I wrote, what I considered, a very controversial article titled
Are we really ready for a Black President? where I expected to either have a lot of insults thrown at me or so very interesting comments. While I did get some very interesting comments, I found it quite interesting (I like that word a lot) that very few people actually commented at all on my article. I was hoping to spark some kind of decent argument in the hopes of pushing the idea that talking about an issue could bring about solutions to the issue. Instead I got a few comments, great ones I might add, must less than I could have expected.
So I ask this:
Are you afraid of talking about racism? Are you afraid of speaking your mind about this issue? Does it make you uncomfortable? Or are you simply not interested on the topic?
I would have thought this topic would be one widely discussed since it seems to be one of the main focuses of today's elections, especially from the Democrat side. I don't have a problem expressing myself. Do you?