The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
I find myself wondering about how most Americans truly see things in the US today. With the housing crisis keeping many people up at night, Wall Street shaking the US and every countries economy like dice in a cup, jobs being lost left and right and gas prices going up and down like Flubber (never slowing down); one would think Obama would be winning this election hands down. That Obama, being seen as our savior, the man with the plan, the One, he who will bring the change that is needed; would be so far ahead that McCain may as well be there just as an option rather than a choice, like Ralph Nader and those other 3rd party options out there. But instead Obama is still in a dead heat in some states, and close or within the margin of error in other states while in some states he has commanding leads and in others McCain rules. I was looking at a website to get a general idea of how the country is currently divided. Now sure, it would seem Obama is winning basically by more electoral votes, but again, one would think there would be more Blue States, than Red states or very few undecided.

So with all the problems we are currently witnessing on TV, on the radio or in magazines and newspapers, and most of the blame being put on the Republicans, basically due to them being the ones in the White House currently and the House and Senate previously to 2006, why is Obama not winning by a landslide, why do so many people still oppose Obama, why is McCain still a threat to Obama's victory?

Considering 95% of Americans (the work force according to adjusted comments about Obama's 95% comments) would benefit from Obama's policies, how come he does not have, say, 95% of the vote (figuratively speaking of course)? Just how much do people truly believe in Obama's idea of change?

on Oct 22, 2008

Charles, this is a bit off topic but since you mentioned the 95% thing not equating to 95% support for Obama, I took it one step further. How about the men and women fighting the terrible war that keeps them from their loved ones, and a large majority of Democrats do not support? Surely there must be overwhelming support for Obama there. Well the Army Times held just such a poll from Sept. 22 to Sept. 29, 2,813 active-duty members, 1,480 members of the National Guard or reserve and 4,411 retirees participated. The figures include only those respondents who indicated they are registered and intend to vote in the election. Here are the "results". Some reader may be surprised, others may not, but either way the MSM won't mention it.

on Oct 22, 2008

but either way the MSM won't mention it.

Fox did.

To the Article:  At times, it really seems like this is a race to lose.  Obama has done almost nothing right (except get Acorn to steal the nomination for him), nor has McCain.  if we are looking at voting FOR a candidate, Obama would get about 30% (the loons) and McCain about 25% ("hate mongering" people who call Obama a socialist) , and the rest would go to anyone but.