The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Well, just when you thought Sarah Palin had been beaten, burnt, tazed, thrown off a cliff and basically strapped to a bomb and blown to bits (this is how I see the treatment of Sarah Palin by the Democrats and the Media) to the point it that doesn't seem like they can do anymore to completely destroy this womans life, the Democrats find a way to inflict even more damage to her.

Tomorrow is the most anticipated Vice Presidential Debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden. But we may as well rename it The Sarah Palin Trial as (LINK) reports that the moderator of tomorrow nights debate, Gwen Ifill, of PBS, is a supporter of Obama. The proof?

The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama

This book, written by Gwen Ifill, "surveys the American political landscape, shedding new light on the impact of Barack Obama’s stunning presidential campaign and introducing the emerging young African American politicians forging a bold new path to political power."

So how does this affect the debate? Well, to be honest, no one but Gwen really knows. But one can not stop wondering just how this will somehow affect Sarah considering she and McCain have been blasted at every chance by those siding with Obama. Take the TV show "The View" where Obama was treated like part of the family yet McCain was treated to insulting comments (like Whoopi's slave comment) and angry questions. Also Oprah's refusal to have Sarah on her show while she is all for Obama. So can we expect a decent debate from this moderator or will this simply be another situation where Sarah will be put on trial? We will have to wait till tomorrow and hope for the best.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 01, 2008

This Ifill hack has an invested interest in trying to damage palin... How would the left feel If Ann Coulter were doing the interview and she had a book due for release on the day of inauguration entitled "how I learned to love President McCain?'

on Oct 01, 2008

The fix is in.  That seems obvious.

on Oct 01, 2008

I have to say, this seems like a poor choice for an impartial debate moderator.

I will be watching the moderator and thier attitude towards the candidates as much as the candidates themselves.  I personally am hoping Sarah Palin gets a chance to prove herself more than I think she is - this is her chance to show she isn't the religious whacko I and many other independants see her as.  If she loses her chance to prove she has her own leg to stand on through a biased debate, I will be very upset.

on Oct 01, 2008

With the whole Messiah complex thing going on right now I'm starting to see an uphill battle for McCain/Palin.  The media absolutely hates Palin with a vengeance.   I've not seen this much obvious hatred in a candidate like this before.  It's like they are coming completely unglued trying to get at her.   I picture the media as all having weapons under the table as they interview her wanting to shred her to pieces when the camera shuts off. 

Around here locally I'm seeing lots of stickers for McCain and very few for Obama.  Hope that's a good "omen." 


on Oct 01, 2008

Where do you live, KFC?  It's about even around here, kinda matches America.  Kinda sucks that no matter who wins, 40-50% of the country loses in thier mindset.

We should really go back to electing the VP too.

on Oct 01, 2008

I wonder if Palin will actually answer a question.  I see several clips of her just dodging around a straight answer.  Moreso than most politicians, that is.

I'm sure fun will be had by all.


on Oct 01, 2008

Where do you live, KFC? It's about even around here, kinda matches America. Kinda sucks that no matter who wins, 40-50% of the country loses in thier mindset.


This is true.....about only half of the country will be happy but that's how it goes.  Win some....lose some.  We've had 8 years of Clinton and then 8 years of Bush.  So let the voting begin! 

 I wish it were over already.

on Oct 01, 2008

I just want to see fair play here. Any indication that Gwen is picking on Palin will automatically mean that Democrats don't deserve to win. If they feel they need to ride ever Republican just to win, then they are not a party who is confident they can win because they are the right choice. I don't want McCain to win before I think Obama is terrible, I pick McCain because he represents better my opinions on how to run the country. Granted I would not have chosen him but I just don't agree with Obama's ideas on how to run the country. If the Obama campaign feels the need to put the other perty candidates down so much and with such persistance then it means they have little or no confidence in their campaign and don't believe people could make the right choice, that's if they are the right choice.

Fairness, something Democrats scream they want, that is all I ask and that is all I expect from Gwen. I will give her the benefit of the doubt, but I will not ignore the fact that an Obama win is beneficial for her, in many ways.

on Oct 02, 2008

I just want to see fair play here. Any indication that Gwen is picking on Palin will automatically mean that Democrats don't deserve to win.

But.. have you seen the recent interviews given by Palin? She was digging her own grave! Just the way she answered about the Bailout or her foreign policy's credential, or McCain's roadtrack about legislating financial companies... It's not like the interviewer was out to make her look bad, she said all these things herself!

Now, if she goes on with the same... err.. quality of statement than in these interviews, do you think it's going to look like everybody was picking on her?

on Oct 02, 2008

But.. have you seen the recent interviews given by Palin? She was digging her own grave! Just the way she answered about the Bailout or her foreign policy's credential, or McCain's roadtrack about legislating financial companies... It's not like the interviewer was out to make her look bad, she said all these things herself!

Now, if she

That is the 2 edge sword.  Now that the "fix" has been exposed, any hint of a bend towards Obama/Biden will queer the debate to Palin.  Indeed, Ifill has to bend towards her, or her goose is cooked.  So if Palin is as bad as you say, that will never come out.  All that will come out is that the media has picked the messiah, and is not even trying to hide the fact they are out to get Palin.

