The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Well, just when you thought Sarah Palin had been beaten, burnt, tazed, thrown off a cliff and basically strapped to a bomb and blown to bits (this is how I see the treatment of Sarah Palin by the Democrats and the Media) to the point it that doesn't seem like they can do anymore to completely destroy this womans life, the Democrats find a way to inflict even more damage to her.

Tomorrow is the most anticipated Vice Presidential Debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden. But we may as well rename it The Sarah Palin Trial as (LINK) reports that the moderator of tomorrow nights debate, Gwen Ifill, of PBS, is a supporter of Obama. The proof?

The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama

This book, written by Gwen Ifill, "surveys the American political landscape, shedding new light on the impact of Barack Obama’s stunning presidential campaign and introducing the emerging young African American politicians forging a bold new path to political power."

So how does this affect the debate? Well, to be honest, no one but Gwen really knows. But one can not stop wondering just how this will somehow affect Sarah considering she and McCain have been blasted at every chance by those siding with Obama. Take the TV show "The View" where Obama was treated like part of the family yet McCain was treated to insulting comments (like Whoopi's slave comment) and angry questions. Also Oprah's refusal to have Sarah on her show while she is all for Obama. So can we expect a decent debate from this moderator or will this simply be another situation where Sarah will be put on trial? We will have to wait till tomorrow and hope for the best.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 02, 2008

And.. I didn't thought Couric was disrespectful against Palin

I think it's very clear that Couric doesn't like Palin one lick.  It's not a secret that these two women are on opposite sides of the spectrum in their belief system.  I agree Palin didn't do well with Couric in that interview.  But I'm not going to dismiss her because of one interview.  I think it would be hard to sit in front of an interviewer who you knew hated you.  Who knows what was going on when the camera was shut off? 

I believe Couric is part of that liberal media, hard core old-guard feminist extremists leftover from the 1960s.  They are outraged and fear Palin because she is making them look bad and they are very agitated to say the least. 

These tired old lady activists whose causes of old were to burn bras, hate men and abort unwanted babies are now themselves becoming unwanted and disregarded. 

Palin comes along and the claws come out.  She is genuinely likable, intelligent, doesn't hate men, shoots moose but doesn't kill the babies in the womb, manages a large family and is politically successful.  And she's pretty and feminine to boot.  All without their support.  She does it all with a smile on her face and as a social and fically conservative has an "I am woman" approach.  She doesn't whine or shout along with all the the feminists activists.  She's an outsider and not appreciated by these radical feminists like Couric. 

I like Sara for many of the reasons Charles put up.  I think she's a welcome breath of fresh air and not part of the old boy network.  That and the fact she's got the Dems' shaking in their boots.  I actually get a kick out of seeing that. 

I mean com'on we've been crying for years to have fresh faces in leadership and not be part of the same old same old.  Now we have the chance to put our support where our mouths have been and instead of supporting this many are attacking her instead.   So what's up with that? 


on Oct 02, 2008

That's you rationalisation, KFC? "Palin is the victim of the soulless medias who hate her"? "Katie Couric hated Sarah Palin, that's why she made her look terribly bad"?

Sarah Couric is "on the opposite side of the spectrum"? How? Why? Because she asked question that were damned good ones to ask?

"We don't know what happened when the camera was off". Wtf? What is that supposed to mean? That Couric slapped Palin before/after the interview? Are you merely throwing speculations at random when something don't fit your personnal view of the world?

Couric is a "hardcore feminist". Loool. Way to go, defining a reported because she made your candidate look bad. Oh, sorry, I completely misspoke. She made a fair interview with Palin, and Sarah made herself look bad.

The whole rest of your point is about "she's not like Couric", COURIC IS A REPORTER! She is neutral! She actually participated to smearing Obama as a "muslim"! how can you say that she HATES Palin? How can you throw random accusation, speculations?

on Oct 02, 2008

But *that*.. come on, does she even KNEW what she was talking about? You can say a lot about many people, even Huckabee, but they usually knew what they were talking about in the first place (okay, maybe not Huckabee, but he seemed to attract the same crowd than Palin). I mean, you may consider them totally wrong, but they still know about the situation.

