The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on June 26, 2008 By CharlesCS In Current Events

Wow, I have seen some really stupid things people complain about. But this one takes the cake for me.

In North Carolina, 10,000 License Plate holders will be allowed to change their plates for free after some children pointed out to their parents an interesting combination of letters on the plates that could be offensive to some people who see it. The letters "WTF" were randomly created on thousands of NC license plates, including the one on the NC DMV website sample plate.

So now the text, chat and email lingo community has a old on random letter configurations and acronyms, but it's the people who see them as offensive the ones who are really the problem. Does it really matter that a license plate say (example) WTF-783? What about FU or STFU? LOL may not be a problem for anyone, but what about LMAO? I mean really, it's a license plate people. Come on. We need to grow up already and stop worrying about everything that may seem offensive to you. Talk about selfishness.

What the ...? DMV Offers 10,000 Replacement License Plates

on Jul 12, 2008
This is just crazy. Why should any three-letter combination (save maybe "SEX") on a license plate cause any offense? Leave your acronyms on the internet.