It is a lose-lose for the Biden side right now.

on Oct 02, 2008

That is the 2 edge sword. Now that the "fix" has been exposed, any hint of a bend towards Obama/Biden will queer the debate to Palin. Indeed, Ifill has to bend towards her, or her goose is cooked. So if Palin is as bad as you say, that will never come out.[/quote]

I.. don't know. I mean, have you looked at the transcripts of her answer about the Bailout?

[quote=COURIC]Why isn't it better, Governor Palin, to spend $700 billion helping middle-class families struggling with health care, housing, gas and groceries? ... Instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?[/quote]

[quote=PALIN]Ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up the economy- Oh, it's got to be about job creation too. So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions

Maybe she will do better than *that*, off course. But if, for a very good and neutral question, she answers like that... Are we really going to blame Gwen for that?

It is a lose-lose for the Biden side right now.

Maybe. The expectation of Palin to act like a fool is sure high, so maybe she will beat the expectations! But Gwen hasn't wrote about Obama, so why do everybody thinks she is a democract-hardcore supporter?

on Oct 02, 2008

But.. have you seen the recent interviews given by Palin? She was digging her own grave! Just the way she answered about the Bailout or her foreign policy's credential, or McCain's roadtrack about legislating financial companies... It's not like the interviewer was out to make her look bad, she said all these things herself! Now, if she goes on with the same... err.. quality of statement than in these interviews, do you think it's going to look like everybody was picking on her?

Look, if she screws up, there is no hiding that. But you can't tell me it won't be obvious that the form of questioning towards Palin is on purpose if it does happen? This is not about the way she answers, it's about the way she is questioned. Just take "The View" for example comparing how Obama was treated vs how McCain was treated. Sure, that show is not a controlled enviroment like the debates will be, but that does not mean some people won't try to push their own agendas when given the chance.

The way I see it, no matter how much trust they wanna put Gwen, knowing her neutrality could be compromised because of the book, which was not mentioned to the McCain campaign BTW, should be enough to reconsider a change. But it's too late now since the debate is tonite. Let's just hope she does prove everyone wrong. I don't mind being wrong when the results are good.

on Oct 02, 2008

Maybe she will do better than *that*, off course. But if, for a very good and neutral question, she answers like that... Are we really going to blame Gwen for that?

You know, McCain has also said things that would make you wonder if he is fit to the run the country. But then so has Obama and Biden, even Hillary did it. Are we to say that people aren't always gonna get the right answer every time? Last I checked we are looking for a human do run for President, not a God, though Obama seems to think otherwise. What they say does not always bother me, not unless they are constantly saying it over and over. It's what they do now and what they might do later that concerns me.

Of course no one actually cares that every time Palin is interviewed, the questioning does always come across as an "I'm out to get you" interview. I mean, even O'Reily  put Obama on the spot but in a respectful manner.

Personally, it's one thing to not agree with a candidates opinion and policies, but I don't get this fear towards Palin. She is a woman, a politician, a mother and an American. She has something in common with most people in this country, I have yet to see any evidence of a monster, and alien or some kind of mutation in her. I like her even more if she can get the Democrats to tremble every time she shows her face to the point they are looking for anything to make her look bad.

on Oct 02, 2008

You know, McCain has also said things that would make you wonder if he is fit to the run the country. But then so has Obama and Biden, even Hillary did it. Are we to say that people aren't always gonna get the right answer every time? Last I checked we are looking for a human do run for President, not a God, though Obama seems to think otherwise. What they say does not always bother me, not unless they are constantly saying it over and over. It's what they do now and what they might do later that concerns me.

I can't deny that everybody have done mistake, and said stupid things over the course of the campaign.

But *that*.. come on, does she even KNEW what she was talking about? You can say a lot about many people, even Huckabee, but they usually knew what they were talking about in the first place (okay, maybe not Huckabee, but he seemed to attract the same crowd than Palin). I mean, you may consider them totally wrong, but they still know about the situation.

Healthcare?!?! Wtf?!

Of course no one actually cares that every time Palin is interviewed, the questioning does always come across as an "I'm out to get you" interview. I mean, even O'Reily put Obama on the spot but in a respectful manner.

The interview I was using the transcripts of didn't struct me as trying to get out against Palin. I have seen way more aggressive interviews of political candidates over the years (and considering I'm only 22, that's says something!). So.. No. Palin was evasive on many points, and she wasn't answering. It's the interviewer's job to make the interviewee answer those question, or look bad if they don't (there has to be a price for not answering). Specially if the interviewee is saying nonsense, and you are aware of it.

And.. I didn't thought Couric was disrespectful against Palin. Like I said, when Palin was saling bullshits, she called her bluff, but outside of this, it was very average-like respect of a regular interviewer.

on Oct 02, 2008

the questioning does always come across as an "I'm out to get you" interview.

Do people really feel that way? I see nothing wrong with Couric questions, she's asking basic questions with sensible followups.

See this video for example (almost the same questions for both VP candidates). Yep, the video makes her look like a fool, but not because of the questions...

Why in your view is Roe v. Wade a bad decision?

Do you think there is an inherent right to privacy in the constitution?

It's a cornerstone of Roe versus wade.

What other supreme court decisions do you disagree with?

Now if there is anything wrong with those questions, I would really like to know...

She's not an expert and that's ok, but at least we should expect her to be able to read, understand and remember a 5-pages brief prepared by her staff. Even without remembering the names of the specific cases, she should be able to at least give some sort of detailed info. I just don't understand how she can do so bad

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