The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
I asked in a previous article of mine if racism was still alive and well in the US (link). From the comments it seems to be and still with much steam behind it. But who are the ones keeping this idea alive? The answer would have been simple had those who were racist were the only ones being racist. But the answer is more complicated than that. You see, not only those who are racist spread this terrible concept, but those who are the ones being insulted by this racism also become racist when they chose to use similar comments against those who are being racist towards them.

Then there are those who find racism in everything. As I wrote in my previous article, anything related to then word black and used tin some kinda bad way is being racist, like Black Hole. Well, yesterday I was listening to talk radio. Something I've been doing for quite some time since music stations suck now a days repeating the same songs over and over every hour. I listent to a bit of everything, the morning news, Rush, Randy Rowe, The Schnitt Show and Sean Hannity. Well, during Sean Hannity's show, he made a comment (a very common comment) about how some people "drink the kool-aid" when it comes to Obama and everuthing he says and does. Talk about opening a can of worms. All of a sudden his show was riddled with calls from angry Black people complaining about how they felt offended over his use of the phrase "drinking the kool-aid".

According to my understanding, "drinking the kool-aid" reffers to swallowing everything someone says without questioning any of it, as in how those who died in what is known as "Jonestown Massacre". But God forbid those who called actually knew what "drinking the kool-aid" actually meant. Leave it to these callers to once again, bring racism in something that was not while at the same time putting down their own race. They believed that because kool-aid was a cheap drink that he was reffering to poor minority groups, in this case, Black people. According to the comments and questions made by the callers how was trying to say that poor Black people were stupid because they were in favor of Obama. No where on the show did I hear any comment made by Sean pointing to a particular race as being poor and backing Obama. He was reffering to all those Obambots who will follow Obama to the ends of the Earth (which to me he could bring to reality), see every word he says as God-like, not question any of it and literally see him as the only one with the power to save this nation. Guess everyone forgot that it's the citizens responsibility to save this nation.

Well, there you have it. "Drinking the kool-aid" now means black people are stupid, according to those who called the show claiming to be insulted because they were Black. I would like to take this moment to help the Black community avoid any more insults by pointing out other potential racist concepts.

1) Black keyboards - Everytime some command tells you to hit a key, this could be seen as hitting Black people. Not to mention that the white letter are always on top.

2) Black boards - Though they usually look green, it's always stepped on by white chalk. The white chalk always has the last word.

3) Streets - Usually made of Black pavement, they are always marked with white lines and people are always stepping on it, driving over it and even spitting and throwing garbage at it.

4) the black box - a machine designed to survive airplane crashes, is probably one of the most insulting things ever since it's not even black.

Well, it's a start. I think it's time to start phasing out the concept of black being anything bad or not portrayed in a good way. We should be ahamed of ourselves. !!!!!!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 24, 2008
I dont often listen to Hannity as he is on from 6-9 here. But to think that is racist is just racist and stupid in itself. Hannity has been talking about "kool-aid" drinkers since he hit the airwaves! And always in reference to liberals (does that make all liberals black?). It is his catch phrase and indicates just what it implies - a blindly obedient follower that will do anything their leaders tell them - including drinking poisoned Kool-aid
on Jul 24, 2008
Black people - reinforcing the stereotypes they're trying to dispel, one normal phrase at a time.
on Jul 24, 2008
Yea, I just could not believe the calls he was getting referring to this idea that drinking the kool-aid somehow had something to do with black people specifically just because the comments were about Obama. I think this nonsense of Black people being offended by certain things need to stop.

I was always taught to ignore and rise above those who spoke bad about me, made fun of me or criticized me in a very demeaning manner. While I may not always succeed at ignoring all these people, I don't take every word said to me as an insult. I could simply start by wondering why am I considered a Minority just because I am Hispanic? Why Minority? Makes me feel like less important, like I am not as valuable as everyone else. Minority mean less after all. But the truth is I don't care because it's what I care about myself that counts.
on Jul 24, 2008
The real question is, of course, why the heck don't these people know what "Drinking the kool-aid" means??? Who is teaching these people?
on Jul 24, 2008
Black people - reinforcing the stereotypes they're trying to dispel, one normal phrase at a time.

Just like someone wrote on an article (I believe it was Loca). How come non-Blacks can't use the N-word because it's demeaning and racist (even people like Jesse Jackson, who's a hypocrite BTW, says its wrong) yet they use it all the time. Am I wrong to pay for a song from a Black artist and sing out loud the N-word since it is part of the Lyrics?

My wife has a friend who walks the Earth acting as if she was one of those who were once slaves and we abused by their slave owners. The woman is 28 years old and knows nothing about American history except that once upon a time her people were slaves and now everything bad done to her was not due to a human error but because shes Black. I could not stand going out to eat with her cause if the food took to long, if they accidentally brought the wrong drink, if the food was cold when she got it, it was all because she was Black. I told her once to shut up already, that i was tired of her constant b_tching about her being Black. I even told her to move back to Africa is she didn't like it here, she gave me a scared look and never didn't it around me again. Now that was funny.
on Jul 24, 2008
The real question is, of course, why the heck don't these people know what "Drinking the kool-aid" means??? Who is teaching these people?

Home-schooled? (sorry KFC)
on Jul 24, 2008

Drinking cool-aid, one of the most refreshing drink there is out there, when mixed the right way!  These people need to get a life!  And you did good telling your friend to go back to Africa then!LOL!  That's funny!  She deserved that!

on Jul 25, 2008
Drinking cool-aid, one of the most refreshing drink there is out there, when mixed the right way! These people need to get a life!

Yes it is and yes they do.

And you did good telling your friend to go back to Africa then!LOL! That's funny! She deserved that!

Well I don't like being rude to people, especially friends, but I have limits and she deserved it. I can't stand this "it's because I'm black" attitude some have. They need to grow up and move on. I was always taught to ignore those who made fun of me, can they not simply ignore, show they are better and just move in with life? What's even worse is that this mentality spreads to other cultures, you don't have to be White to be a racist anymore.
on Jul 25, 2008
Drinking cool-aid, one of the most refreshing drink there is out

Bug juice.
on Jul 25, 2008
Bug juice.

on Jul 27, 2008

good to have another conservative around here. I totally agree that we are hyper-sensitive to racist terms and overtones. It is an unfortunate presence in everything we do and say. With reference to the kool-aid, Hannity was using the term in reference to Jonestown, not socio-economic soft-drinks. People need to lighten up. Why don't we look at the game of 8 ball as racist because the goal is for the white ball to run the black ball off the table?

on Jul 27, 2008
Racism is carried on by all of the niggers, spics, kikes, wops, crackers, rag heads, camel jockeys, slant eyes, and wet backs in the world.

Did I miss anyone?
on Jul 27, 2008

No, I believe you got them all Mason, but if you didn't I'm sure they got the point too.

on Jul 28, 2008
Bug juice.?

YOu have never called Kool Aid - Bug Juice?

I am sure the clown that wants to think black holes are racist will find a racist meaning in it, but growing up, we called it bug juice because the sugar attracted all kinds of bugs. - Bug Juice.
on Jul 28, 2008
Oh. LOL. That's funny. Never thought of it that way.
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