Again, people make mistakes, some bigger than others. I won't define Palin based on 1 interview. I just find it interesting that those who oppose her will use a single bad interview to point out how bad a choice she is while never accpeting other interviews as good. Take the Hannity interview. She did great there yet I don't see you giving her props there.

Obama, I can say, I can define my opinion about him. Time and again Obama has proven that when he gives prepared speeches he makes them seem like he's got this incredible ability to make words sound so powerful, profound and righteous <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> , but the moment you put him at an interview or an unscripted speech, Obama falls all over himself trying to get the words out and at times saying things that just sound plain stupid sometimes even if it's not what he meant to say such as a baby being a punishment for his daughters or our "57 States" (I guess you can say Obama didn't know what he was talking about when he said 57 States either) and who can forget the "clinging to their guns and religion" comment. But Biden relly takes the cake over Obama, going against Obama's choice for VP, telling Chuck Graham (who is handi-capped) to stand up, etc.

The interview I was using the transcripts of didn't struct me as trying to get out against Palin. I have seen way more aggressive interviews of political candidates over the years (and considering I'm only 22, that's says something!). So.. No. Palin was evasive on many points, and she wasn't answering. It's the interviewer's job to make the interviewee answer those question, or look bad if they don't (there has to be a price for not answering). Specially if the interviewee is saying nonsense, and you are aware of it.

I'll be honest and say I missed that interview so I can't say for sure how she was treated, but I have yet to see one (besides Hannity) who actually gave her a chance to be her without looking for a "gatcha" moment.

Do people really feel that way? I see nothing wrong with Couric questions, she's asking basic questions with sensible followups.

This was in general, not necessarily just this interview, but as I said above I did not see the entire enterview so I can't say with certainty it happened, but you see it enough times to believe it will from almost everyone. Just liek when Obama is interviewed, the only person I have seen so far to rough him up a bit (and in a respectable manner) was O'Reily.


on Oct 02, 2008

Sarah Couric

Did...did they have a baby?


Would've like to have seen the conception...  


on Oct 02, 2008

sorry, doublepost

on Oct 03, 2008

Well, I have to say I am glad to see that Palin didn't made a fool of herself in the debate! Except for a minor slip at the beginning, she have managed to get herself together. Somebody has been coaching her seriously about many topics, and that's very good to know.

EDIT: I should have specified why exactly why I am actually glad. It's just that having a politician who really made herself a fool live on TV (but not just stupid slips, I meant TO BE MADE A FOOL) would have been completely insulting for every american voters. I mean.. that's one of the two major choice you'd had to make?!

But that didn't happened! the Elections' dignity is saved

on Oct 03, 2008

the Elections' dignity is saved

It was lost 180 years ago.

on Oct 03, 2008

Dr Guy

It was lost 180 years ago.

Hush, the aren't supposed to notice that.

on Oct 03, 2008

Someone recently suggested that the Bristish wouldn't trust George dubya Bush with a pair of scissors over here, let alone the highest office in the land.

I have to say that this is absolutely true. =p

I must also point out that our solution to the emergence of a politician of Govn Palin's current substanceless celebrity profile would certainly be to lock them inside the Big Brother house for 4 months so that we could legally observe them 24 hours a day and make absolutely sure that they weren't a threat to civilisation. You never expect the spanish inquisition...or Davina McCall for that matter. Anyway I digress.

Unfortunately, all you guys seem to be getting is a ton of folksy anecdotes and a distinctly average performance in a debate that the candidate has been intensively coached to deal with (don't give me any of that exceeding expectations BS). Quite frankly, I would probably vote for McCain if I was a US citizen, but the idea of Palin being a broken heartbeat away from being your president scares the C**p out of me until she proves herself to be something other than a rapture ready hockey mom. The self proclaimed leader of the free world needs to be more than that, but right now she doesn't seem fit to be anything else.

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