The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

(Warning, it’s obvious to most people that I am not an Obama fan and that my comments that follow will most likely be biased. But my comments are from the heart, they are based on my feeling and my understanding of the issues and how they should be resolved. So if you are looking for links to some of the comments I make below, look somewhere else because there are more than enough links on this site thru out it’s articles that I don’t see the point in repeating them here since I am sure most have already read them or about them several times already. Either way, Google is your best friend.)


So for the past year or so things have gone from not doing too good to what the hell just happened. While the economy showed that it was still alive and kicking, things in the US were definitely not as good as they once were before Bush took office. Very few here disagree that Bush messed up a lot of things. It’s ironic to think that many of his screw ups closely resemble Democratic ideals, such as bigger Gov’t, massive spending and even Gov’t hand-outs. It was not a real shocker that in 2006 Democrats were able to over run the Republicans and take control of Congress and come very close to taking over the Senate completely, but what is a real shocker to those who pay attention and actually care to understand is that for the past 2 years Congress has had the lowest approval ratings ever, even below that of Bush’s.


Then there’s the housing crisis. People bought houses they couldn’t afford, banks made loans they shouldn’t have and the Gov’t sat there and not only did they not make a real effort to stop this train wreck but they even encouraged it by passing legislation that either made it easier for these high risk buyers to get these loans and/or forced banks to approve these loans. All in the name of trying to help the little people. Not only did the Democrats get this legislation passed but the Republicans made very little effort to stop or even fix them, even when they saw this coming from a mile away. Now, we find ourselves wondering if we will ever recover from this dilemma. And the partial solution? More Democratic ideals implemented in the form of a bailout.


Now we have a guy who wants to be our President and his policies to “change” the direction of this Nation is to, again, pass more Democratic ideals. Affordable (free) healthcare for everyone (paid for by the rich), higher taxes for the rich and tax reduction for the non-rich (redistribution of wealth), make friends with enemies who basically hate us and what we stand for as a nation by letting them set bar on how to be at peace, etc.


Maybe I’m stupid, maybe my ignorance is so big I don’t have the capacity to understand it, but it seems to be that, even when applied by a Republican, Democratic ideals are what have us in this mess for starters, so how exactly will more Democratic ideals get us out of if?


Can someone explain to me how if Bush screwed up by cutting taxes while rising spending, how exactly will Obama’s plan to reduce taxes to 95% of Americans (his own words), which will not only mean less taxes towards the Gov’t but tax refund to those who don’t pay taxes at all, and rising taxes on the rich 5% (anyone who makes $250,000 or more), all this while rising welfare help, unemployment help, SCHIP (meant for children) to include adults (that makes no sense) and his Universal Healthcare plan, is any different that what Bush did?


I am a proud American and I love my country, I would not change it for the world. And while I’ll admit some changes are needed due to things not going to well, my idea of change is not to go from American Values (work hard and earn you way in life) to European Values (work hard or not you will still earn you way in life because it’s fair). This is the United States of America; people gave their lives to become an Independent Nation from Europe. Our values have made this country the most powerful country in the world and even in these hard times we still manage to stay afloat and many believe we will get thru this crisis just like we have before. So why do we want to make this the Europe of the West by voting for a man who believes European values should be part of the American system? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t dislike Europe or think they are bad or that their system is terrible. I just don’t believe their type system (a socialist type) is what I (and many others) want. We are different countries, their system works for them, but does not work for us.


This is the United States of American, a country built on the backs of hard working people who believed in the American Dream. We may have had our dark moments in history (but so has every other nation around the world) but that does not negate the fact that the people of this Nation who work for a living believe they should keep more of their money (regardless if it’s $100, $1000 or $1,000,000) because they believe they earned it. Key word “earned”. I am willing to bet my life that if asked, every hard working American would not with the idea of redistributing the wealth (even if what they made was $100, $1000 or $1,000,000).


There is 1 and only 1 reason Obama may win this election. Ignorance. People will vote for Obama not because they understand and accept his policies, not because they believe his plans make sense and will work, not because his policies are exactly what this country need. They will vote for him because he is Black, because he is a great talker, because he claims to wanna help the poor and middle class and more than anything because he anything but Bush. You may not agree with what I just said but lets face it, if the average American was actually educated enough to make an educated decision on who should be our next President, perhaps Bush would have never been voted in twice and perhaps we would not have this housing crisis in the first place.


Just like the saying goes “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, I say  “bad loans don’t mess up economies, people mess up the economy”. Banks would never have given these bad loans had people never taken them.


The facts are out there and your choice to either ignore them, interpret them differently or not understand them at all will be what decides the fate and future of this nation. It’s your choice to vote for which ever candidate you chose, but when you do, make it your business to make and educated decision. That way you won’t feel stupid when you realize the mistake you might have made.

on Oct 22, 2008

You forget - Liberals do not rely on facts - just feelings.