The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on November 4, 2008 By CharlesCS In Blogging
Well, I finally voted. As sad as this may sound, this is actually my first time voting. For years I had very little interest in politics, but my political side began to itch just before I started hanging out in JU, right before Bush's second term. By then I still did not have the drive to get myself registered to vote so I missed out on voting in 2004 and when 2006 came, I was still not mentally ready.

Well, that all changed this year. Seeing how things were going, I felt it was my duty as a proud citizen of this great country called the United States of American to go out and make my voice heard thru my right to vote.

Unlike many around the country, I went to vote at about 5:30 PM and there were no lines what so every, I was actually in and out in about 5 minutes. The voting system used was not all that complicated although the way the ballot was set up could have been made much more clearly, I can see how some might get confused and some ballots may become invalid.

I will be honest and say not only did I vote for McCain/Palin but I voted Republican across the board. I have issues with the Democratic position and I just couldn't see myself voting for them.

Here's my proof:

I hope McCain wins, but if Obama does I will simply accept it and hope for the best. As of today I will not only work to educate myself in manners of Gov't inner workings, but I will also treat every day as if the end is near. That is simply my feelings about Obama as President. If I were Black and running for President, I would not want to go down in history as the First Black President who got voted in, not because I was the best choice, but because I was Black, minority and anything but Bush.

on Nov 04, 2008

way to go Charles! 

Love the pic! 



on Nov 04, 2008

Way to go Charles! You did what you believed, good for you!  I left my sticker on my steering pad.  I voted Democratic, full throttle myself!  Yeah!

on Nov 04, 2008

This is what this day is all about. Regardless of our beliefs and political choices, we are all Americans in the end and we have to believe we are all voting for what we believe is best for the country.

I may disagree with some here and at times sound like a jerk, but I will always respect your opinions, I will simply tell you I think you are wrong.

on Nov 04, 2008

This is what this day is all about. Regardless of our beliefs and political choices, we are all Americans in the end and we have to believe we are all voting for what we believe is best for the country.I may disagree with some here and at times sound like a jerk, but I will always respect your opinions, I will simply tell you I think you are wrong.

You're right! No, I'm right!  Yes, I am! Nope you are....ok, enough...I'm winding down, time to get the little one in bed. Whatever the outcome....God Bless America! 

on Nov 04, 2008

God Bless America!

I second that. If those who voted against Bush had to deal with him for 8 years, we can survive 4 years of Obama.

on Nov 04, 2008

I second that. If those who voted against Bush had to deal with him for 8 years, we can survive 4 years of Obama



on Nov 05, 2008

A valiant effort.  We will see if Obama moves to the center to govern.  SOmehow with Pelosi and reid being the harpies they are, I doubt it.