No, I'm not talking about the New England Patriots who just proved that they are nothing without Tom Brady as they got their butts kicked by, of all teams, the Miami Dolphins.
No, this is about what it is to me to be a Patriot, a man who loves his country. This is about what I think being a Patriot to your country should be all about, if you are proud of it of course.
According to wordnet search:
patriot, nationalist (one who loves and defends his or her country)
This basically describes my feelings about being a Patriot but I would like to go even further into this meaning from my point of view.
I was born and raise in Jersey City, New Jersey. I consider myself an American first, Puerto Rican second since I was born of Puerto Rican parents. I lived in Puerto Rico for 8 of my childhood and teen years and while it was great it was also some of the hardest years of my young life. I guess, in a way, this was the only time I was subjected to what could be considered racism since I was not liked because I was born in the US, even if my parents were Puerto Ricans.
Anyways, I had grown accustomed to the American lifestyle; big city, multiple name brands for anything, conveniences such as fast food in every corner, stores with a variety of things and public transportation galore. As I learn about my country, I was taught the National Anthem which gives a very short but straight to the point view of our history. I eventually learned about the Stars and Stripe that adorn our beautiful flag and I learned about the history that made this country what it is today (and I am not talking about the corruption, I'm talking about the foundation if this nation), the good and the bad. But a few things that I have always been proud of is the concept of which this country was built on and why so many of our fellow citizens have given their lives for thru out the years as soldiers. The freedoms and rights given to us and protected by our Constitution. very few countries around the world can claim to have such freedoms and rights as those given to anyone born or approved and American citizen. Hell, even those who illegally enter this country are allowed to enjoy most, if not all the same freedoms and rights as an American citizen.
One look at our history and one could understand why there are those who, born and raised in this country, that might not feel the same love and admiration for this country that I do. Our history is full of great moments such as the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Civil Rights Movement. But we also have our dark moments such as slavery, child labor and (to this date) racism. But one can at least look at history and see that things such as slavery and child labor were fought and eventually eliminated and racism, while still alive, is not what it once was many decades ago and as time goes by it becomes less and less of an issue to many citizens, even though some want to lead you to believe it's as strong as ever.
I believe our country has not only accomplished things that people from other nations wish they had, but we have also managed to get thru some of our darkest hours (some that still exist today in other parts of the world) and made good from it making this country even more desirable to many around the world to the point of risking life and limb to enter this country legally or not. We still have ways to go in getting all the wrongs righted, but to me, we are at least trying and in many cases succeeding, slowly but surely.
I am a Patriot because I believe in my country; I believe in what it stands for, I believe we mean well, I believe we can be an example. We are not perfect, we make mistakes, but one thing my people have shown thru out the years is that we are willing to fight and die for what we believe in and many still believe this is a great country. I know I do and I will make sure my children know it too.
I was taught the national Anthem as a child, even in Puerto Rico we stood up every morning at school and faced the American Flag and proudly recited the National Anthem. I will make sure my kids know it as well and are proudto be Americans as well. God Bless the USA.