Makes me wonder just how passionate are some gamers about the political parties and the politicians they like or dislike when they learn that politicians could actually have advertisements within certain video games they purchase.
Imagine an Obama ad that actually shows up in a billboard on a video game. Imagine no more. According to a
Talking Points Memo article, virtual billboards within games like
Burnout Paradise for the xBox 360 can be bought just like billboard space out in the real world. Hmm, I guess I won't be seeing this game grace my TV, ever. Sorry, not an Obama fan. Here what it looks like:
(Image from Talking Points Memo article)
But as I asked before, could something such as an Obama ad within a game influence a buyer who is aware of it? I mean, the billboards in the real world are not the same since they can be changed and Obama will not be running for President for ever, but to have to play a game where I get to see his face telling me to vote for him will definitely make me not wanna play these games. To be honest, I would not want one with McCain, or any candidate for that matter.
I think this is to extreme for my taste. Politicians need to stay away from these kinds of things. I don't want my children being influenced thru their video games by politicians. Makes no sense to me to be honest because while gaming is not limited to younger people who are not old enough to vote, it seems like this kind of advertisement is aiming at a crowd that can easily be influenced while making it seem that it is those who can vote the ones these ads were meant for. Kinda like when the Camel cigarette company was using a cartoon as their mascot. But hey, it's just my humble opinion, what say you about this?