thru downtown Salt lake City protesting with signs that read "All of my mom's monny goes to the gas tank!" and asking to honk their horns for lower gas prices because mommy had to cut "cabel". They did get peoples attention, some horn honking and a few thumbs up.

So this is what our country has come to. Our children doing the protesting for us. Why are we not crowding city streets protesting these ridiculous gas prices the same way many others have crowded the streets to protest the war (today and in the past), to protest against illegal immigration reform? Where is the "vast majority" of Americans that believe we are paying too much at the pump? Why are we so silently paying for these prices? I think some of us could learn a thing or 2 from these 2 little girls.

Angry Kids Protest Gas Prices After Mom Cancels TV Cable


on Jun 25, 2008
When I was growing up, it was called - sucking it up. We knew we could not do all the things that others did because we did not have the money. So we did without. Sorry if I dont shed a tear here. We have become a nation of wants are needs. When times get rough, you do without. It is not like they are being abused or starved. Sunshine may cause cancer, but surprisingly, most of my generation is not dead from it yet.
on Jun 25, 2008

LOL, I know what you mean. Still, if this can help lower gas prices then I say to all kids "say it loud, say it clear".

on Jun 30, 2008

If 7 and 9yr olds can't spell "money" or "cable" correctly, maybe it is a blessing they no longer have TV.  I don't see not having TV as "harming" children.  I'm not one of those "we don't have a TV in the house and noone should" types but I do know that when we go to our cottage where there's no TV, our kids play a lot more chess and board games, read, and do a lot more things outside then when the boob tube is around.

When I saw your title, I thought maybe it would be about people not being able to take their children to theme parks.  I would actually react to that differently because I still bare the scars of my parents promising to take us to Disney World and never taking us.  It would be hurtful to a child if they were told that they would be going on a magical trip only to have it called off because of gas prices.


on Jun 30, 2008

I know what you mean Jill. I never went to Disney till i was an adult, and it's not like we could not afford it back then. I don't think it's a total loss not to have cable. I figured the story was interesting considering the girls were actaully protesting.