The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on September 23, 2008 By CharlesCS In Blogging

I always wonder why do some people tend to overdo popcorn when making it knowing the consequences? As I write this the smell of burning popcorn fills the air in my office because someone overcooked a bag of popcorn in the microwave. When we make popcorn at home we use the pre-set popcorn button on the microwave. It gives the right amount of time to pop the corn that's gonna pop. But some people feel the need to pop every kernel in the bag not concerning themselves with burning the ones that popped early in the cooking process. I mean, it's not like this is a secret that not all kernels in a bag will pop and that an extra minute to try to get these unpopped kernels with only lead to burning the ones that did pop. Come on people, popcorn has been around for a while now.

Why ruin a perfectly good batch of popcorn because you are greedy and want it all? In Puerto Rico we call people like that "afrentao".


Yummy Popcorn                            Not so yummy Popcorn

on Sep 23, 2008

Slow day today? Anyone want popcorn while they read?